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Everything posted by venjinze

  1. I love how ****** this community has become. Every other post people are calling each other babies, whiners or the like.
  2. I didn't know I had a problem.
  3. I don't know you, and I'm #1.
  4. Top 10 eh... pretty sure they haven't implemented ratings yet. In that case, I am the best PvPer in all of SWTOR, ranked #1 by myself.
  5. Easy for someone who is valor 71 and probably in full BM to say, eh? The only person you're PvPing with is yourself? Thats some profound philosophy, wait... what was the point of this thread again?
  6. Very subjective opinion, I personally like to PvP against people of equal gear & skill level. No one is hiding behing their gear, they've earned it, just as people who primarily focus and spend time PvEing have earned their gear. Should we not reward people who PvE, is it an unfair advantage that a group of rakata geared people can roll through a HM/NM op in 45 mins while a bunch of new 50's can't complete it on normal mode? I don't understand, in practically any relevant MMO there has been PvP gear. This isn't anything unprecedented. Eventually there will be ratings and those hardcore PvPers will be matched up against others w/ skill & gear equiv. PvP gear is very easily obtainable, in 2-3 weeks you'll have a full set, don't expect to be able to compete with people who have been pvping longer at 50 as soon as you get there, makes no sense. MMO's are about progression.
  7. venjinze

    Champion Bags

    another useless thread, you get champion commedations and centurion commedations like crazy, theres nothing to complain about. 10 bags or so = 1 piece of champ gear and 2 peices of centurion gear. You can get 20+ bags a week. In 2 weeks you'll have full pvp gear, in a month so will your companions. Getting a champion token, as already stated by bioware, is just an added bonus but the tokens are the correct way to accumulate the gear.
  8. venjinze

    BM bag tokens

    3 comms in 17 bags isn't much to complain about right now given the status quo. I'm at almost 60 bags and 3 comms And yes, I have some friends who obtained numerous pieces their first week as BM, RNG is a bad system but I believe they are scrapping the bags in march for something more effecient. made a scoundrel alt on opposing faction, having fun again in PvP without the frustration of not being rewarded for my efforts
  9. venjinze

    Bm Bags

    To resolve my lack of BM commedations I made an alt, now I am having fun again. Valor 64 w/ a total of 3 BM commedations in 3 weeks. I have friends at valor 61 that have 3-5 pieces or more... why do you hate me so much BW?
  10. where is this information posted about 1.2?
  11. First and foremost, I only PvP in this game. I PvP after my dailies are completed. I am not in a guild as the people I interact with, or queue for warzone's with, are all from varied guilds. All of us by now have attained the rank battlemaster, so I have a good point of view for gear progression. Right now I am currently half-way through valor 64. I have yielded a total of 2 BM tokens in 3 weeks. I have not missed a daily or weekly. Most of the people in my circle have full BM gear or are very close to it. I have a friend who is valor 61 who has all set pieces and weapon. Some of these people only login to complete the dailies and I won't see them again until the day after. This is mainly due to lack of content or Ilum being vacant. I usually will hang out in Ilum, look for some good fights and continue to queue WZ's, because I genuinely enjoy the PvP gameplay. I understand probabilty, I understand its chance per bag. I'm stating the system is garbage, absolute trash. Effort does not equal reward in PvP and if you wish to keep your already diminishing playerbase you need to come up with something a little more effective than a random number generator. I have made no gear progression since hitting valor 60, absolutely none. There are people that have already quit the game because of this system. My friends list of 25+ PVPers is empty most of the time, no more than 4 or 5 ever online and these are usually the people who have benefited from RNG, very few in comparison.
  12. venjinze

    Bag 80+ BM

    I've been defending BW for awhile now but I'm valor 64 and i have 1 piece, yes ONE piece of BM gear. I dont remember how many bags I've opened, I've been BM for 3 weeks doing dailes/weeklies 95% of the time in those weeks. I don't feel like putting any more effort toward this, see you guys in March. I do like the game, love the PvP but effort does not = reward. I also ran both HM ops and no inquisitor loot dropped, go figure which just adds to the frustration. I'm fine with that though but its just like argh. Probably shouldn't have called that guy who blew cigarette smoke in my face a ***** among other things, karma?
  13. Last time I checked, warzones are team based. Ever try to stealth as a sorc? See how stupid your comment is?
  14. In open world pvp, you have 300 hp left after killing someone who applied a dot on you and you died because maybe they had all their DD damage abilities on CD or they knew it was their last resort. Does it make sense for the DoT to just remove itself and not complete the skills indicated damage? No, it doesn't. It's part of a classes skill set, it's no different than someone going into stealth to get away if they are close to death and deny their opponent the kill. Or a Warrior popping that annoyimg shield at low health and then killing someone who was at 50% health because they dont know how to counter or avoid it. Are you stating that said abilities are unfair in PvP? Should we remove all these abillities because you deem them as an advantage? Seriously, stop complaining and learn how to avoid and adapt to these situations or maybe PvP isn't your thing.
  15. really... dispell, force shroud, do whatever. there are numerous ways to negate dots, crying on the forums isn't one of them.
  16. You obviously can't perceive the larger picture. By leaving you discourage other people in the warzone from queueing, thus causing longer queue times, less people wanting to PvP, people who enjoy PvP, and are new to the 50 bracket can't get their dailies done because more experienced people are too conceited to help. by being more experienced why not help out and try to have fun? As I said if you wanted to PvP and actually enjoy a challenge then you wouldn't be leaving, you'd be concerting effort. BM gear is trash anyways.
  17. Keep the asinine threads rolling in. So you do what BioWare allegedly tells you to do? which is complete ******** btw. Your sole purpose in this game is to get battlemaster gear, not PvP. You don't want competition you want do complete your daily by hopefully getting queued up against the very team you abandoned, pathetic. You affect other people by leaving, the people that try and while may not be geared or experienced as you, at least they'd rather take a dignified loss than run for the trenches and give up.
  18. 35 bags lol, nothing else needs to be said. you have a full set of pvp gear already. system makes much more sense then it did before, its actually EASIER to get PvP gear. I had 6 implants, 4 pairs of boots, 4 offhands and a bunch of relics pre-patch, a complete waste. quit whining about gear, you have enough to PvP and be competitive. in a couple more weeks you wont know what to do with all the extra commedations, i have over 400 champion commedations now, useless.
  19. BM gear is trash, rakata weapon, bm offhand rakata belt/bracer - rest champ gear REAL TALK
  20. you and bads should stop queueing or man up
  21. moot point. It's no different than in PvE, if you aren't capable of doing an HM/NM OP, why would you be rewarded the same gear? Battlemaster gear isn't much better, actually in some cases due to accuracy its worse. The added expertise serves no benefit as the soft cap can be surpassed in centurion/champion gear. Why would anyone even play if everyone hit 50 and was given the same PvP gear? What is there to work towards? It doesn't take a lot of time to get Battlemaster, I have a fulltime job, hit the gym after and have a high maintenance girlfriend, yet I am valor 63. Ladder rankings... how is this condusive to your arguement? You play rated PvP, the better teams get the better gear and the new 50's still have no way of competing at the same level. I also think its rather arrogant (to put it lightly) to think you are better than someone as soon as you hit 50 and that person only beats you because they have better gear. Those people don't just have better gear, they have more experience and know their class in PvP more so than a fresh 50.
  22. why should you be rewarded with the same gear, putting in less effort/time than someone else? Gear only takes you so far in PvP, don't kid yourself. Are we trying to obsolete progression from the game? It's ridiculously easy to get gear with the new bag changes yet people still complain, I don't understand where the sense of entitlement comes from. So you've PvP'd for a week, why would you have tier 3 gear already? Everyone seems to want to jump to the finish line and forego the journey to get there.
  23. You win some, you lose some... life goes on. Those are some terrible stats on both teams. BioWare can't make you better at PvP.
  24. venjinze

    PVP Relics

    I personally use a champ relic and a matrix cube... no sense in having 2 as they share cool downs, if you are missing some expertise it might make sense. A lot of people equip the rakata/columi ones if you have full PvP gear. Right now I am over 600 expertise so I'll be swapping out PvP gear for better stated PvE gear.
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