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Everything posted by Funick

  1. use it when its up and you have the extra focus, just make sure its not messing up your focus you need for your other abilities, its a pretty poor damage to focus ratio (unless you are missing a lot)
  2. if you want more colors with competitive weapons do pve, get your columni and rakata weapons you can change color on them, they have better offensive stats than the pvp weapons even after you consider the expertise in most situations.
  3. I used a similar spec to help down soa hard mode.Certain people, who we probably would have been better off replacing, were somehow unable to deal with lightning without the 80% speed boost so i was just like F it, I'll just make sure they can always have the speed boost, made last stage a bit harder to burst down but we managed. I find in general watchman with the increased trans speed speced for is the way to go, you already generate centering super fast, just remember you don't always have to use zen and a good trans can completely destroy people trying to kite. I much prefer having access to an 80% speed boost when needed than the constant 50% available to focus spec. if you are severely under geared fresh 50 though I do recommend a spec along the lines you suggest though as it will provide more for your group than some really weak damage probably could.
  4. I lvled up as combat, I thought it would be better in pvp due to movement speed, roots and root/snare break on force camo... after hitting 50 I tried all the specs extensively, first time I tried watchman I just couldn't get my focus saved up right for merciless slashes and was generally disappointed and went back to combat, after seeing others do so well as watchman though i gave it another try... now i never leave watchman, it has the greatest damage potential, it heals you and group members, 6 sec cool down interrupt can not be stressed enough, shuts down enemy healers and tracer missile spammers so much better than the normal 8 sec cool down. oh and 80% movement transcendence lets you laugh at those who try to kite you, not to mention lets your group get from one point to the next much faster. watchman builds centering easily the fastest of all the specs. I just give up too much in any other spec. combats damage isn't that much worse uninterrupted the problem is if you get cced mid-combo you're screwed, a watchman will still have dots ticking and can go right back to bursting their target down. even if combat could match us in damage they cant make up for our healing, I find it rare that i have more than 1 healer in a wz with me so any extra healing helps.
  5. when I fought him as guardian I was severely under lvled and ended up kiting him around a pillar for ~15 min slowly damaging him and waiting on health pot cool downs, still killed him 1st try. if you can find no other way to beat him this is a method that works. then I fought him on my sentinel at the suggested lvl and the fight was a push over. I'm sorry to break it to you but there are several far more difficult fights in the jedi knght story line to come. just make sure you are always well geared and not too under lvled. dont forget to use your defensive abilities and especially interrupts, really not much more advice I can give.
  6. I would like screen shots of gear, tooltip damage, and combat logs... um i guess video of game play for both players fighting same thing will have to do? stupid bw making proving/disproving things as hard as possible.
  7. as a sentinel I have already main tanked, Kaon HM, and taral V HM. also off tanked for karragas palace op normal mode. we're already pretty tanky just lack a taunt which made some of those fights pretty hard to tank. it would be nice if we had a taunt for pve but sentinel has enough tricks already with group speed buffs and crazy amounts of defensive cool downs. we do damage and do small amounts of healing (watchman) for agro.
  8. agreed. force push on sentinel wouldn't be game breaking but we have little point in having one other than making huttball even more annoying. sentinels are already on the stronger end of class balance I say leave us be.
  9. we get force stasis we have more than enough tools to compete, if blade storm stunned it would be game breaking.
  10. getting to know your opponents is one of the things i love about mmo pvp although this may be much more difficult if/when they implements cross server ques. especially with how bad ilum pvp is. nothing better than watching people run away because they know they dont stand a chance alone.
  11. im glad it sounds like they have a more customizable ui in the works but def agree
  12. sentinel dps post patch is fine, just had a 600k wz, I haven't broken 5k crit post patch yet in pvp but did have a 4900 one so with some gear adjustments it should be possible (watchman spec). lol at saying sentinel is worst dps, there are some animation issues true but they're not gamebreaking.
  13. arguing that sentinel is useless in raids is beyond stupid. sentinel is top tier dps and can buff your other dps. you just have to be smart and not take unnecessary damage. hell on that very same boss you talk about I've been the offtank as a sentinel, having sage pull away main tank so he loses agro and having only my dps to keep agro myself, it was not perfectly smooth, I do not recommend it, but we got through it without having to switch someone out for a real tank. Sentinel has very good survivability with all our defensive cool downs. when filling the normal dps role you should just kill the stun droids when his armor is up, there's no reason you should ever want/need a knockback to do this. yes we have droid cc to keep one at bay but definitely do kill them while his armor is up as they will keep spawning.
  14. sentinel is probably the best 1v1 class in the game. (as a watchman) yeah BH has better cc and similar ranged damage but they do not have interrupts and their best damage in interruptible, you get interrupts, tracer missile spamers are free kills to a good sentinel. also awe and force stasis both are severely under used by most sentinels who cry about lack of cc, stasis is especially strong when you put your dots on the target first (watchman). awe is amazing for caping doors/points. sentinel watchman gets group heals(weak but add up) and buffs, sentinel gets the best defensive cool downs in the game imo between force cammo and guarded by the force which can completely change fights and rebuke and saber ward are pretty solid too. on top of this they are one of the top single target dps and have the shortest cool down interrupts which is key for killing the very casters you complain about. finally considering our last "buff" let me say please bw we are in a good spot do not try to buff us again.
  15. the zerg, 1v1 I really don't fear anyone, there's maybe one or two marauders on my server with the gear to stand up but I never see them alone. other classes a very well played assassin or operative can be difficult. a very geared healer mercenary might be able to stay alive. I'd argue sentinel/maurader is the best 1v1 class in the game actually.
  16. in case you weren't trolling, although it was stated as a buff it was in fact a nerf to actual in game damage so there's nothing for you to whine about.
  17. Funick

    Fix Resolve Now

    I have a few problems with the current resolve system. 1) as a sentinel I only have one cc breaker on a 2 min cool down. great for 1v1 but I find I can only use it once every few times I hit full resolve. the second cc break option requires going high up our worst tree and only breaks snares and roots. if the cool down were lowered to 1min I'd be mostly content 2) even with full resolve you can snare and root me all day long, as melee dps a root is just about as good as a stun. I understand the need for at least snares to give ranged a chance but being chain rooted while full resolve is really frustrating. 3) that it allows for back to back pulls. I've had some ridiculous times in huttball and in ilum being pulled back to back all the way through the enemy zerg or half way across the map in huttball.
  18. sentinels don't need a force push, it would only be useful near cliffs/acid/etc not in general open field combat and as a pure dps, not a tank who may want to knock a target away from a team mate. it just wouldn't fit the role. I get very annoyed when people punt my targets away from me. an ability that gives immunity to push/pull for a short amount of time (other than waiting for resolve, which allows 2-3 pushes or pulls in a row) would be worth something and fit the class a lot better. that said we don't need any buffs, heck after our last "buff" I guess we should hope BW attempts to nerf us.
  19. I see a 1% decrease in dot crits, a 25% decrease in non-crits vs prepatch. not happy. this is a 0/10 a "buff" should not be purely a decrease in damage. they should really make the ui changes options in the preferences so we can choose the one that we want.
  20. they have exactly the same damage in the same gear. there's not even any major ability disadvantages like you run into in the trooper vs bounty hunter match up. now there may be a few reasons they may have an easier time gearing up on the imp side but thats a story for a different topic
  21. exactly, much easier to demonstrate bugs and imbalances when you can show combat logs to back up what you are saying rather than everyone just spewing random bs numbers. That and when I die in pve or pvp I like to review what killed me, why, what I could do better, without a combat log if I missed something that killed me I have no way to see what I missed. I really dont care if there are dps meters or not, I see them as a tool nothing more. if someone wants to use one to be an *** guess what, he'll still be an *** without one.
  22. one of my biggest complaints is if I manage to kill someone in a 1 v 3 situation I should get at least as much valor as those 3 get combined for killing me if not more. instead I get 20-60 valor and the imps get 140-200 valor each since they always control most of the points. This system heavily encourages zergs which heavily favor the side with larger numbers. also rewards/buffs for fighting and killing despite being outnumbered are necessary to give the outnumbered side a chance to stay even gear/valor wise and encourage more people to play on the outnumbered side and bring more balance to the factions. finally I will say I really liked the keep system in warhammer or daoc something like that might be a way to center zerg fights so the losing side can back into a more defendable location where they have npc back up but where they dont rely purely on pulling into their spawn for instant kills.
  23. your proposed spec wastes points improving two different stances, as you cant have more that one stance up at a time this seems inefficient.
  24. I tried out this "fixed" ilum this morning, I can now safely spawn and use the speeder which is certainly an improvement but we still have the real problem which is... imps easily outnumber us 3 to 1 on my server. This means directly outside our base we got like 100 imps standing there killing anyone who steps out instantly. Furthermore because they control all the points they get more valor per kill than we do... I understand the need to reward a side for going and taking the points but there needs to either be a mechanic that makes it easier to for outnumbered side to put up a fight or at least be given increased rewards per kill because its much harder to compete when heavily outnumbered. BW isnt going to punish those who exploited the system because they designed the system to give the winning side more rewards. this will as many have pointed out simply lead to one side completely dominating both with numbers and gear.
  25. /sign the best gear should look cool... not so hideous that I have to question if I should switch to lesser gear just so I can look decent (even if the robes give me a big but)
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