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Everything posted by CogitoErgo

  1. Open world PVP died when they made planets in different level ranges for the two factions, quest hubs unreachable via exhaustion zones, planets on different phases, instanced everything in the game. Ilum and pvp areas like Ilum are not world PVP. They are uninstanced warzones and should not be confused for world PVP. World PVP in this game has been non-existent since day 1.
  2. That just means your companion would be in your way even more than they already are. Why not just have a "I'm standing next to something dead so the loot goes into my bag" system. Would be awesome.
  3. Cause the dailies take too darn long to do and are really boring? That would be my guess. I did the Belsavis dailies a total of 1 time. I'm not going to waste an hour doing 6 quests every day. Screw those implants and earpiece. Better pieces will drop in a raid eventually.
  4. 1) A bit defensive are we? 2) This game is so alike WoW that if they just replaced the space skin with a fantasy skin and added a LFG tool I'd think I was playing the same game. Grind to 50, do some PVP, do dailies, do 50 HM FPs, get HM FP gear, raid, get raid gear, do HM raid, get HM gear, do NM mode raids. WoW: Grind to 85, do some PVP, do dailies, do HM dungeons, get HM dungeon gear, raid, get raid gear, do HM raids. Edited to add: Once you're locked out of your weekly raids you get to stand around in Orgrimm....I mean the fleet station. Crafting is equally useless in both games. PVP is essentially the same: chain-queue WZ/BGs all day long. Both rely on dailies as endgame grind. The one unique thing SWTOR does have is space combat, but can we really compliment it on this? Space missions are only used for cheap leveling XP or done once and forgotten about. 3) My prediction is just that, a prediction. I have no animosity toward this game even though you are trying to put words into my mouth. I hope it doesn't go F2P and Bioware turns the ship around, but I don't think they will. Their patches are too small and come too slowly. Most of the time at least 1 thing listed as fixed in patch notes isn't actually fixed. I mean how many patch notes have we been told that Soa was fixed? 3 in a row? 4) I didn't personally attack you so I'm not sure why you feel the need to attack me with: "If you have that bad of a life where you have to go onto a forum of a gmae that you do not like or pay money to troll to try and feel better about yourself in your head. That is pretty unforgiven and an abomination to the human condition. But..I'm sorry you feel this way about this game." 5) Way to be mature about starting a discussion and then attacking anyone who doesn't agree with you. If you can't start a thread discussing the game without resorting to attacks on a person who you don't and will never know, then I suggest you don't start threads of this nature in the future.
  5. Just tried this an hour ago. It didn't work for our group. Locked south first every time and it still bugged out about 5-6 times in a row.
  6. After those two we get to actually run flashpoints instead of space bar spamming through 45 minutes of VO nonsense.
  7. My prediction: SWTOR is free to play within the year. It's doing as well as it is now because the only competition is WoW, a game exactly like WoW (Rift) and this game that's exactly like WoW (SWTOR).
  8. It is a bug. The whole 'lock south first every time' 'NSSNNSSN' stuff is all hearsay. No one agrees on what works or what bugs the computers out. It's a bug that needs fixing. Bioware has acknowledged it as a bug because it's in their upcoming patch notes.
  9. Just did it. Locked south first. Still bugged out the computers. This isn't intended it's a bug and needs to be fixed.
  10. CogitoErgo

    If GW2 Has PvP

    GW1 was great, so yes GW2 is not coming soon enough. There really isn't any comparison in modern MMOs as far as PVP is concerned. I'd argue that GW1 is still one of the best MMO PVP systems ever made. Hopefully, GW2 is just as good.
  11. If they'd just fix the system, ops groups wouldn't be forced to 'exploit' it to get the loot system to do what it should.
  12. You too, can play on a high pop server! Wait until they open server transfers or reroll! Implementing a Community Destroyer 3000 will not make this a better game.
  13. http://c.images.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/15346498.jpg
  14. The day they implement cross server LFG tool is the day I unsubscribe.
  15. Ok here is the solution. Put master looter in normal mode operations. TA-DA! Problem fixed. Also you forgot what I said about "Go do HMs" not being a solution, so perhaps you are trolling too?
  16. I agree with olga. I want bosses that take longer than 3 minutes to kill.
  17. I would love some mouse over healing as well. Annoying to have to click on a raid frame move my mouse away from the raid window to open space, click hotkey, mouse back over raid frame to retarget, repeat.
  18. CogitoErgo

    Remove Expertise

    Agree with OP. PVP stats make the game about gear and not about PVP. I just stopped PVPing at 50 even though I had 6 bags and got 4 pieces out of it. (somewhere around 140 expertise right at level 50). Still got my *** handed to me. Not fun to "just lose for 2 weeks" to grind out gear. Resilience sucked in WoW and expertise sucks here. Weird how to copy-paste a bad system and it's still bad.
  19. For the same reason everyone else is concerned about loot. Because I and everyone else in the raid wants to improve their characters through loot acquisition during a raid. Because I don't want to see pieces going to the same guy week after week while another guy could have actually used it as an upgrade. Because what's the point in raiding the thing more than once if I'm not going to be able to improve my character. What's the point in doing it more than once only to see gear go to the wrong person time and time again? This loot system doesn't slow down gear acquisition. It slows down people's desire to raid. If no one is going to get a single upgrade an entire run (and not because the piece didn't drop, but because it went to the guy who already has 4 of the same piece of Columi) why go in there?
  20. You guys still haven't addressed the people who don't run hardmodes. The entire crux of your argument is 'go do HM'. No, I don't want to do hardmodes. I want to gear up in normals and then wait for a new raid to be released. So I guess I should be stuck with a broken loot system because I only run normal mode raids? INB4 you didn't read any of that and you say 'Go do HMs'.
  21. Normal mode Ops loot distribution is extremely frustrating right now. I understand it was implemented to protect PUG groups, but it does so at the expense of having any type of control over loot distribution (the system also distributes loot to wrong people/people who already have that item/overgear the normal mode). Are there any plans to allow normal mode ops leaders to have more control over how loot is distributed to their raiders?
  22. You didn't read the last post. Most of the time tracer missiles track through walls and corners. So if they start casting before you LOS them, you're getting hit anyway. And once I do LOS them should I just stay there behind my pillar for 2-3 minutes to peak to see if they're still there, waiting? I'll just hang out, just me and my pillar while everyone else is playing Huttball. Wah wah
  23. I just told you what the problem is. I can't interrupt you, I can't run away from you, and I can't heal through the damage you do. It's probably the only spec that can beat me solo without weaving interrupts properly. Just 1,1,1,1,1,1 and I'm dead even as a heal spec Merc.
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