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Everything posted by CogitoErgo

  1. No I thoroughly enjoy the genre. Up until now I could accept quests immediately and go about completing them. The text was there for me to read if I cared to or I could auto-accept and go complete them. Different strokes for different folks. This is the first game where I have to stop and wait for EVERY. SINGLE. QUEST. Even with spacebar spamming, I have to wait for the convo to start, spacebar through all the talking, choose 1-4 different decisions, space bar some more, and then I get the quest. It's overdone in this game. It wouldn't be bad if it was saved for special quests, but it's just exhausting to have to do that for every insignificant side quest. You guys wanna watch the convos, more power to you. I just want an option to skip all that crap so I can get back to....playing the game.
  2. What makes same gender flirt prompts political and opposite sex flirt prompts apolitical? So here's the way I see it. Either there is flirting in the game or there is not. Removing one type of flirting while leaving one in will only bring down a firestorm of epic proportions on Bioware. Also from a technical point of view Bioware isn't going to want to run/update/bug fix two different sets of code (see the anti-legacy server opinion of Blizzard). Bioware is damned if they do, and damned if they don't. The only safe option for them is to remove ALL flirting options from the game and to be fair does the companion relationship/affection system really add anything to the game? Standing at the vendor force feeding Mako affection tokens isn't really that engaging anyhow. Take it all out in my opinion and side step the entire issue.
  3. Azeroth/Outlands/Northrend/All the Cataclysm crap is wayyyyy bigger than I'd say probably all of the planets here combined. I agree mounts should be faster, but it's not because SWTOR's environment is bigger than WoW's, it's because they're slow.
  4. Agreed. I want a "just shut up gimme the dang quest!" toggle in the menu. I don't care about the story, I don't care why you want me to kill 30 guys or collect 5 datapads, or bring you some medicine. I don't care, just shut up and give me the quest so I can go on about my business.
  5. As a Merc healer I do have some trouble during extreme mobility fights. I'm thinking about Mentor in D7. My bread and butter heals are casted, single target heals. With one instant cast, single target and an instant AOE direct heal. So it is hard when I have to move a lot to put out significant amounts of HPS. That said I haven't ever had to quit a HM FP due to me not being able to keep people up (aside from bugged out encounters...looking at you Jindo Krey's ship). Merc's have no HOT's which I really wish I did cause it would make those high mobility phases a little more easy on my heat level when I get back and everyone is at 25%.
  6. I have like 12-15 quests I can't abandon. The problem is definitely not fixed.
  7. Make every quest one game abandonable. Problem fixed! Having a full quest log and juggling which quests I can carry is grating my soul.
  8. I agree that mods could help with UI customization, but here's my problem with mods. You have to keep track of them and update them. Every patch they are broken. So then for 2 days after a patch you have to play with basic UI and it's startling how much you get used to your mods until they are taken away. Curse client is slow and annoying. It's nice to have an MMO where I can just start it and go. I don't have to worry about which mods are on or off, or updated. So I'm on the fence either way with mods I guess.
  9. Is there a difference between buying CE and just buying the wristband for 1 million credits? I got the extra cash lying around and I've been thinking of buy the wristband from the cantina droid just so I can check that place out. If I can't access the VIP vendors that way though I won't bother.
  10. You can click through player characters. I fail to see the issue.
  11. Then I'd have to reroll. I always play the support class when it's an option. Wasn't one here so I rolled healer.
  12. THEN DON'T OPEN THE FIGHT IF YOU DON'T THINK YOU CAN WIN IT!!!!!!! Most DOTs do not keep you out of stealth if you use your stealth/cleanse ability.
  13. I'm not even worried about dying to them. As a Merc healer, I really have nothing to fear. I can heal through any damage they can sustain on me. My problem is that in combat stealth makes those classes immune to world PVP. They get to strike first, I heal through it, I take the upper hand and start beating them down, only to have them combat stealth and get away. If they get to choose when to start the fight, they shouldn't also get to choose when to end the fight.
  14. My problem with stealth or whatever CDs stealth classes have that drops DOTs/damage whatever, is that the cooldowns are too short. A friend and I were speedering through Ilum doing PVE dailies. We see a red name so we jump on him. He gets down to 25%, stealth! He's gone. 30 seconds later he pops out of stealth and attacks. We get him down to 25%, stealth! He's gone. 30 seconds later he pops out of stealth and attacks. We get him down to 25%, stealth! He's gone. The stealth/cleanse/immunity skill needs about a 4-5 mins CD. It's a good skill to have when it's needed in a pinch, but it won't allow stealthers to be immune to world PVP.
  15. As a healer who almost always runs with a Juggernaut tank, I agree. I don't seem to take as much damage from healing aggro with Assassins. Powertechs almost don't exist on my server so I can't compare there. I like the survivability of my Juggernaut buddy as he isn't nearly as squishy as most Sins, but I make up for it by needing to do more group healing cause he doesn't have threat.
  16. 1- Grav Round/Tracer Missile 2. Everything else.
  17. Also GW1 PVP is some of the best MMO PVP I've ever played. I'm sure GW2 will follow suit.
  18. Your 'On topic...' wasn't on topic at all, but I digress. I don't see how people are going to be disappointed in GW2. If they played GW1 they should know exactly what they're getting into. If they didn't play GW1 then they ought to do some reading before they get the game. On topic... If we get too much further into the discussion of forum moderation we run the risk of having the thread closed by said indiscriminate, awful moderation. Legitimate threads are closed or moved into other forums or as I like to call them, "the places where threads go to die." Nothing kills a discussion like a thread being moved out of General.
  19. Yeah....just like the ingame VOIP Blizzard implemented in WoW. No one uses it. They didn't use it when it came out and they never started to. If you started playing WoW a patch or two after it came out you probably don't even know that it exists. Waste of dev time. Use Vent, mumble, TS, etc.
  20. I played GW1 and there were no official forums. Even so, I still saw GW community reps post more often on multiple community sites than I see Bioware community reps posting here on THEIR OWN BOARD. This game has the worst community reps, customer service, GMs, communication with its customer base than any other MMO I've played.
  21. I started spamming spacebar through every quest on my first toon about the time I finished Act 1 and I haven't looked back. Really wish they'd give me a "Accept the quest from the guy without having to listen to the blabbering" option.
  22. This doesn't help. I've created three tickets including the above information. All the responses I've received have been "We forwarded this info to the appropriate people yada yada yada. We can't remove them from your log." They know there's a problem. They fixed Tatooine bonus quests this week. I still can't abandon non-bonus Tatooine quests. I just don't understand how this can be so difficult to fix. Make every single quest in the game abandonable. Problem fixed.
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