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Everything posted by Funick

  1. put on a bm set and destroy him in his rakata... on even footing if he's a watchman he should win and it wont really be that close unless he messes up terribly, dueling a vig guardian in my guild I screwed around and basically let him take half my health before doing anything and still won just because I have enough defensive cool downs to pretty much shut him down until he's dead. tricks to help: try to awe him when he pops some of his cool downs and get him to waste them. really this should be your main premise for all your stuns/punts, you need to try to counter all his defensive cool downs and make it more of a fair fight. since watchman is based on dots and can have 0 min range on leap I doubt kiting would help you. probably need a guardian for any other advice, just sharing the most effective things I've seen guardians try on me.
  2. because light sabers and the force are realistic
  3. don't forget the counselor buff adds to your main stat not your power, it averages to make it .21 damage per point of stat on your gear. if you play a class with an aditional % increase in main stat then there's not even much of a choice also the crit boost from main stat is on a separate diminishing returns from your crit stat, it can be matched close to linear for under 2k of main stat, this means unless dealing with autocrit attacks main stat is almost always better for average damage if you consistently get counselor buff in pvp although its a close call. of course you have to be sure which is better you'd have to factor in your own stats and abilities you use and how they are effected by bonus damage. nice explanation of how crit works with graphs http://www.jedilace.com/2012/02/03/calculating-critical-hit-chance/
  4. my advice to fresh 50s is don't try to fight full war hero people in straight up fights, either take advantage of numbers, learn your enemies weaknesses. My fresh 50 vanguard (pre 1.2) in 2 pieces of centurion beat a full BM jugg 1v1 by kiting my *** off. really learning to succeed while under geared will make you a far better player, there are plenty of geared people who are really bad, you don't want to be one of them.
  5. 590 crit is well into diminishing returns you'd be better off with only 200-300 crit and replacing the rest with power. oh and you're looking at the wrong implants you want the power/surge (pummeler) ones they also have higher strength.
  6. had a 5 v 3 the other day... how you start a match with only enough people for one full team I dont know
  7. a focus sent can break 10k against someone wearing no armor without too much difficulty, although such a person would struggle to have enough hp to let that hard of a hit count for the scoreboard with only implants, earring, weapons, relics.
  8. omg a commando who doesnt stand in one place spamming one button... and its actually works better than standing in one place spamming one button, who woulda thought.
  9. the only ones I see camping low lvls usually are really really bad 50s who can't beat anyone their own lvl, I just log out my 50 sent whatever planet I'm on so if someone wants to grief me I can quickly beat them into submission.
  10. even if it does have a higher burst as you claim, (going by 10 sec is a bit long for "burst" imo, I'm more interested in what can be done within 1-2 gcds to make it impossible for healers to react) combat has a major issue which is that all of its best burst rotations have precision slash at start if someone stuns/pacifies you the moment they see precision slash you are pretty much S.O.L. Watchman on the other hand still has dots ticking while stunned/pacified and can just pick up where they left off when the stun wears off. watchman also has shorter cooldown on interrupts and it has heals which are pretty important. cleanses do hurt watchman a lot but fewer classes have access to cleanses and many who do don't use them for reasons unknown. I lvled up as combat back in the day but even after 1.2 I'm pretty much just watchman now, focus if I feel like hitting the imps hard enough to make them leave. combat is nice for huttball but its just to susceptible to well timed cc for my taste.
  11. you can't guarantee being able to keep cauterize up on a target all the time. that said you don't necessarily always have to keep your target snared full time to stay on them, it depends on the target. I like the snare on cauterize because that often gives me an extra gcd and focus to use on damage by not always having to use leg slash, again depending on who I am fighting.
  12. oh another thread for stroking epeen, I have other 700k+ ones but I find this one more impressive. http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj264/ffxijakey/screenshot97kills.jpg
  13. when stuck on the roof you can still leap to someone if they come out from under the building, this gets you unstuck.
  14. its ok power crystals are just about always better for damage and the 151 is with expertise crystals in place, 110 is more realistic if you optimize gear for damage. That said, go ahead and be mad you can't customize your offhands for optimal stats or get the extra augment slot cause its stupid.
  15. with the gear you describe a good focus sent/mara should be able to hit you that hard with relic/adrenal/inspiration.
  16. I usually run watchman, and watchman is a better spec in most situations but as the imp competition is basically gone on my server, I've been running focus to smash all the bads that much faster, that and getting 6k+ crits every wz is fun. I find focus actually better against assassins now that the buffs last longer, I just have to make sure not to waste a sweep while they are immune but otherwise I can bypass their high defense chances with all those force attacks.
  17. its actually not that uncommon to win this as a sentinel, they just have to be bads who completely waste or neglect their cc, especially if you can get an awe off and they dont cc break out. once its down to 1 commando vs 1 mara mara will win regardless of hp left, if commando doesnt use cc.
  18. I prefer to use mind control, reading other people's minds isn't so good since they're probably not very smart.
  19. well these aren't records but here's 8468 (focus spec) http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj264/ffxijakey/Screenshot_2012-05-04_19_09_39_843274.jpg and 8404 incase you only want from wz score board. http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj264/ffxijakey/Screenshot_2012-05-05_20_15_34_399347.jpg I've since upgraded my gear and these were just with power adrenals instead of expertise adrenal so could certainly do more. my highest damage for whole wz is just from a voidstar and only 752k (watchman spec) http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj264/ffxijakey/Untitled.jpg
  20. that's defensive forms, defensive roll lowers aoe damage 30% so a 5k aoe gets reduced by 1.5k which is HUGE. defensive forms you are correct is meh but defensive roll is huge, the difference in damage taken is night and day,
  21. yeah I finished it yesterday, its pretty nice especially for epeen numbers in focus spec. lol I hit a sorc so hard he flat out left the wz.
  22. I highly recommend defensive roll, if you are under geared it will help you survive. if you are over geared well you are already stealing agro you don't need to do more damage. the reduction in damage taken will help your healers out a lot. yes you can avoid many aoes but many you can't.
  23. Funick

    Marauders Offhand

    so um I guess you've never seen a merc or gunslinger
  24. I think cc is absolutely necessary for interesting/fun pvp otherwise battles are purely gear based because gear determines who heals/damages the most. that said not having control of your char is not fun. therefor a balance must be struck. personally I'm of the opinion you should not be able to be back to back stunned, force people to actually have to choose the right time to use a stun rather than just use all their stuns because they can before your resolve is full. honestly a huge part of why I can 1v1 almost anyone is just terrible stun timing most people have. Also there needs to be some way to get a root immunity or something because being chain rooted for extended periods of time is just stupid (luckily without sniper/gunslinger most groups don't have enough roots to abuse this too much)
  25. you forgot gunslingers... yeah kind of sucks others dont get the augment slot and added customization.
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