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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. I noticed the same thing. It seems like it hits for a lot less and sometimes although the animation goes off it doesnt seem to do anything at all.


    This happens with every class, it's a bug in the game. I have had it happen with Unload and Force Choke on my PT and Marauder. I had it happen on execute with Marauder as well - I press it, it goes on CD, but no animation and no damage at all. So in my experience, it happens to both channeled and unchanneled spells, and for at least 3 classes.

  2. Just wanted to confirm with the general populace, this is true? Purely speaking from a "larger damage number" at the end of the warzone on the scoreboard?


    Confirm or deny?


    Confirm, at least for me.


    But only because as tank spec I spend most of the match alive, and doing damage. As Deception, I spend most of the match dead between bursts of considerably higher damage.


    And it's not a L2P issue. It depends more on people I'm fighting. If I'm fighting absolute morons, keyboard turners, etc., and I outgear them to boot, Deception is fine. If I play competent players, Darkness pulls out ahead considerably because anyone with more than half a brain can easily counter Deception.

  3. ah yea, my bad indeed, but It wont be me choice anyway, since HD with 3 ticks (still 3 shocks away) is still interruptable by knockbacks and other CCs...only immune to jolt and stuff.


    It's not 3 shocks away. Wither gives 1, Shock gives other. Then you Thrash, once or twice for Electrify to reset the cooldown on Shock, which is only 6 seconds to begin with, and you get the 3 stack.


    As for interrupting, that's why just below Harnessed Darkness you have neat little Spike out of stealth. Spike them, and THEN channel it with Recklesness up, and then use up the remaining charge of Recklesness with another Shock.


    You build up the 3-stacks INCREDIBLY fast.

  4. You know what? Bioware is really bad at this ripping off stuff from WoW. Blizzard is really good at ripping off stuff from everybody, because they've been doing it for 20+ years. Give Bioware some time to learn.


    And Bioware, look at WoW's most popular addons for crying out loud! It's how Bethesda makes all their money with the same tired old engine for almost 8 years now. They release a game with mod tools, then they re-release same old game with best user addons from previous games, in a new wrapper, and make a boatload of money. LEARN, people!


    How is that relevant to the topic? Look at WoW UI addons. The most popuar ones allow you to hide names and titles, and only show you health, mana/energy/rage and combo points/whatever. The stuff you NEED to know. I don't need to know the guy's name. I don't need his titles. What I do need is to know how much health he's got and how many resources he's worth with. Same goes for my own char and my team.

  5. Spent the evening switching between this and 31/0/10 and back again. Probably blew a couple of hundred thousand creds. Then again, what else am I supposed to spend it on?


    Anyway, still undecided. Being able to virtually spam the uninterruptible lightning is nice, you do build it up considerably faster with Wither.


    But on the other hand, coming out of stealth with this hybrid and just going absolutely ape on someone without really worrying about force for 6 seconds is quite nice, and Thrash crits are pretty beastly.


    Still undecided though. Some fights I come out of stealth and eat a facefull of CC, and Dark Embrace effect is wasted. And sometimes it's just crit->shock->crit->double shock->crit and they just crumble.


    I still think it's a nice build. Wither is nice to have (currently I have it once again). If it counted towards protection medals, the 5% you save people, I would TOTALLY go 31/0/10 without a second thought. But as it is, I don't feel I really NEED it per se for my own sake, or my team's. My team has better snares, and 5% reduction is negligible in the long run.

  6. I quite liked it. And it's quite a bit different from Sith Warrior, for example. As a warrior, you get a "yarr, warrior crush!" vibe and dialogue. As an inquisitor, you kinda feel hunted half the time.


    Though in my opinion Bioware really screwed up the story at some points by making it ludicrously predictable. But that really goes for all classes. They all have a twist, and you can always see it coming a mile away. Or maybe it's just me.


    Anyway, Inquisitor definitely has a nice story.

  7. I'm on a PvP server, but kinda wish I went PvE instead.


    World PvP sucks in this game, and people who partake in it suck even more. Not once was I attacked without overwhelming odds. Ever. Never had a player my level roll up, politely wait until I finished killing the mobs, and duke it out with me. Which is a civilized thing to do. It's always some spineless twit jumping you when you already have your hands full with a hard pull.

  8. Anyway, all this thread really shows is how much people over-value medals and how easy they are for some classes to get. 16 medals is impressive, but in a "Hm, haven't seen that before." way. Not really in a, "Wow, he's good." way. It really is frustrating sometimes seeing how highly people value silly medals that have nothing to do with objectives at all.


    That's...because the game is designed that way?


    Bioware designed the game so that medals are vastly more important than winning. Winning with 1-3 medals you get less comms than losing with 10-12 medals. If your goal is to gear up, the SYSTEM, which is DESIGNED by Bioware, encourages you to care only about medals.

  9. Wither wins you games, especially PUG. Wither on defenders in Voidstar when a door blows up, and whoever is your frontmost character usually has an unopposed run to the brdige if not the next door. Drop Wither on enemy reinforcements running to a node in Alderran and now they don't have reinforcements (on time). Drop Wither on a bunch of guys closing in on your ball carrier and now they'll take that much longer to catch up.


    Not to rain on the parade, but really? Inquisitors can just Force Sprint, PTs can jet jump, warriors can charge, a Marauder can pop Predation. In case you don't know, Predation is party-wide 50% run speed boost for 10 seconds, 80% if talented. Wither only slows people 30%. It's not nearly enough. Too many classes have way too many speed boosts and gap closers for Wither to have much of an effect.


    Even in general PvP, Wither means your ranged will run circles around enemy melee, and your melee can always catch up to a fleeing enemy range. Yes, it doesn't do much for you actually, and there isn't going to be a medal that says "You just won the game" but it's pretty much the most crippling skill in the game.


    Again, only if enemy melee is bloody retarded. Which melee cannot stop a kiter? Mara? They have 12 sec 50% slow with no cooldown, charge on 10 sec cooldown, Camo gives +30% movement for duration, plus Predation. Juggs? AoE 50% slow with no cooldown, charge, knockback resetting charge. Ops? 10m ranged 50% snare with 12 sec duration. Etc., etc. Seriously, if Wither with its 30% is having any serious effect, you are just fighting bads.


    I'm not saying Wither is useless. But it's not really a skill that affects any situation in a massive way. It is an annoying debuff, but it will not ruin anyone's day.

  10. Surprised to see so many builds skipping out on Wither, it seems like such an incredibly useful ability in group PvP.


    From my personal experience, Wither is more of a team-oriented ability. You slap it on when enemy is bunched up, and they're all slow-walking for 18 seconds (longest snare in the game?) and doing 5% less damage no matter what. It's awesome, yes. But it isn't really a game-changer per se. Yes, it lets you stack the 3x Harnessed Darkness much faster. And you live a little bit longer. But that's it.


    YOU specifically don't really need the slow on Wither. Force Slow, Force Pull and Force Speed are more than sufficient in most scenarios. It helps others, but not really you.


    The 5% damage reduction, while nice, again doesn't really help YOU all that much. It helps the squishier members of your team, but you're a pretty tough cookie already.


    That's why I think so many skip it. It benefits the team, but for the most part WZs are not about the team, since almost nobody outside of premades plays like a team.


    And having tried this spec, I don't really miss Wither all that much. I mean, I DO miss it, but I haven't been in a situation where I thought to myself "Well, crap, if I had Wither right now this would have been totally different." At least I've yet to run into a situation where having or not having Wither would have been a definitive difference between a win or a loss.

  11. It happens. In my personal experience, and this is just my opinion and nothing more, is that this game has some of the stupidest, most moronic PvP players I have ever seen in all my life. This is not an exaggeration. I've done PvP in every MMO I've ever played, and people in SWTOR are just abysmal.


    Not all of them, obviously, but a vast majority. It is very, very rare that I find myself in a group where even 3-4 people are capable of functioning as a unit.

  12. And its so commonplace an exploit that EVERYONE has seen it yet nothing has been done. Meanwhile the Empire just keeps exploiting and getting better and better gear with NO reprecussions.


    This seems to be the way with Bioware, which is pissing off a lot of people. After the whole Ilum debacle, people expected a rollback, or at least some mass bans or character deletions. Nothing happened. A guildie of mine basically exploited all day that day. He still laughs about it. Nothing was ever done about it.


    Now these other exploits I've seen. Like people standing on top of turrets (way up 30m above). People standing inside doors. Other exploits. At least in WoW when you reported someone for hacking, they would disappear after a few games, presumably with a ban or a suspension. But in SWTOR people can cheat away sure in the knowledge that nothing will ever be done about it.


    Really decimated the confidence players have in the game.

  13. Yeeees, this is obvious reason. "tinfoil hats on"


    So even by your "reason" marauders will be nerfed very soon - since they mop the floor with sorc.


    That's not too far fetched. Happens in MMOs all the time. Buddy of mine was playing a mage in WoW when Cata rolled around, and he freely and openly admitted his class was grossly overpowered. The only class that could reliably take him was a druid, specifically feral druid - class with high DoT bleed damage, highly mobile, almost impossible to kite, with a short interrupt. Sound familiar? Yeah, Anni Mara.


    What happens? Mages cry to high heaven. There's WAAAAAY more mages than there are druids. Within a month or so, druids get nerfed into the ground. As in, class mechanics that were present since release day got changed, specifically so they would no longer be a threat to one class - mages.


    Sound familiar? That's exactly what happened with Operatives. And now it looks like people have taken aim at Marauders next.


    Funnily enough, only now, over a year later, Blizzard is finally starting to say stuff like "Crap, yes, I guess mages are a little too much, we're going to have to limit the CC they can get a bit." And since Bioware is basically following the Blizzard handbook of horrible, stupid mistakes step by step, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Maras nerfed, and still no nerfs to Sorc or Merc, which take considerably less skill to play.

  14. Just look at the video that has been posted 3-4 times in this thread already. here I'll post it one more time:


    There is like one fight 1v1, the rest he's outnumbered 1v2, 1v3, 1v4.


    Dude, do you have a brain? Make sure it's plugged in.


    That video you linked, the very first fight is a 3v1. Two of those people are also Marauders. Which is a mirror of the Sentinel. He beats them anyway. What does it prove? That Sentinel > Marauder? NO. It proves that bad players are bad. Nothing more, nothing less.


    If anything, this video you linked shows that a well played character can spank just about anyone. Including it's own mirror class. Even if outnumbered 2 to 1.

  15. Can't you play a WZ to enjoy PvP, win games, enjoy a good match etc. and also enjoy an overarching progression applied to your character and some decent loot for good performance?


    They are not mutually exclusive. I play a Maurader and I 100% agree with the OP. I still play warzones. I still enjoy them. But a lot of my buddies have access to medals that I don't. A healer buddy who can DPS can easily get 8 medals if he plays on point with guildies supporting him through a WZ. A tank buddy has the same enjoyment. If both play really well they're up in the 10/11 medals.


    If I do everything correct, the most medals I can get is 7 medals! On average, I get 5 since I try to play as a team and thus rarely get the assassin (solo kill) medal. It seems unfair that I try really hard to get the same amount of medals that healers/tanks get with half the effort... and with a little effort they increase their medal yeild by 50%.


    Exactly this. And medals translate into valor/comms, and that translates into gear. How is it remotely fair that someone gets more for doing exactly the same thing? People have been fighting to stop this nonsense for who knows how long, based on gender, race, etc. But it looks like the idiot mentality that it's somehow OK is still alive and well in gaming.

  16. I'm so sick of these threads. Just deal with it. You sound like a whiny little brat crying to his mommy.


    "Johnny's mom gets him 10 medals a game! Why can't I have 10 medals a game too? It's not fair! Wah!"


    Deal with it! If it bother you so much, reroll your class. Then you can have all the medals you want.


    If you and Johnny did the exact same things - played your class to its maximum, but Johnny benefits more because some of his skills give him extra medals, while yours don't, I'd say you're perfectly right to complain.


    Take Marauder's Obfuscate - reduces accuracy 90% for 6 seconds. Compare that to Taunt, reduces damage done by 30% for 6 seconds. One doesn't award any medals, the other does. Fair? Hardly. I can cast Obfuscate on someone who is attacking another player, and help mitigate a ton of damage. I just get jack s*** for it.


    Current medal system ain't fair. Everyone knows it. Everyone with a brain, at least.

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