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Everything posted by Kellour

  1. The answer to your question is both short, AND sweet: It's Not Okay. The question we ALL should be asking is, why does Bioware think it's okay?
  2. They COULD revert the changes to the WZs not closing down without enough people.
  3. Do the Daily Space Combat missions on your ship for extra XP. You can end up a couple levels AHEAD of the planet that you're on through a combination of those, PVP & doing the Heroics. Don't skip Heroics, tinding a group for them is usually as simple as asking for help.
  4. Wearing a full set of recruit gear doesnt really help much. The penalties for losing are just so high that going up against BM geared players is no longer about "putting your time in" to get geared, its now more luke "die incessantly and hope for a table scrap."
  5. It just seems a little extra punishing for Healers that end up Solo queue'ing.. I'm all for Balance, but it still has to be fun.
  6. I'm looking for these as well. :\
  7. Honestly.. it's fine to have an opinion and even to post it, but if all you do is call your opposition "bad" why expect them to listen to or respect your opinion? All it ends up sounding like is "I'm better than you."
  8. It's fully explained in the Patch Notes..
  9. Just do a Google image search on them, or try checking them out on the vendor. At least, that's what I assume the OP is getting at... The Black Hole gear looks like something a 12 y/o girl might buy at Hot Topic if she wanted to go as a "Sexy Jedi" for Halloween.
  10. I can't decide whether I would want to lose 1% total Healing, or maybe 3% Willpower? I honestly don't know how I'm going to spec when I get on this evening.
  11. I think it's always hard to hear about delays to ANY feature, but at the end of the day I think it is more important that it be implemented well rather than just done for the sake of doing it. Sure it may be upsetting to some, but being upset won't make them able to fix it in a day. I too am sad with how problem plagued PVP in this game has been, but one thing I know I can do without is more problems.
  12. PvE Seer Sages, Post 1.2 - do you value Valiance enough to take it? If so, 1 point or 2? I honestly can't decide whether it's worth picking up now that it's going to be a total reduction of 4% instead of 2% and I'm just curious to know if anyone has a PvE Seer build they're planning on going with that includes Valiance? Presuming you didn't already have points in Valiance on Live (which from a PvE perspective you might not) where are you taking points from? I could honestly see myself moving 1 point over from Balance's Jedi Resistance to put into Valiance, but I just can't see where I would get the other point from. Just about everything else I can think of seems slightly more utilitarian in nature (even Pain Barrier...) So yea... to Valiance or not to Valiance?
  13. I live and work in Boston, and I cannot WAIT to hit this Meet and Greet up!
  14. RuQu as a healer I just wanted to say Thank You for everything you're doing for the Healer community with all these tests and reports.
  15. So with the ranked Warzones on the way, and these changes to how we obtain PVP gear, how are the sparsely populated servers going to fare? Both in terms of getting into matches, and gearing up? I'm on a server where, as it stands now, I almost never get into a Warzone with a full Republic group. We start anywhere between 2-5 members shy of a full group, and a good percentage of the matches end early due to there not being full teams... Should we just stop PVP'ing now? I'm not trying to be alarmist, but it does seem to me like the upcoming changes are going to be detrimental to some at the very least.
  16. Yeah, I didn't mention anything about Best in Slot craftables either. I'm just drawing attention to the fact that Bioware is aware of the issue, that they realize more needs to be done than the initial Biochem/Cybertech nerf. What they plan to do, well, that's still a mystery, but at least they do acknowledge that right now, the crafting Crew Skills at Endgame are not all on equal footing, but they intend to get them there. I guess my point is: More changes to crafting Crew Skills are on the way.
  17. Just go to Youtube, search for Gabe Amantangelo's interview with TotalBiscuit. He speaks directly to the crafting issue towards the end (around the 25 minute mark, iirc.)
  18. I think at this point, especially for those of us who DID play EQ, it's more a matter of lightheartedness than anything else. It's not like we're all that delusional that we feel that getting from level 15 to 16 is some vast accomplishment, we're well aware that leveling in SWTOR is easier and faster, with fewer consequences than it ever was in EQ. I'd go so far as to say some people call out their 'Ding' BECAUSE it's not that hard anymore - we realize this, accept it, some of us even love it, and so to bring a nostalgic smile to people's faces... DING!
  19. In a recent interview given by Gabe Amantangelo on Youtube, he mentioned that the goal with endgame Crafting is that each Crew Skill would give a player an "Equal Advantage in endgame content." He went on to ask/state "Has that target been hit across the board? No. Will we be making adjustments to bring those targets in line? Absolutely." From the sounds of things, they do indeed realize that there are problems with Endgame Crafting, and they do intend to make the Crew Skills that are NOT Biochem, viable options for people that want to both PVE and PVP at an endgame level. The way I see it is, it doesn't make any real sense to switch from one of the crafting skills TO Biochem, certainly not if you've put any time into any of the other crafting Crew Skills such that you may have discovered better Schematics through Reverse Engineering. I mean, I get it. Right now, at this very moment, the only truly beneficial crafting Crew Skill is Biochem - but it's not going to stay that way. At least, that's not Bioware's intention.
  20. I'm guessing Armstech folks love us Consulars though right? I recently met an Armstech while doing a Heroic, and he was nice enough to craft me two different Techblades for my Trandoshan buddy. I realize that is not the point of this thread, and I fully agree we should have moddable options just like every other weapon/companion would, but on the flip side, at least we're creating a small market for one of the Crew Skills, right?
  21. I think the thing that I found confusing about this is the placement of the Gathering Trainers. Like when you enter a random Cantina and see an Undeworld Trading trainer lookin' all shifty in the corner... It makes you think that there's a reason for them to be there.. that somehow/where along the way, they might have new Missions for you. At least, that's what I was thinking, but having gotten a character to 50 now, I realize that these guys must either be for show, or for future use.
  22. Kellour

    Nerf Sorcs/Sages

    If people spent as much time practicing their PVP game as they do on the forums crying for other classes to be nerfed (healing or otherwise) we'd probably see a lot less of these threads. But hey, I'm all for jumping onto bandwagons just for the sake of doing so. Oh look! A bandwagon!! /jumpson.
  23. Kellour

    Nerf Sorcs/Sages

    So wait... Sorcs and Sages are just supposed to be free kills for people? That's what is being demanded here? I'm so lost...
  24. I thought you could only post 50 items to the GTN at a time?
  25. So far as I'm aware, only Armstech and Artifice can Crit on Custom (Orange Gear) - armor crafters (Armormech and Synthweaving) have yet to see this happen - good info in Slaign's Reverse Engineering guide which is stickied in this forum.
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