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Everything posted by Gleneagle

  1. Not a bad idea. Right, Just as I said in the first sentence of the OP. They are going back to the drawing board on it and could use some ideas. If everytime you tried to say something constructive a small, select group started vomiting up hatred you would probably be reluctant to say anything else too, I suspect.
  2. So the news for Ilum in 1.2 is that the designers are taking open world PvP back to the drawing board. They have some ideas, but could probably use some input. Briefly: How would you redesign Ilum if you were given the task? In your concept, What objectives would you have? What does winning look like? What rewards would it offer? How would you ensure the sides are competitive? How will you respond to factional overpopulation issues? How does your design enhance the whole game? How should Open World PvP work? Thank you in advance for your contribution.
  3. With so many threads screaming that there is nothing to do at 50, do you think the ability to purchase a premade 50 is well advised? Do you purposely waste $60 just to bypass the whole game?
  4. They still won't be able to fix the players, no matter what they do.
  5. You can wait until they release the ultra-low graphics setting, or you can upgrade your system.
  6. You would think that if they were so thoughtless about blowing through $60 so quickly they could afford subs to more than one game at a time.
  7. You mean you will leave, permanently, forever, if the patch doesn't adequately respond to your every personal fantasy? .... Can we get back to you on that? Don't call us, we'll call you.
  8. Needs to come out when it is ready for primetime and not a moment earlier.
  9. Many players are burnt out on their previous game, yet feel a sentimental yearning for its features, and feel loss about it. That adds to their dismay at reaching 50 here and are somehow surpised to learn that the endgame has yet to be fleshed out in this brand new game. Recommend that those who can afford it maintain subs to their old game and SWTOR. Alternate between them. It refreshes your perceptions in the game you came from, and provides new entertainment in SWTOR. I played WoW from release until 2005, when I pretty much burnt out on that game. Recently joined a good guild in SWTOR who is also still active in WoW. So, curious, I reactivated te WoW account and transferred a couple of characters to take advantage of my new guild affiliation. I find there are complementary good qualities in both games, yet enough difference to keep both fresh. Plus it is good to see these old WoW characters again, and my levelling in SWTOR is significantly more paced, yet there is no frustration in either because I ca easily switch from one to the other as the mood suits me. So if you are in a position to afford the measly added $15/Mo., I'd like to recommend my strategy for keeping your game fun.
  10. Taking some time is no big deal. If your time is so important that you must rage about it you need to stop wasting it playing a game.
  11. It doesn't, plain and simple. Other hand you aren't two million people either. It comes down to this: if you are satisfied with the game in general and find it valuable enough to yu to pay your sub while the game develops then keep paying your sub. If not, don't. It is your call and your responsibility. It is Bioware's call and responsibility to do their job and set their objectives and timetables based on their resources, then deliver on their responsible schedule. If the two mesh then that is great. If not then it isn't a fault to go your seperate ways until such a time as they do mesh up. Sinple, right? So what is it with all these people whining for their bottle when they just had one not an hour ago? They don't feel feverish and the diaper is still clean. I can choose to hold them and rock them so they associate their crying with being comforted, or I can just let them cry and feed them according to the schedule. Healthier to do the latter. I approve of Bioware's sense of social responsibility.
  12. Game designs are commonly a bit more interesting than your definition describes. Single player games are based on progression. Leapfrog is based on progression: is it an MMO? There are ways to play an MMO that are not based on progression. You may not realize that, or even understand how it can be, but then you aren't defining reality, either. Not really. At least, not if you include me in your we. Or is that a mouse in your pocket? I don't depend on a game for my progress: I have that need fully satisfied in my worklife. I play a game to get away from having to make progress, and appreciate excellence without life-threatening stress. I enjoy my time in-game because I am there to relax and blow off steam. You can set your hearts desire on 'making progress' in an online ephemeral game if you prefer, no skin off my back. I'll take my progress in reality, tyvm. No, as humans we are each unique and not part and parcel of you. You do not speak for me. Speak for yourself if you must but remove that 'we humans' part, bub.
  13. Except we're not talking about the game, but about the player. Your boredom is something you manufacture: it is your product not Bioware's. The player has responsibility for their emotional state. Bioware does not have responsibility for the player's emotional state. Put another way: Boredom is a symptom of a lazy mind. If you are bored, that is your fault, and not the fault of any game, even 52 card pickup. The boredom involved with 52 card pickup became your responsibility when you decided to throw the cards instead of, say, finding the cure for cancer.
  14. Server pops change every minute: if you are paying for your virtual servers to autoscale to demand then they will change size frequently. Just because you are unfamiliar with advances in the technology does not mean the technology does not exist. Just because you fail to grasp the implications does not mean they aren't there. For myself I am done with you, as you are not being intellectually honest, nor are you bothering to read the material others have presented. Your pretense at interest is fraudulent. You are not interested in fact, but effect.
  15. Not strange or iffy at all: instead think reasonably modern and cutting edge. Bioware is paying high dollar for Dell Corp. dynamic virtual servers: they increase or decrease according to a rule, most likely keying to customer demand.
  16. Roughly half the players posting on the boards appear to feel levelling is too easy and fast, and the other half seems to feel it is horribly slow and tedious. Guess it must be just about right. For one thing how on Nar Shaddah did you fail to make 26 before heading to Tatooine? Recommendation: Do a few space missions, maybe some PvP, some FP until you get back to the proper level for the area. Sometimes it isn't the world's fault when you don't use your ever-loving brain.
  17. Maybe bioware should add a requirement to use rations and water like we had in EQ, but add the further requirement that the character chew their rations slowly and while sitting down. And don't drink your water too fast or you'll get a tummy ache! And careful with that stick you'll put an eye out! These measures would almost completely eliminate complaints about travel time.
  18. Which part of "no intention to modify the stats on existing PvP gear downwards" was unintelligible to you?
  19. Hm. You aren't Bill Gates, either, and you are both living in 2012. What does that make you? Given SWTOR is making enough money to stay afloat, and that means enough players play it, then it is almost irrelevant that both games are in the world at the same time. Otherwise the significant competition between WoW and SWTOR is within each player. If in your value system WoW wins, and you don't drop SWTOR and fail to go back to WoW, then you are the loser. Those of us who consider that SWTOR is new and count that as significant in our evaluations will stay for our own reasons and according to our own values, not yours.
  20. I wasn't talking about your post specifically, but about people relying on Opinion. I did not mean your post was unsupported by fact, but that throughout the thread people are using the idea that everyone has no more than subjective opinion, and urging that we try and move away from that and toward a state where facts have real value that supercedes personal opinion. If everyone's opinion is equal and facts are given no more weight than opinion then there is no way to reach a practical conclusion in the conversation. Without being able to reach a conclusion expending these bodily exhaust functions at each other serves no purpose. We need a black bisector.
  21. Not pointing this explicitly at you, Vlad, but to all who rely on the nature of personal opinion as a shelter from fact, reasoning, and argumentation. As a people we gamers should really try and move away from reliance on the idea that having a personal opinion protects us from having to support our assertions with facts and sound reasoning. It is not sufficient, nor is it productive, to presume any authentic opinion is equal to any other authentic opinion. Relativism only goes so far. There are such things as fact and logic. Saying something is your opinion informs nobody of anything: We already know it is your opinion and that you feel the merit of your opinion is equal to anyone's. The sad fact is that your opinion may not be equal to someone else's. The professional opinion of an expert is always more credible than the unsupported opinion of an unqualified amateur. What is true is that even an amateur's opinion, when adequately supported by fact, outweighs that of an incorrect authority. As for rhetoric: fact, unlike policy, is not subject to democracy.
  22. In fact subjective recollection of an individual experience differs in nature from opinion.
  23. Considering the array of responses, where a fairly wide range of system configurations and geography have little load time issues and a fairly wide range of configurations/geography have appreciably worse load times, it is more likely that the problem isn't Bioware's coding. Given everyone is reporting accurately, we can infer the issue is not within the practical scope of Bioware or their infrastructure. That means Bioware's coding is acceptibly optimal. This hypothesis is measurable using widely available diagnostic/metric utilities. I'd share a name but lost mine when I bought this new box and sold my old. I recommend we consider the issues reported more likely between the user's router/switch and their ISP's connection to the next tier or internet backbone. The most promising solution opportunity would then be to require their ISP to improve signal-to-noise in their part of the network. Call your service provider and schedule for a tech to check your line's throughput. Also: If you are using wifi try connecting by wire to compare performance. It may be that you are for some reason not getting the signal you need due to local interference/range.
  24. Being honest with the customer isn't snubbing them. It is being honest. If the customer is an honest customer (and not just a mooch trying to use CS as his tool to get something for nothing) he/she'll appreciate a straight answer. Such as: "No." We will all be better off if each player must accept responsibility for their own actions, no matter how freaking stupid they happen to be, no matter how big a fit they threaten to pitch. If they get their wway once they will figure they will get it again, and then first thing you know we will all notice that if we pitch a tantrum we get our way. Soon after there would be no game design left, only a bunch of patches that respond to tantrums.
  25. They did that because EQ (of which WoW was then called a clone) was excruciatingly slow to level. It was what people were used to and expected. That is where the word >DING< got its significance: a level was cause for a celebration. Not your two bit happy-dance celebration, either. Level 5 rivalled New Year's Eve. At 20 there was a solemn ritual involving a little beanie and you were thereafter considered to be a responsible adult. I actually went over to SOE for a nostalgic corpse run, actually signed up for a month just to go in and look around. Talk about UI issues... Honest: you guys should learn to appreciate what you have here.
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