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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. Annihilation


    Pop Deadly Saber midjump, Battering Assault to build rage, apply Rupture and go to down. Things just melt. I'm in md-40s now, and I don't even stop between pulls, literally zero downtime.


    I actually feel Mara is the fastest class to level. As a BH, I have to hold back because of heat issues. As a Sorc, I can AoE way better but there's some downtime involved because someone will end up taking damage, either myself or the pet. Operative and Sin both kill way slower because of energy issues. I can literally make 3/4 to a full level in about an hour of playing on my Mara right now, but that's with rested bonus. That's a crazy speed when you are doing your last 5 levels.

  2. I used this exact skill to teach a Sorc friend of mine what Resolve is. Whirlwind gives 3/4 of Resolve, the stun after when it gets broken makes it full.


    Neat. It's been a while since I logged on my Sorc. And I hardly ever use WW in PvP these days, with 2 sec cast. But good to know.

  3. Not to invalidate other complaints/opinions, but personally I probably would not have even noticed there was a change if I hadn't read the forums before I played.


    Lucky you. I have a friend who walked down a block past the spot where the school we went to used to be, and now it is a parking lot. And he didn't notice a thing either. He's one of the happiest people I know.


    Having said that, the new cooldown effect is absolutely horrible. Can't you just rip off OmniCC from WoW like you ripped off all of the Sith Juggernaut abilities? If an amateur can make an addon like that, quickly and for free, surely your elite team of world class programmers can make something like it in a couple of months?

  4. It works.


    The 15% run speed boost works only IN combat. And therefore quite obviously doesn't stack with Sprint, which only works OUT of combat.


    Get yourself in a duel with someone who doesn't have a +15% movement speed talent. Stand side by side, and start running. After a few seconds you'll notice you are pulling ahead. That's your 15% boost at work.


    It's the same for all classes - Sins, PTs, etc.


    It will NOT help you get out of the cave quicker. All it does is help you go from mob to mob while in combat quicker. Or catch up to a runner in PvP if you didn't slow him and he doesn't have the same talent.

  5. Stuns are fine for the most part. Most of them generate quite high amount of resolve. CC is fine too - Sorc Whirlwind maxes out resolve and makes you immune, as it should.


    The problem is knockbacks, roots and slows. They each need the amount of resolve they generate to be doubled at least. Also, WHILE UNDER the effect of root or slow, your resolve MUST NOT drain. All too often I get knocked back with high resolve, but knockback has a 5 sec root on it. And I'm standing there for 5 seconds while my resolve is draining, so we can CC me again. That's just not right.

  6. So I have been watching some youtube videos and it seems like in competitive PvP with dispels, an infiltration shadow is an absolute monster, especially shadows because of the project delay. Bursting can happen for consistent 9k with 2 globals, except those two globals hit within .7s or so because of delay...definitely considering this as my main class.


    Make sure the footage isn't old. Until 2 patches ago, you could stack various damage buffs and get absolutely insane numbers. Since then, this stacking is no longer possible.

  7. That's why people say Marauders suck. And fanboys will tell you either L2P or the good old "not balanced around 1v1", which is such a copout. If the game isn't balanced 1v1, it sure as holy hell isn't balanced XvX.


    The usual answers they will give you is "don't use charge, run at him". Which works, if he just stands there adjusting himself in a burlesque fashion. If he has a brain, he'll run away from you, pelting you with shots. You're taking damage, he's not. Eventually, he wins. Blow your charge, you eat a CC and you're back where you started.


    The slightly better answer will be "run at him and pop Force Camo". Against absolute morons, it works about 75% of the time. Anyone slightly smarter will run away from the last spot you were seen, and possibly blow their own movement enhancer to counter your speed boost while under Camo. Then you pop out, and you're still back to square one.


    The even better answer will be "Pop Fury->Predation and then Force Camo if you need it". This actually works most of the time. Of course it also depends entirely on having a 3 min CD available each time you fight someone with a brain. Which, in this game, works out quite nicely. But against someone with good CC who is good at chaining them without maxing out your resolve too soon, it's still not enough.

  8. I have a PT in 40s, OP at high 30s. I'd choose the PT, if I had to pick just one.


    Having said that, Operative is not without its charm, just a different playstyle. I just feel with Grapple and possibly Jet Jump the PT brings more to the table in Warzones than Operative.

  9. It'd be exciting if we had a combat log so we didn't actually have to settle for "it feels like" polls as our best bet. In other games, this would be laughed off the front page. In TOR, it's the only hope.


    SWTOR can't have a combat log. If it did, we would find out within days just how many freakishly bugged abilities and talents there are in this game, and prove in no time flat which classes are OP.


    Can't have that. No combat log. That way we always go by feel and anecdotal evidence, and Bioware can pretty much do as they please.


    Why am I so jaded? Sigh. Can't wait for Mass Effect 3 demo next week, I'll take a nice long break from this piece of junk and give serious thought to not coming back.

  10. I'm pretty sure Marauders can't attack while using Force Camo or they lose their invulnerability.


    Yeah, but Anni spec, they stack the bleeds on you and vanish. They are still doing 80% of their nominal DPS, and you are doing diddly squat to them. Also anyone who happens to be running by will see just a friendly and keep on running, since most players in SWTOR have the memory of a goldfish.

  11. I thought this was just in my head, but I noticed it too on my tank Assassin. Didn't notice anything on my Mara or Pyro PT though... Just my Assassin seems to fold a lot faster now than last night.


    Could just be my imagination, but that's what it feels like.

  12. At least Mass Effect is made by the competent Bioware team.


    BAH! *knocking furiously on wood, spitting over the left shoulder*


    Don't jinx it!




    I'm shocked at the grind for pvp gear. Even if the non-counting wins bug were fixed it would still be a brutal grind given the inconsistent and repeat tokens, but with the bug (and the new Illum disaster) it is not acceptable.


    You folks don't remember what vanilla WoW PvP was like, do you? The grind for High Warlord title? Now THAT was a grind. This is nothing. This is peanuts by comparison.

  13. Oh well, making them drop their cd is still a win, and it's not always up when they want to vanish. Do Marauders have it debuff remover too?


    If you're blowing 3 min CD anyway, like Force Cloak. Might as well blow a 1 min CD like Force Shroud and do it right. :D


    And no, Maras don't get a removal tool. But if they are Annihilation, their Force Camo makes them 100% immune to damage for its 4 second duration, so they won't bust out of it just because there's a DoT on them. But it's 4 sec max, no big deal. What Maras can do though is chain Force Camo and Undying Rage into 9 seconds of 99.6% damage reduction. Which is pretty beastly.

  14. Would be great if someone slapped together a post-patch Madness PvP video. Doesn't have to be stellar, just an average match to see how things play out. I'm still having trouble picturing how exactly it would work, even on paper. I'm also having trouble giving up Force Pull and Spike out of stealth, not to mention the slow on Wither.
  15. Spike is a knockkdown you cant recvoer with any of your "stun breaker" skills, so yes it is the main and the best CC in PVP due to the fact it can put down anybody and there is no defence against it.


    I think you can. You just have to press a movement key as you trinket, otherwise the "getting up" animation will keep playing and it'll look like you're still CCd, even though you're not.


    At least that's how it worked on the Operative knockdown, so I imagine it's the same for Sins.

  16. We actually use our lightsabers, we can stealth, we can vanish.


    Stealth is nice. But I'd rather be able to effectively DPS people up to 30m away than stealth to them.


    Vanish is on 3 min CD, with any spec but Deception. Hardly worth even talking about as far as WZs go.


    To me, a Madness Sin is just a retarded Sorcerer. Kinda reminds me of Balance druids in WoW being just retarded mages, back in the day. Same general approach, but far less effective due to numerous shortcomings.


    Keep in mind, I have barely played Madness on my Sin, so I'm totally talking out of my butt right now. I have however played exclusively Madness on my Sorc. And it clearly works very well for Sorc, and is very clunky for Sins.


    But hey, I'd love to be proven wrong. Maybe after this patch I'll actually see more than 2-3 people playing Madness. So far, off the top of my head, I've seen 2 vids of Madness Sins, and in both cases the player was vastly outgearing the enemy and underperforming compared to a Madness Sorc.

  17. Thing is they actually do if you pit them against each other. In fact, Darkness Assassin now > all 1v1. The patch edged us past the best Mauraders and Powertechs.


    Yeap, Force Lightning being uninterruptible with HD just WRECKS them. They need to save their CC for just FL, otherwise they take way too much damage. And all their interrupts have no effect. And if I spike them just before I channel, most of the damage still gets through.


    Darkness Sins are definitely viable. Running into one who ALREADY had a 3x stack from a previous fight is downright nasty.


    I wouldn't say we're OP though. But definitely not weak any more.

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