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Everything posted by venjinze

  1. venjinze

    Guild worlds

    DAoC with planets, and -1 faction... im onboard for that.
  2. How many warzones did you expect at release? They are already adding a new one. Take in mind WoW didn't have any sort of warzone features implemented at release, although world PvP was prevelant. I really wish we could somehow raid opposing factions fleet somehow, there's no way to really instigate PvP. In WoW you could raid major hubs/cities, Aion you could siege vulnerable castles, these situations would provoke a reponse to defend. DAoC is the best example of this, but I don't think much of this community got to experience realm based PvP. Ilum isn't an ideal PvP zone, I will still go out there solo and try to find some fights, a guardian force pushed me off of central assault to my death last night, bastard! Hopefully BioWare's development team listens to the people with productive insight and acts upon it. Only time will tell, and if you aren't happy with the game right at 50, level an alt or take a break.
  3. venjinze

    Best pre-made?

    I solo queue, premades make things incredibly trivial. Nothing wrong with them, I just like a little more of a challenge, win or lose. So to answer your question, an assassin.
  4. Nobody contacts customer support to tell them 'hey good job', they have a problem and most of these people are impatient gamers (like myself), so they aren't going to leave positive feedback. Ever call your cellphone provider to say 'thanks for routing that call for me'... the answer is no. Most people, including myself, think their cell provider customer service is subpar and run by a bunch of imbeciles, because when we call them its after something went wrong and we need to place blame.
  5. Your true ignorance shines through with this post. Gamestop isn't a video game manufacturer, they are a distributer / retailer. How do you expect them to know what you're talking about if you don't? Never had a problem with support, always have received appropriate responses from EA.
  6. Soft cap doesn't mean it doesn't yield a bonus after. The bonus is signficanly reduced after 500 so you need to figure out whats more important, a .5% increase to damage vs players for 50 expertise or more attack power / surge / crit or w/e Rakata will provide.
  7. 56 bags later and 6 BM comms - MH / OH weapons and I'm good. I don't care right now, I don't have a problem against other players in full BM. The upgrades are minor and in some cases a downgrade, it's required to have some mix w/ PvE (rakata) because expertise soft caps at 500 I believe. Only reason it would be nice to have it in my vault in the hopes Bioware will buff it, which I've heard they are doing. At any rate, this bag system will be nullified in 1.2. So they've already heard the community and are addressing the issue. Companions in full PvP gear make for some exciting companion duals... (sarrrrrrrcasm)
  8. PvP gear in Rift wasn't all that great, you could run end game instances or raids, get gear from there and be competitive. Aion... aside from melee classes getting boned (having to finish a skill in a stationary position while opponent runs/flys away) the game itself was good. It was a 'hardcore' MMO and PvP gear was very dependant on your factions ability to take/hold/defend keeps in the abyss. If anything more games should learn from this mechanic, it actually required people to PvP in order to be able to run the end game content and get the best PvP gear.
  9. I think that armor looks awesome, minus the helm... but I play a sith assassin so...everything looks awesome in comparison.
  10. <- right there bro oh wait you're not complaining about assassins, my bad
  11. Right, but you're on a PvE server, so for the most part people aren't looking to go out to Ilum. They are looking to hold each others hands in fleet and run ops.
  12. Bag system is gone in March, stop bumping an already addressed issue.
  13. Then why do you need PvP gear? Are you on a PvE server? Finished my weekly in just over an hour last night, hooray.
  14. Fix armaments by removing them from Ilum, it's a PvP quest, the objectives should not be based off of ground spawns that require no PvP interaction.
  15. Thanks for the PvE comparison, but you're misinformed. Champion bags have 100% chance to drop champion/centurion commedations, they do NOT however have a 25% chance to drop a champion token, it's probably like 1%. That being said, you can accumulate your champion / centurion gear at a steady rate, the more you participate in warzone's, the more champion bags you can purchase. Battlemaster bags are very different, the 25% drop rate for 1 BM commedation. After opening 56 bags now, I have a total of 6 BM commedations. That's in a span of just over 3 weeks. Some people I've witnessed get 8+ in their first week as BM. RNG is exactly that, random. Regardless this system will be nullified in March. PvE; you can run your HM mode ops in 8 or 16 man flavors, the bosses have a 100% drop rate to yield 2 x Rakata tokens and more so in 16man(correct me if I am wrong, haven't done these). So I fail to see the relevance of your comparison. Although I do agree that gear is too easy to get in this game for the most part. This is why people have already quit / moved on to something else, or just got bored.
  16. Champion bags, as stated about 1000x are working correctly, you are supposed to get champion tokens, 7 per bag. There is a very small chance you will get an item token but this is not how you are to aquire the gear. You received 2 items you should be greatful, stop crying about skipping a tier of gear, you should be going centurion -> champion -> BM. Not ' I hit level 50 give me champion gear'.
  17. venjinze

    Loving this one

    Fixed, and finally.
  18. qft I love this game, regardless of how many empty BM bags I get. I enjoy PvP, having a blast leveling a scoundrel alt. Just have to be patient, they are working diligently to appease the masses so maybe a little appreciation instead of flagrant disrespectful posts like these. SWTOR has probably the worst community I've seen in any MMO, and most of those people were bred from WoW.
  19. On my 49th and 50th bag I got 2 BM tokens last night. 6 commedations out of 50 bags now. I got the weapon and the offhand, you know the rest of the gear isn't really an upgrade so I'm ok with full champion for now. I would stop worrying about BM gear, the added expertise doesn't do anything but allow you to switch out more of that gear for PvE equivalant. You end up losing a lot of attack power vs the champion set, go figure.
  20. Outnumbered 2:1 at southern assault, on empire, we had about 4 deaths and we wiped the Republic ops. Republic try again, we hold southern, stay in tight groups and have our BH's pull people in, mark up and FF healers and triumph again. Republic didn't seem that organized. Eventually they left. We had a couple of people including myself calling out some basic stuff but for the most part, people just knew what to do. Normally we have more imperial players and yes sometimes it does end up at their base, most people know this isn't condusive to getting their dailies done and will backup to southern and wait for an advance, rinse and repeat. Anyways the above example proves that a little organization goes along way, got my weekly done in about an hour last night. I have a republic toon and I can log in and see anywhere from 40-60+ level 50 players just sitting in fleet when this is going down. Quite sad, on imperial we have a global LFG channel and people will broadcast if there is a lot of republic in Ilum, we respond by mobilziing quickly, imperial fleet empties out fast.
  21. Ilum is cold, can I at least wear some long underwear?
  22. I feel your frustration bro, my advice would be to roll an alt until march 64 valor Assassin w/ no BM gear. Rolled a scoundrel, so much fun.
  23. Why should you skip a tier of PvP gear? The bag system is way better, you should be getting centurion gear first, then champion gear. The system before was awful, you'd end up with 10 implants, 5 pairs of boots, 4 offhands etc, no champion commedations meaning no steady gear progression. BioWare reduced the chance to get a champion item token in favor of the new system, it's basically like getting a crit and is meant to be rare. Once you hit BM, you'll be gearing out your companions in champion gear or getting alternative sets, I have so many commedations now I don't know what to do with them.
  24. You mean the ' I hit 50 today, give me purples ' kids? Ok, can empathize with that.
  25. uh...just do a couple of warzones and average out your commedations, factor in average XP per wz and daily quests. I don't think anyone wants to do the math for you.
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