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Everything posted by Gleneagle

  1. Central time is n hour later than Eastern, so for us that would be 3 - 4 p.m.
  2. Sorry to intrude on your privacy, but is this thread supposed to be about what we think of one another, or is it supposed to be about Disciplines?
  3. I just need to tune in this afternoon. It is my fear, not my expectation, that makes me uneasy with change. I am very much into liberty and independence. I detest codependence and anything remotely like forced grouping. If the change coming with disciplines is constricting, pressing me into unnatural contortions I don't think I will like it. I sure hope this whole thing wasn't a result of someone newly promoted who thinks they had to make a lasting change just to prove their promotion was merited. That happens too much in the real world, and it rarely leads to a good outcome.
  4. I can't think of any drawbacks. Sure seems like it would be a convenient perk.
  5. I made exactly that point in a suggestion box thread this morning. So in this case the solo missions would tailor their basic level to your character's level. If that were not too much work, then why not further allow the player to set their level-appropriate difficulty when solo (as in casual, normal, demanding)?
  6. That isn't true in at least my case, and I doubt it would be true for most others. What was attractive enough to call me back from the big empty was the game itself, plus some rebuilt esteem for Bioware's artistry (which the structurally truncated story arc of ME3 knocked out of me). It by no means was my character names. While I take some pride in my character names, I have many of those available. I identify with my character, not the name. I identify with my character's story and personality, not his name.
  7. If I understand the technology your 'adding textures' and all would require substantial rework to all the visuals. I shouldn't have used the term 'art' while expecting to be understood.
  8. Think it through. Keyword: Business. Factor: Development is expensive. Related: Do you prefer to be paid for the work you do?
  9. So we have this wonderful X12 xp. It is wonderful to feel the progress but I worry that I will be unable to gear myself and my companions suitably. I suppose it would hurt the crafters of orange armors and weapons, and crafters of mods, but what if none or too few are crafting them? Might planetary and other commendation packs become available on the cartel market?
  10. I wonder how difficult it would be if side quests, their difficulty, and their rewards could scale to the character level and class?
  11. Devising names isn't a creative process when they simply add numbers to the end. I think that if someone unsubs their character names should be made available in the process, and this is from someone who unsubbed and came back.
  12. Interesting. If you are really interested in experiencing the story, how can you skip the setting? It sounds to me like the OP wants a sporting event rather than an adventure, a foot race rather than a tale-well-told. But then I am a writer and no longer a sprinter.
  13. The art is one of the most expensive elements in a game. Maybe what is already here would look better, but it very well might not. If the art had to be reworked there would be insufficient return on the cost.
  14. Some players value challenge and achievement and others appreciate relaxing after work with a good adventure. Some may prefer one or the other depending on mood. Designing for both, and the spectrum of individuals between, must be challenging. Why not allow the user to set the difficulty level for their solo encounters?
  15. Different people have different values. The OP apparently values challenge, whereas I get plenty of challenge in my work life and prefer to relax with a good adventure. The suggestion makes sense as it would allow choice.
  16. This is an intelligent developer and I am confident that much effort went into the risk analysis. My fear is that the end users they sampled for their use-cases weren't me, and my needs may not be met. I know I didn't like the similar change imposed by Turbine on LotRO. We shall see. May luck be ours, because however careful the mind is, it is still prone to fault.
  17. ME3 was superb until the end, but the endings even counting an 'indoctrination' hypothesis that has the endings a hallucinatory effect of attempted indoctrination, violate the spirit and artistry of the balance of the series. Even though I am very much a fan of SWTOR and ME3 I am considering whether I should cancel my SWTOR sub as part of a boycott of all EA titles, just to make a point to them. That ending violates Art. I am so incensed I am no longer even sure I would purchase the real ending were it were made available. Love your games, Bioware, but the ending in ME3 is a rotton apple in the barrel and you are very close to losing my patronage altogether.
  18. If it takes just as much time and effort, why then shouldn't the rewards be equivalent? You would rather they spend too much time creating group-only content? You have admitted a bias. Soloers would likely prefer the opposite. Those who are so cooperative-dependent that they only want group content are less likely to stick to a solo-story game than soloists. That argues for dominantly solo content and group-optional material on the periphery.
  19. ...another factor: Mass Effect 3 is heavily impacting play time for many this week, probably next week as well.
  20. We're at work. If you work nights why not move a character to the new Oceanic server?
  21. Some seek evidence for future EA stock trends to forcast the peak so they can sell timely Some seek to instill unease in existing players hoping to lure them back to their own titles Some seek to reduce the success of SWTOR in hope GW2 will give them heaven and succeed with reduced competition Some work for competing titles Some are disgruntled former EA employees Some are guild officers from Other Games hoping their members will return
  22. I think a warzone in which both sides are attempting to take a capital ship might work pretty well if you can think of a solution for what happens to the losing team still aboard the ship after the winners capture it.
  23. Fair enough: My idea went something like this: Operation-sized teams Gold and Blue start with fortifications: Object take the rest of the planet. Each operation can rotate members in and out to handle individual time limitations: Leadership roles assignable. Assume the layout is well designed with different terrain/obstacles strategically desirable chokepoints, each suited for a different defensive team keying on each AC and appropriate support crew, and a corresponding optimal approach to take that chokepoint for the OpFor. When the planet is taken, the winner (call them Blue team) gets to start the NPC droids rebuilding any destroyed fortifications and upgrading defenses. Optimally this should be and activity that can be enhanced through player action, such as providing materiel. Benefits* accrue to Blue Team's faction. Gold team seeks revenge. As planetary fortifications are repaired and fortifications are upgraded, planetary defenses pop in orbit. As orbital defenses populate heavier and heavier (to a point), Gold team feels pressure and wants to get in there and counterattack. Gold team faction serverwide takes a 5% hit to Presence. This sets up pressure to retake Ilum. Gold team makes a faction-wide appeal for the PvE'rs to take out the orbital defenses in space combat. PvE fliers gain space commendations and exp, maybe some PvP benefits to get them started thinking about joining in PvP. When the PvE fliers are clearing the skies, what blue team experiences on the ground are strafing runs by Gold NPC faction strike craft. Turrets defend. Mayba allow an air defense minigame. When Gold Team Ops chooses to land they get to pick their location ten minutes ahead of time. What happens on the ground in those ten minutes is Gold Faction NPC droids start trying to construct a foreward base. Planetary defenses in the sky and on the ground are degraded according to how well the softening up mission went. Gold Ops strike team flies their ships to land and deploy. Question: Are personal ships/Guild ships destructable? Repairable? Replaceable? Meanwhile Blue team has had their recon out locating where Gold is landing and musters for the defense. Undecided in this scenario: should gold/blue team be able to call on group sized skirmish teams to assist? Should they hire in, like mercenaries? Option: Wargames version available within faction. Wargames version does not generate the benefits described below. The faction does not feel a real consequence, but the participants gain opportunity to work out tactics. Lifecycle: If the planet stops being actively used, say after several days of inactivity, let it reset using a mechanic of NPC invasion to eradicate the dominant faction from the environment. Problem: Most wargames pose that an attacking force must have at least a 2:1 advantage in numbers to take a defensive position: How can this be resolved? *Benefit: The faction owning the planet gains 5% (?) increased Presence as long as there is no enemy player active and moving on Ilum. *Banefit: When a faction controls the planet resources spawn appropriate to both crafting and as supply for fortification reconstruction
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