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Everything posted by Gleneagle

  1. 1. Those who want to learn will learn. 2. Those who do not want to learn will never learn, and never be satisfied. Attempting to solve for #2 is wasteful. It is rather like caring for a newborn. They will cry when at all uncomfortable and expect the discomfort to go away. This is natural and to be expected. The parent who checks the diaper and feeds the baby the right amount according to an optimal schedule will nurture the child and teach it that needs will be met. The parent who responds to crying, checks the diaper, and gives the child a bottle whenever it cries is raising a troll.
  2. "Nothing works unless you do." ~Maya Angelou It is questionable to ask strangers why you feel bored. You feel bored because you are intellectually and emotionally inactive, neutral, unengaged. Why those qualities are influencing you is a different question. Many people attempt to avoid blaming themselves in any way shape or form, but the fact remains the case that you might feel bored because you are causing your own problems. It may be that things outside you play a role, such as a roommate, a game, a movie. Problem is, if you try and only blame things that are outside you, then you are affirming those things control you or have power over you. Personally I don't get bored, and if I did, I sure wouldn't admit it. What a shameful waste of a span of the only life I get.
  3. There isn't yet a way to transfer characters between servers.
  4. Let's avoid defeating ourselves before we even get out of the gate. While most planets seem rather well designed to support this sort of open world PvP, we must keep in mind that many players do not like PvP, and Bioware must accomodate PvE enthusiasts without subjecting them to nonconsensual PvP. So if you are enthused by the idea of open world PvP along the lines of what has been sketched out as a design here then you should clarify that you intend to suggest such widespread change only for PvP servers, or even a subset of those. Conceding that, we must consider that what we are talking about would entail a significant outlay devoted to only a fraction of their paying customers. Unless it can be made attractive enough to PvE players as well, then it isn't realistic to ask for them to not just invest such a system for the sake of Ilum, but for all planets. Doing it to all planets would seriously affect gameplay for PvE players. PvE players have not at all bought into the idea, and will likely be mightily displeased. Therefore I recommend asking only for something like this for Ilum, and if it turns out to be popular enough across the spectrum of the demography, then surely Bioware would consider expanding it reasonably.
  5. Your correction worked, Dink. Interestingly your quiz cited as top pick Chivalry on Juyo for me, which also happens to be the one I picked scanning the recruitment threads. Coincidence? Or Conspiracy?
  6. Why did the quiz kick me out and send me an email castigating me for my liberal commie scum responses? j/k actually I got an error on submission: ~~~~~~~~~~begin error message~~~~~~~~~ Server Error in '/' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invalid column name 'Region'. Invalid column name 'US'. Invalid column name 'East'. ~~~~~~~~~~ end error report~~~~~~~~~~~~ Naturally there were many details following what I copy/pasted but those have no place here when the error should be reproducable given the above.
  7. They are useful as an example reference for yet another unnecessary Gripe thread? Be creative, after all.
  8. Welcome to SWTOR! ...and I think the suggestion box is the appropriate place for suggestions, personally.
  9. We should all have a clear understanding of the term. A box is what we called a computer case and it refers to what is inside. Dual boxing means two seperate computer systems each running the same game. We haven't had multithreading all that long. Used to be you could not have more than one process running on a PC. Dual boxing, and the term that means dual boxing, predates the possibility of running more than one instance of a game on one system.
  10. If you realized how complicated some of these problems surely are, and how many things could be affected by any solution you came up with, you would ask alongside me that the devs take the time they need to ensure the best practical outcome.
  11. Oh sure it does. (1500/2500000)=.0006 or .06% Statistically insignificant, yes, but not nothing. To be statistically significant a sample must at least equal 1%. .06% just doesn't cut it.
  12. That only happens to people who get angry and use all caps. The rest of us are just fine.
  13. So talk to teamspeak devs and get them to solve your problem for you. Or... I know! Make a real statement and stop using third party voicechat altogether!
  14. So... the rebalancing plan is working...and the cost/benefit ratio is quite handsome...
  15. False. The community is a plus, but it isn't the reason. Were it the reason you would be playing Farmville. Or do you? PvP is also a plus. PvE is a plus. Gear progression is a plus. Character build is a plus. The forums are a plus. But none of them in isolation is why people play MMOs. It is the whole that is the game, not your particular favorite part. Damage one part and you damage the whole. Miss one part you lessen the whole. It is the whole that matters, and with play it is more than the sum of its parts.
  16. You see that is just the thing about RANDOM. If you have a 1% chance at a critical success the first time you still have only a 1% chance the hundredth time. Sometimes the bet just doesn't break your way, friend. Fortunately the odds often seem to be better than that.
  17. People who roll Republic by reason of their nature, rather than for artificial reasons (such as seeking a fastr queue time), are prone to approach games rather differently from those attracted to the Dark Side. There may be just as many Republic players on a server as there are Empire players, but if we average half the time in-game there will seem to be half the players in the faction. There are new games launching or about to launch. Bioware's Mass Effect 3's launch is just around the corner and I'd like to get a 'perfect' ME2 game finished, so I spend some time in that, as one example. I'll still keep my sub for SWTOR, but I am not a slave to the Empire players who want a opponents in the game 24/7 for their convenience.
  18. If you don't have the time to play any games, and too much stress is the practical outcome of your playing a game, then it is probably good advice to recommend you not play these games until you have reevaluated how and why you play them, decided your real-world priorities, and followed through successfully on those. Once you are handling your life well, and can approach games as relaxing and enjoyable entertainment, then you can make sensible decisions about what you will play, when you will play them, and for how long. Good for you for recognizing you have a problem: now do the sensible thing and solve it.
  19. There's more in the equation than the game. Might not be a fault in the game design at all. Might be one example of what is known as 'challenges'. Cultures change. Radically. They will again. It will be another challenge, going into the future, for anything to endure in popularity in a culture that changes so much, so quickly.
  20. So you want to add yet another hallway you have to load when entering the flashpoint/operation so you can respawn there instead of having to reload the entire fleet? Whatever happened to all the griping about having to traverse too many seperate hallways to get anywhere?
  21. What changes can we anticipate in the Space Combat system in the near future, or are there no near-term changes in the plan?
  22. Wait... the cake is a clone? But yours doesn't even taste like vanilla!
  23. No. That part of the EULA is talking about code that runs against their program: they don't want their code altered, they don't want third party code tinkering with their product's processes, and they don't want you hacking their servers, launcher, or backend infrastructure: all are reasonable expectations. It is not so they can ban you for anything they like.
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