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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. The levelling experience has changed forever thanks to BW. The way your character interacts with the environment, the fully voiced quest dialogue and everything that is involved with propelling your character through the storyline and making you who you are at level 50 was extremely breakthrough, and has set the bar a little higher for any other game that is going to come out after this one. +1


    God I hope not!


    If anything, I hope SWTOR proved once and for all that dialogue and story belong in single player RPGs and have no place in MMOs.

  2. I have one word for you - GATORADE!


    Stock up on it, and start drinking it pretty heavily. You need to hydrate yourself, to prepare for all the weeping you're going to do on this forum when all these quitters turn into AFKs instead, just like you've always wanted.

  3. How about instead of a kick option, you have a vote to forfeit as a team :D


    If you see a 4-0 huttball or a 100-360 turrets, or a pug vs. full BM team, start the vote to forfeit and your team can end the game early. Stops people from feeling like they are wasting their time in a long match where they are being farmed/losing with no hope of a come back. Go ahead and put a penalty in for quitting as a single player with the option of team forfeit vote.


    Win Trading! Not just for Ilum any more! :D


    You let us win, next round we let you win. Quick 30 second games! Woo! Everyone in BM gear by the end of the day. :rolleyes:

  4. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome. You are awesome.


    You must play that in your headphones all the time don't you? Good players don't quit because the game is hard.


    Look, all else aside. Let me ask you, what is a level 10 player in a 10-49 WZ? Personally I feel that doing this is like giving the 7 people on your team the finger. Just because you CAN do it, doesn't mean you should.


    It was the exact same thing in WoW. Level 10-19 battleground. One group would have mostly level 16+. Another group would have mostly level 10s, and would get horribly slaughtered.


    Seriously, what can a level 10 do? Heck, what can a level 20 do to a level 49? Even 39 vs 49, all else being equal, level 49 will win 99.8% of the time.


    So why is it when I end up in a warzone where 4-5 players on my team are giving me the finger, I am the one that gets punished for leaving? Doesn't make much sense. These people show up expecting to be carried. And I refuse to carry them.


    Similarly, some people are just awful. And you don't have to be awesome to know that they're awful. Like when your teammates die on the way to the ball, without any enemy contact by running into the fire or standing in acid. Do you really think these people contribute in any way to the WZ? No, they are there once again expecting to be carried. And once again, I refuse to carry them.


    If my choices come 1.2 boil down to AFKing or eating a deserter debuff or quitting the game altogether, I'm kinda leaning towards the last option myself. Well, that or only play with a premade. Which is nice, but I have a hectic schedule. And I kinda feel bad when my premade gets matched up to a PUG...with level 10s and morons. Especially if the few good players on that team can't even quit without being punished for it.

  5. The problem is that the majority of people who want a punishment are the people who suck and need carried. When the good players don't want to carry them, they rage about it.


    Exactly. As someone else on this forum posted earlier,


    "I'll give you 7 reasons why I quit a WZ.

    All 7 of them are on my team."


    I refuse to carry a bunch of level 10s, or better yet level 40-something bored semi-AFKs.

  6. I guess in conclusion you can say its all about mindset. If you are a 1v1 noob then you'll cost your team a win no matter what spec you are. Rage however makes it so the noobs at least look for a pack of enemies.


    The difference is indeed in a mindset.


    Anni Mara is about jumping one target in a group, and killing them quickly and efficiently. You don't get big numbers, and you don't hit many people, but whoever you zero in on - like a ball carrier or his healer, is going to die. And fast.


    Rage Mara is about jumping into a group, and doing one bug Smash before getting yourself killed or having to run away, without actually killing anyone. Unless of course someone else already did 80% of the work for you.


    It all depends what you want to do. Do you want to do 15k damage to one target resulting in that person being sent to the spawn. Or do you want to do 25k damage spread across 5 people.

  7. OP,


    For what it's worth, I'm totally with you.


    What I'm personally hoping for is that this tidbit they posted about 1.2 changes is only the tip of the iceberg. If they have any brains at all, they will ALSO revisit how medals are being awarded and for what you get valor/comms.


    In other words, they could in theory make it pointless to AFK, AND punish quitters. Effectively forcing people to do their best to win. Coupled with decent matchmaking - like not putting a team of 4 level 10s vs a team of 4 level 49s - it could theoretically work.


    The main question now is - is Bioware smart enough to do that? Or are they going to derp it and just give quitters a debuff and leave the rest exactly as it was? If it's the former, the game will be fine. If it's the latter, it might very well kill warzones, along with the entire PvP population of the game. Because let's face it, as a PvPer at 50, what else do you have? Ilum? Don't make me laugh.

  8. i'm playing a mara, they feel really alien... like are like ballsasks, you get hit scream and fall to the floor dead.. only 27 atm..



    also i'm having a skill overload, seem to get like 100, i have a naga and still finding issues, also im feeling energy starved and all the main skills seem to always be on cooldown, is ravenge a joke?


    Have you considered a Merc or a Sorc?


    Merc, no worries with buttons. Just bind Tracer Missile to 1. Press it repeatedly. 200k+ in a warzone guaranteed, starting at level 20.


    Sorc, no worries about energy starvation. You get a pool of 600 Force. Your abilities cost 25-45 Force. You regen 10 force/sec. Do the math. Plus tons of talents to boost your regen rate. Again, bind Force Lightning to 1. Press repeatedly. 200k+ guaranteed, starting at level 20 too, Madness spec.

  9. Agreed - was reading through this thread wondering why all these assassins are saying marauders will win. I guess all the assassins that stated that are deception or madness specced, because as my 23/1/17 darkness hybrid spec with DPS gear and a shield, I've never even come close to losing a 1v1 against a marauder/sentinel - they get chewed up and spit out as most of their damage is like having pennies thrown at me.


    It really depends on just how badly you want to win, and which CDs you have available. For example, one thing I almost never see Sins do is Force Cloak->Mind Trap->Seethe mid-fight. But in a duel that's pretty much an I-WIN button right there. OPs can do the exact same thing too. The thing is, you just blew a 3 min CD to win a fight. If you had it up in the first place.


    The main thing about Maras is that most of them suck. In PvE, it is by far the fastest-leveling class I ever played, and oddly enough more durable than even Merc. Merc is easier to play, but light on any serious defensive cooldowns. Meanwhile Mara in PvE with Quinn for backup is a cakewalk.


    But when you run into a well-played Mara whose gear is on par with yours and who will chain Obfuscate, Cloak, Camo, Ward, etc., while applying heavy DoTs, it gets nasty.


    Poorly played Mara, I can practically ignore them. Well played ones? Unless I do it by the book and FAST, I'm dead. They're also the only class that can really turn the tables on you with Undying Rage if you overextend.

  10. long story short: if you are quitting because your team sucks or if you quit within the first 30 seconds because the opposite team got a lucky good rush, then you deserve to fall behind in gear. not only that if that change is coming i hope it also comes with the ability to kick AFKers from the warzones.


    Why would we fall behind in gear? I often leave an obvious steamroll loss sometimes. Just last night, I join a match, half my team is level 13 and lower. That is, 4 people level 13 and lower. And three of them are snipers, i.e. killfarmers who won't go anywhere near the ball. The enemy team is mostly 36+. Do I really need to stick around?


    So I left. Immediately popped into next match, fair game, won 3-2 with 10 medals. I don't think I lost ANYTHING by leaving the first game early. In fact, I'm 99% positive I came out way ahead in valor per hour compared to staying.


    Come 1.2, what happens? I'll still get teams of level 10-13s. Or morons, which happens at any level. Only I'll be penalized for quitting. So I'll either farm medals, or if they're too organized and we're getting farmed, just AFK in the corner somewhere. Or quit playing the game altogether, which is always a possibility.


    Why do people quit? Some matches are an obvious loss. Why bother? Especially if you are trying to do a daily, which means you only want wins, not medals.




    -Voidstar begins, ALL my team goes to one door. That's a loss. I've stayed for many of these, and they are 100% loss. Why stay? My team is morons. Move on.


    -Alderaan begins, ALL my team goes to our nearest turrets and sets up camp. Enemy caps 2 other turrets and sets up camp. None of my guys move away from the turret. Again, that's a loss, 100% guaranteed mathematically proven loss. I don't need to sit there for 12 mins and watch that crap happen.


    -Huttball, match begins, half my team doesn't make it to the ball, because they died along the way in fire and acid. Yes, I'm not kidding. I've seen it happen. I've seen a level 38 Merc stand in acid and shoot tracer missiles until he died. And you are asking me why I quit a match like that? I guess because such obvious stupidity is really painful to look at.


    But at least for now, I have the option to quit. If penalties are introduced, my options are narrowed down to suffering through it. And why should I? Why should I suffer because of other peoples' ineptitude and stupidity? Another option is AFK. And third option is quit the game.


    Since no game in history has EVER done a good job at dealing with AFKs, and BioWare so far has shown an alarming lack of understanding of basic MMO mechanics, and have done nothing to ban exploiters and cheaters, AFKing will be pretty safe.


    if you pay 15$ or so a month to play a game and all you do is /quit or /afk the whole match , why even play at all if you dont like pvp for the enjoyment of facing a challenge dont queue up at all!!


    I like PvP. I enjoy good close matches. Some of the best huttball matches I had were 3-3 where we won by seconds. But I will quit and afk if my team is brainless morons or lowbies. Because I don't enjoy playing with brainless morons and lowbies. Yes, I'm aware a lowbie gets bolstered and blah blah blah, but let's be honest here, most classes don't have even half of their abilities until 20-26. A level 10 might as well be an empty space.


    there have even been a few times when i join a match already in prgress and we are losing, then end up winning at the end...i am not sure if the matches in those cases started short or people disconnected or actual quitters.


    It happens. But when people are acting intelligently, even if we're getting badly outplayed...guess what? I STAY! lol I don't mind losing because we deserve it, but when WE DO OUR BEST TO WIN. But when half my team doesn't know which side is up, I will absolutely quit the match and I will not lose a second of sleep over it. And if they all put me on ignore, so much the better, they're not the kind of people I care to interact with.




    There's other cases where it's safe to quit. I was in an Alderaan match, and I'm watching three people attack a tank Juggernaut, with a healer Sorc standing 10m away spamming heals on him. I didn't even attack, I just stood back and watched the Jugg kill them all. They rezzed. And repeated the exact same thing again. Nobody went for the Sorcerer, they all kept hammering the Jugg. Now, based on that, do you think these are skillful, intelligent players who have a snowball's chance in hell of winning a match?


    Why in heaven's name should I be punished simply for refusing to play with these cretins? Huh? When I join a BFBC2 server, and find my team is 90% snipers, sitting at spawn and we're losing the Rush match, should I be penalized for quitting too? Maybe even IP banned? A server like that would be pretty much dead very soon.


    Guess what will happen to SWTOR? At first, it'll be TONS of AFKs. If nothing is done about them, and based on how BioWare dealt with Ilum exploiters, absolutely nothing will be done, that by itself has the potential to kill WZs.

  11. Abilities in this game are wonky.


    Like I have talented Force Camo so that I'm 100% immune to damage for the duration. The other night a PT pulled me into the acid, so I naturally popped Force Camo. It went on cooldown, I went transparent red. And died 2 seconds later to acid damage....w...t...f? Could have sworn it worked before.

  12. Really? As a Powertech, my greatest fears are Sentinals/Marauders.


    It really depends on a situation. If the Marauder notices my Powertech only after I tossed one or two DoTs on him, it's not too bad. On the other hand, if I notice the Marauder only when he charges me and starts his rotation, things get tough, especially if he has a brain and first thing he does is snare me.


    It's really a game of cooldowns. If my Shield cooldown is up, and maybe Kolto Overload, and he forgets he has Deadly Throw, I have a chance. If my shield is down, unless he's a total dunce it's GG.


    But yeah, well played Maras are scary. Possibly the scariest class you can come up with 1v1. Operatives are bad enough, but without any gap closer if you manage to get out of 10m range you're golden. But Maras? Unless you're out of 30m range, they'll get you. Even at 30+, between Force Cloak and Predation they can still catch you.

  13. I can just hope that the SWTOR devs can eventually develop World PvP that is half as fun as those moments....


    It never will. Instancing, safe zones, etc. In WoW, NOWHERE was safe! Being in the capital city wasn't safe. Huge, seamless world with zero safety. Taking a boat from one continent to another? Better make sure it's empty! BLAM, Ambush. Will never happen on a shuttle in SWTOR.


    That's why WoW had 11 mil subs, and SWTOR has...whatever it actually has. It's quite simple.

  14. How does this relate in any way to the presented screenshot? Are you suggesting that the Operative in question is somehow padding his stats in a Voidstar match? I am simply pointing out that the healing support who in this case almost certainly played their role well is getting massively under rewarded for equal contribution to the success of the team.


    I'm saying it's a double-edged sword if medals are changed to favour healers. Instead of healing the team, they'll just stand in fire/acid and heal themselves and rake up insane amount of medals. That's the difference between tank/DPS and healer. A tank/DPS requires a hostile target, a healer only requires himself to rake u p the score.


    Which is exactly what so many people do. On the server I'm on, it's very common to see a Sorcerer at the start of the match, regardless of spec, use Consumption and then heal himself. By the time the match starts, he's already sitting on 1-2 medals, and well on his way to a third. Before the doors even open. How did that help the team? It didn't.


    I'm not saying healers don't get shafted on medals. They do. But Bioware has to be REALLY careful what they do about it. Because they could easily give any class with healing capability a license to print medals.


    Personally, I feel medal/MVP system is pretty idiotic to begin with and encourages killfarming and other stuff. It has to be objective-based, and same medals should be available to all classes. But I guess it made too much sense for them, so they came up with the current system.

  15. Double everyone's health.


    I've always been a great supporter of this. Take burst and stunlock/chain CC completely out of the equation as deciding factors. Makes for much more fun combat.


    But that's just wishful thinking on my part. People these days with their ADD just don't have the attention span for anything like that.

  16. 5. Force Shroud -> Blackout -> Mind Trap will save your bacon a lot and sometimes will turn the tide of a fight in your favor.


    How would Force Shroud help? Unless you mean Force Cloak? But then why do you need Blackout, most players will just smack you out with AoE or Stealth Scan, against which Blackout does nothing. Unless you mean PvE. But PvE in this game is so easy a blind nutless monkey can hit 50 in under 4 days /played.

  17. Not understanding all the hating, the OP did not post this as an ego-stroke. It is simply to show the spec can put up decent numbers.


    See, I think there would be a lot less complaints if he just filmed the whole match, start to finish. Instead of showing us "best of" outtakes. Any class can have those. Just the other night on my PT I had an unbelievable string of crits, and I basically dropped the guy before he could say aloha. I could collect a bunch of those, and show them. But for what purpose? To show that crits happen, especially with CDs and consummables? Everyone knows crits happen, no point in showing it.


    Plus, remember the OP sarcastically claims that this is "proff" (I guess he means "proof" and not "professor") of Deception being viable. Such a video hardly proves anything at all, except "Crits Happen".

  18. This. I look at the SS, notice the top healer has 4 medals and 0 votes and shake my head. They are directly responsible for enabling you run amok and rack up 150K protection yet they earn barely 1/2 of the valor reward and zero recognition. Not cool.


    The screenie doesn't tell a whole story.


    One match I had a Sorc sit in the fire, then heal himself, then sit in the fire again, then heal himself. He had something like 750k healing done by the end of the match. And none of it was in any way combat-related.

  19. I played all day with this spec yesterday and my survivability went through the roof!!! most matches I had 10+ medals, and did the objectives, captured the ball, defused bombs, planed the bombs and all that stuff. Granted im in the 10-49 bracket and can see this turning aroudn once im 50, but you gotta start at the bottom and work your way up, I have no doubt ill suck in the 50 bracket.


    Can you put your finger on exactly what changed?


    I mean, with this build, compared to 31/0/10. What you lose is basically Wither. What you gain is 50% bigger crits on Thrash, and for 6 seconds after coming out of stealth you have INSANE force regen. That's pretty much it though, right?


    So why are we seeing better performance? Unless of course you were Deception before, that would explain it.

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