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Everything posted by Kellour

  1. You should post this in the Suggestions forum part of the General Forums. Great idea!!
  2. It's all anecdotal. I'm a healer and I end up in some matches where we have an over-abundance of healers and can't do enough DPS to progress in a match, and other times I'm find myself the only healer and the stomping ensues.
  3. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I almost see this as a way to IMPROVE the economy. Currently many find that the only kind of gear that sells well on the GTN is gear that already contains Augment slots. With the ability to add augment slots to non-critted gear, it opens up an entire market for regular, non-critted items to sell on the GTN. This still allows the min/maxers to get what they want (augment slots) while allowing crafters to sell their wares rather than breaking them down for mats and trying all over for a Crit.
  4. What's even worse about this is that right after 1.2 hit and it was clear that the WZ rewards were in dire need of retuning, Daniel Erickson came onto the forums and stated that the removal of the Warzone Shutdown Sequence (which would initiate if the teams were uneven) was a BUG, that it had only been intended for the Rated Warzones which had been postponed. He said they were fixing it along with the Rewards. The next day that patch hit, and the rewards got their retuning, from needing 3 Medals, to only 1, but the Warzone Shutdown Sequence was still mysteriously missing - AND someone amended Daniel Erickson's post to remove the line where he called it a Bug. Sometimes a little Transparency is in order. We can tell when you're pulling the wool over our eyes....
  5. Kellour

    Daily Ruined

    I love these changes. I also love to win. Winning requires trying. Did I mention I love these changes?
  6. Because Casual players are not allowed to have fun? They aren't allowed to play? Was that on the back of the game box or something? "CASUALS WILL BE INSTA-BANNED!" That seems like a stellar marketing campaign to me...
  7. All I heard from the OP is "I'm better than everyone, but don't want to be bothered to help anyone get better, therefore, I will cut my nose off to spite my face."
  8. I only just recently hit 400 in Armstech and the first thing I noticed was that unlike most other crafting Crew Skills, there was nothing that appeared to be at the "Rakata" level from the trainer - I'm sure it's been asked and answered months ago, but could someone explain how one goes about making higher end weapons with Armstech? Is it all schematics that drop in HMs and Ops? Seems like Barrels and Augments being our only real craftable items at 50 is a touch "Ho hum.."
  9. This is going to come across as a snarky barb, but it has to be said: The first step towards information gathering on this particular issue is establishing that there are actually 8 people in the Warzone. My first reaction is to assume they just aren't showing up on the Operations Frames, but since the Warzone Shutdown sequence no longer exists for matches that start with only 5 or 6 players (or fewer, sadly) the first thing one HAS to check is the bar at the top that lists how many players are even in the Warzone. Once that's been established it then becomes a matter of figuring out WHO isn't showing on the Ops frames. It's fairly frustrating.
  10. Luminara Unduli from the Prequel Trilogy and the Clones Wars cartoon show is an olive green.
  11. I realize the bug is not Healer specific, but it certainly makes a case for the notion that Bioware needs some more of their Devs and Testers to be Dedicated Healers. 5 months in, this should not still be broken.
  12. As a recently hit 400/400 Armstech, I was kind of wondering the same thing. Even Artifice gets to make Relics in addition to Sabers and Offhands, it does kind of seem like Armstech got left out in the cold - aside from the fact that we can make multiple types of weapons. Seems like this Crew Skill is ripe for something like Scopes/Weightstones or other weapon enhancers/buffs.
  13. I feel like the goal with crew skills shouldnt be to level one and then drop it for another.
  14. Your odds dont improve with each subsequent RE though.. you have a 1 in 5 shot each time you RE one of those 20% items.
  15. I believe Georg Zoeller recently posted about how much more valuable Expertise is in Warzones now, and that this is also contributing to the TTK (Time to kill) being different in WZs right now. His basic point was that Recruit gear is better than Centurion, & Id venture to say that if Recruit has more expertise than Champion as well (i cant remember) then Recruit is probably still more valuable, just for the Expertise.
  16. I believe Georg Zoeller recently posted about how much more valuable Expertise is in Warzones now, and that this is also contributing to the TTK (Time to kill) being different in WZs right now. His basic point was that Recruit gear is better than Centurion, & Id venture to say that if Recruit has more expertise than Champion as well (i cant remember) then Recruit is probably still more valuable, just for the Expertise.
  17. LOL that made my day.
  18. This game and these forums could truly benefit from regular check-ins by Class-Specific Developers. Or at the very least, Role-Specific.
  19. Best place I know is the Community Blog section on Crew Skills in 1.2: http://www.swtor.com/blog/crew-skills-game-update-1.2 Armormech gets: Aim, Cunning, Shield and Absorb augments Armstech gets: Endurance, Surge, Critical, Accuracy and Power augments and Synthweaving gets: Strength, Willpower, Defense, Alacrity and Presence augments Hope that helps!
  20. And here's the obligatory link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=398482 To quote your post: "Sup everyone, so as we all know sorcs and BHs are getting nerfed hard, and Marauder is looking like the new OP class next patch. Is there anything I should know about the class before I start leveling? How does it play in pvp and pve? And are you overall happy with the class?" Your obsession with Flavor of the Month classes is doing nothing but a disservice to yourself - people don't take your claims/concerns seriously if for no other reason than your vindictive hypocrisy. Just because you see a Sentinel or Marauder in the 10-49 bracket in NO WAY proves that the reason they are currently leveling that class is because it's "FOTM" In fact, the ONLY thing it proves, without getting inside the head of the person playing that character is, they WANTED to play that class. You don't get to decide for other people what their motives/intentions are.
  21. This really needs to be hotfixed today. You've broken an entire class with this.
  22. The fact remains that Bioware has a problem on their hands: Necessary or not, the changes to TTK in PVP have some, if not many healers feeling like their role is no longer fun. When a game stops being fun, people will move on to something that is. I am not saying that changes and balances to healers wasn't needed, just that the perception/feeling held by many right now is that Healing is a lot less fun across the board and thats a problem only Bioware can fix.
  23. Did anyone else hear that Healers also have Skills that improve their Healing??? Not only do they have Heals, but they can make them even BETTER. NERF!!
  24. Kellour


    Are you sure the Augment you were trying to RE was one of the new Augments you made, and not one of the leftover vestiges from before 1.2? Those Augments cannot be RE'd.
  25. I don't fault people for quitting when their team started the Warzone with only 3 or 4 people. That's Bioware's fault, not the players'.
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