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Everything posted by venjinze

  1. Voidstar is fine, I actually prefer pvping to running around chasing a ball. There is strategy involved, most of the games I play my team wins 6-0 so whats up haters? You win 6-0 versus battlemaster premades? Nope, you sulk and come here to blame the warzones constituents.
  2. So I am a noob because I enjoy competing against people who are adept at their class and have equivalent gear? Makes sense. Let me get this straight, you don't like gear yet its extremely easy to aquire and it's always been an integral part of the prevalent MMO's. You lost in PvP against someone who is better geared and your logic is that person is only better than you because they have better gear, discrediting their skill level completely. Where do you come off thinking you're better than ANYONE? BTW, investing time to gear yourself is synonymous with becoming more efficient at your class. Both require PvPing. My gear doesn't activate my skills in the correct order to kill or counter an opponent.
  3. Such a redundant topic, and always by the people that don't have the same gear as someone else, envious? What will your post be when you have full battlemaster or warhero gear and you're still getting rolled? Where will your skill arguement be then? Most of the PvP I've been playing lately, has been against premades in full battlemaster. Guess what? My premade is also in full battlemaster. Can I use the gear excuse if I lose? No. Eventually everyone will be on an even playing field, games been out for 3 months and all you WoW kiddies think that gear should be handed to you in order for you to be able to compete efficiently in PvP, or the 'Hardcore' PvPer's (which you're clearly not) want to strip everyone of gear completely because you dont want to invest the time to get it. They've already dumbed down the gear system, making aquiring PvP gear trivial, yet people still complain. Everyone will be battlemaster in a week with the ridiculous valor gained in WZ's, literally.
  4. I roll ranged as melee, not sure what you're posting about.
  5. I'm talking about ranked online versus = multiplayer, not sure where you misunderstood.
  6. This is subjective to how you play a game, no different than in an MMO (PvE vs PvP). In NHL 12 I can also play single player or versus using the regular teams.
  7. False. Actually those games, I am assuming you're talking about games such as CoD or BF3, still require advancement. These may not be in the form of attributes but rather variations in guns and equipment. If you've ever bothered to look at the relevant forums for said games, there's always people complaining about a certain weapon being too powerful or the like. Take NHL 12 for example, the EASHL is a highly competitive league where you create a player and the more games you play, the more unlocks and attribute points you can spend. This game can be a real time sink as it takes about 350 online games (6v6 ladder scenario) with a rating of A- average to unlock the top tier of attribute points and skater boosts. This is just an example.
  8. WoW has destroyed the MMO genre. It spoiled people, anyone who's played WoW as thier first and only MMO has this misplaced sense of entitlement and want nothing more than to go from A to C while they forgo B. Developers should be mimicking games like DAoC or EQ, not WoW. If you've experienced other MMO's, Aion probably the most recent I can think of, you'd know more effort is involved in gearing yourself up for PvP, a lot of effort and this isn't autonomous, its a server-wide requirement.
  9. Finally, someone structured and translated your tirade into something comprehensible. You still don't have a valid point, though. This all changes in 1.2, get over it.
  10. Really bro, you're complaining that you got 2 commedationss out of 6 bags? LOL I don't think you should be judging anyones logic.
  11. Wrong, the op has a completely justified and accurate outlook as to what's wrong with SWTOR's community. The status quo is that player's have a pseudo sense of entitlement, there aren't many players that would be able to play a profoundly satisfying MMO such as Everquest. They need everything now, not a week or a month from now, but right this second. They don't want a challenge, they want to go from A to C and completely forgo B. The more these types of peoples input persuades BioWare's developers, the less you'll find people logging in. The veteran MMO players want a challenge, not a hand out. If you honestly join a Warzone to go afk, why are you even playing?
  12. Welcome to MMO's, most MMO's adhere to something called progression, similar to leveling (gaining experience which further increases your abilities and attributes). This progression includes having to upgrade your equipment every so often in order to be able to further progress and allow you to do so successfully. This game dynamic does not stop upon reaching the current maximum level of 50. On a side note; Free set of PvP gear at 50? Sounds good as an introductory facet to the level 50 PvP bracket. Rated warzones? Why yes, this means that these newly leveled 50's will not be matched up against high rated, full Battlemaster geared teams. This gives them the opportunity to progress their character, facing equally skilled/geared teams and allows them to aquire a higher tier of PvP gear over time. Whats your arguement again?
  13. I guess having an intellectual debate on these forums was too much to ask for. I did not say it takes little effort, I said it's easily attainable, which it is. If you're too inept to understand my posts, which you are because you seem to be taking them personally and feel the need to retaliate with speculation on my life outside of the game, stop replying. You lost the debate and regressed to what's essentially name calling. Why not just say what you really feel, "Bioware give me gear because I'm too lazy to put in the effort."
  14. Thanks for that conjecture. I'll humor you, I have a fulltime job, go to the gym 5 days a week and take jiu jitus classes once per week. This game isn't hard, sorry to say. You can spend 1 night a week doing OPS, thats all the time I dedicate to PvE. If you do your dailies and buy champion bags, you'll have full PvP gear in 2 weeks. My point of view is consistent with people that know what they are talking about.
  15. So then PvE is broken as the content is too easy and reward too great? It literally takes no time to get PvP gear in this game, after a couple of weeks you'll have most centuron and a couple of pieces of champion. You can only run 8man ops once per week where as you might get 1 or 2 pieces of gear. I know this because I primarily PvP, I am currently missing 1 BM piece and I have about 4 Rakata pieces (only 1 being set armor). I run both ops in HM for as many weeks as I've been Battlemaster and I have more BM gear then Rakata. This directly speaks against your arguement.
  16. Feel free to patronize me all you want, i am not senstive to the internet. I'm still confused on your arguement, PvE is about progression, why should you be able to go into a HM/NM endgame instance without gearing yourself up appropriately?
  17. ^ this Nobody wants to earn their gear, they want it handed out. The 'gear vs skill' arguement is getting old, champion geared people dont have a hard time with battlemaster geared people, if at all, end of story. Everyone is under the impression that battlemasters have a huge gear advantage and thats the sole reason for them being able to beat you. This is a fallacy, and it's becoming a redundant excuse. BioWare, if you continue to listen to these types of people that somehow have a sense of entitlement and don't want to put the time into progress their characters, they will never stop. Don't feed the bears... because they will keep coming back, and in this case with a new reason to post why the game is unfair to them.
  18. I don't understand your arguement. Why do you want PvP gear to have the same stats as PvE? So you can PvE? But you said you hate PvE? If everyone is using PvP gear, then we're all on the same playing field, is your arguement against using PvE gear in warzones?
  19. You like to whine alot. Patch has only been out for a few hours and you're chastising BioWare for no solidfied reason, just a bunch of speculation. Also, the WarHero set is gained through doing rated warzones, which means you'll have to put in a fair amount of effort, it's not 'worthless' at all and definitely isn't catered for the casual PvPer.
  20. Only 3 kills in a wz will credit towards the daily/weekly. That being said, BioWare just provided an additional way to complete these quests, what is the point of the OP's post? Do you like PvEing in Ilum for your daily, or do you want to actually PvP to complete a PvP quest?
  21. I wish they'd prerequiste valor 50 for all champion gear. Nobody wants to earn anything in this game, they just want it handed out.
  22. Melee are awesome, I play an assassin, that is all.
  23. I don't even understand this arguement. BioWare provided you an additional way to complete the daily/weekly and you still complain. You still can complete these in Ilum, you don't have to do 4-5 hours of warzones a day, it's an alternative. Clearly you are one of those people that just has to get their weekly done on the first day. I'd actually rather run warzones for a few hours if Ilum is empty than Nascar around central assault racing to armaments. Looks to me as if you don't enjoy PvP, are you playing the game for a quest that resets every week/day? Might be better for you to move on.
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