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Everything posted by Jumajin

  1. There is nothing on this Earth, never mind a video game nerf, that would force me to use Twitter. Make an account? Not a chance in hell. This game can die, first.
  2. Don't know, couldn't tell ya. I haven't played any type of video game except an MMO since 1999. Yeah, you read that right: I do not play console games nor any type of single-player game. The only video games I play are MMOs.
  3. Not in the way some of you would like to pretend. Discover A Fully Featured MMO Join your friends in fast-paced combat encounters including player-vs.-player Warzones, multi-player Flashpoints and Operations, and much more. http://www.swtor.com/info/overview Hate to break it to ya, but SWTOR is not KOTOR 3. BioWare opted not to do a KOTOR 3.
  4. A shining example of the failures within our education system. Sigh.
  5. Because bashing and hating WoW has always been what the supposed "cool kids" do in the MMO world. I've played WoW off and on for all of its 11 years, I've never seen a reason to hate it. And I've never, not once, touched progression raiding in the game. The most that I do raid-wise is the very occasional LFR. But it's fun. But I've also found other MMOs fun as well, such as: SWTOR, Wildstar, DCUO, Champions, and even Star Trek. /shrug
  6. I absolutely love your post. I'm grabbing some snacks so I can watch this thread get nuked.
  7. Eric did not say that H2's should still be easily soloable. What he said was (underlining is my emphasis) Which is found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8622573#edit8622573 So maybe I missed a post in the Dev Tracker, but please point me to where he said that H2's would absolutely remain easy to solo. He stated very clearly that they might be more challenging now.
  8. Riiiight, BioWare did it only because of some loud forum people. You know a mere minority to begin with since a minority of a player base actually posts on the forums. Meanwhile, Eric made a rather long post explaining why they changed it: The companions were too powerful and that was not their original design intent. But of course, people like you would prefer to ignore a direct BioWare explanation and instead believe that some vocal people on a forum, which is a vast minority of an overall player base, were responsible.
  9. On all of that, we will agree. I fully anticipate that BioWare has swung too far in the other direction. Especially since I see in the patch notes that both healing and damage have been reduced.
  10. Awwww, poor, poor baby. Here's a tissue for your tears.
  11. And yet Eric's post specifically said that they saw that the companions were tuned too far into the powerful side of things than was their own intended goal. So, really, get over it. It wasn't the forum crying that won, it was the Devs actually realizing that, No, they weren't supposed to be that powerful. #CrySomeMore
  12. Edit: Never mind. I misread the post I was responding too. Been a long day already.
  13. Actually, go to Dev Tracker and read Eric's post on the subject. He did, indeed, say that Companion healing was getting nerfed in tomorrow's patch. He just didn't confirm the percentage. So, yes, BioWare has now officially said tomorrow is a companion healing nerf. Here, I'll do the clicky work for ya: Hey folks, I wanted to post a reminder, discussion of datamined content is not permitted on the forums. Doing so can lead to action being taken against your account up to and including infractions, which lead to suspension time. Let's cover the elephant in the room. Yes, Companion power and healing is being reduced in 4.0.2 tomorrow. Tait will be posting patch notes and we will be discussing these changes more later today. However, until that time, please remember that posting any type of specifics about these changes are datamined and are not permitted. Thanks everyone. -eric
  14. It doesn't matter what they delete here on their forums. The information and discussions are already at several other sites. The elephant in the room, as the Dev post should have acknowledged, is BioWare's lack of communication to their player base. If they don't want to communicate, that's their call. But then don't be shocked when datamined information is posted across the 'Net and people latch on to it. One would think that by now, BioWare would understand a little about damage control.
  15. Yep, sorry mate. BioWare stated pre-launch of KoTFE that once you started KoTFE all previous story content (class story, RoTHC, SoR, and Ziost) became perma-locked. There's no going back on that character.
  16. I already un-subbed. There's about 7 days left on the account. And for the record, it had zero to do with companions.
  17. I earn six figures a year and won't spend $20 on a vanity item in SWTOR. Why? Because an EA customer milking is just that. It's called common sense.
  18. I couldn't give a crap less what your reasons are. And bothers me? Nope. Look, man, I like my casual-easy game as much as the next guy who only plays MMOs to relax at the end of a day. Which yes, is why I play. And no, I'm not a "give me challenge or I leave" type of player. Not by any stretch. If I ever want that, I'll go endgame in Wildstar. I don't. That said, I play WoW as well as SWTOR. World of Warcraft, very accurately described as an MMO on Training Wheels. But I like that about it. What they did to SWTOR in 4.0 makes WoW look like Wildstar raiding. Even for me this has become boring as all hell. So, I spoke with my wallet: eight (8) days left and then no one here has to hear from me again.
  19. You know what's funny about that statement, on Wyrmrest Accord server I've seen many people in general chat who admit to just coming came back to WoW thanks to KoTFE having been boring as hell to them once you've seen the story once. So, I guess *coughRefugeesGoBothWayscough*
  20. Wow . . . so actually playing the game was so interesting you had to come to the forums while logged in? Excellent design, there.
  21. I'm an extremely casual player. Man, even I have to wonder what other casuals are seeing in this design. I have literally let my 5-year-old son play my character and go into combat, against a champion, with one of my companions. He didn't even come close to dying. He is 5-years old. That is just absolutely ridiculous. I've lost interest in where BioWare has taken the game. And after playing through the KoTFE story several times, I might just watch the cut scenes for the remaining seven chapters on YouTube once they release. Given what they've done to the basic gameplay by taking an easy MMO and making it infantile, it's pretty much just a cutscene game now. And YouTube is free. Look, I have no issue with casual-easy game design. Good lord, I play WoW for Pete's sake. Even the most raiding I ever do over there is LFR, I don't even bother with actual progression raiding. I agree with you: I play my MMOs to relax and unwind at the end of my day. And as someone who plays WoW, long called an MMO on Training Wheels (which is basically true), what BioWare did to SWTOR with 4.0 makes WoW look like a Wildstar raid. Yes, I play to relax. But what SWTOR has become with 4.0, for me, is a counter to my normal bouts of insomnia. I truly wish that was hyperbole in my case, but sadly I mean it.
  22. Actually, some of us have. Just checked the actual days left in my Account settings: 9 days. As someone who has worked on licenses before, especially for Marvel and Star Wars projects within the past decade, I can assure you that SWTOR will not see a lot of cross-pollination from the new movie. EA will see more cross-pollination on Battlefronts than on the MMO, and even a lot of that will be just from the normal gamers picking it up. See, it’s the normal gamers who will do the tie-in spending on EA, and those gamers already know about SWTOR existing in many cases. And Battlefronts is new. John Q. Public movie-goer & Star Wars fan is not suddenly going to pick up SWTOR just because of Episode 7.
  23. There is absolutely no good reason for any MMO with multiple servers in today's industry to not have cross-server queues. Good lord, Wildstar absolutely failed, and even that small company managed cross-server PvE and PvP queues. Then again, this is the development studio here that launched a game in December 2011 without a basic LFG tool, and had to have their game tank before they realized that, yeah, you know, it's now 2012 and LFG is only a basic MMO tool.
  24. Yeah, no kidding. Exactly, and it's fascinating that depite that type of question being asked in various threads since the expansion launched, BioWare has yet to say a damned thing in way of a solid response. So, I've stopped subbing as a result. I fiind the Alliance recruitment tedious and boring. I'm not a fan of doing it, never mind doing it across multiple characters. And until I know from BioWare what impact (if any) not doing it will have on future story chapters, there's no sense in playing right now. Because if not doing it has no impact, then why bother. If not doing it does have some sort of impact, or even a chapter progression gate until you do, then this is not the expansion or game direction for me. I thought Garrisons in WoW were boring, but this companion recruitment, never mind the supply crate grind to raise influence with your four base officers, takes the cake.
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