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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Coyotecalls

  1. I'm in almost full champ and I am doing EV and KP with my guild. I prefer PVP to PVE but I disagree with your assessment. My gear is working just fine. Granted my stats don't look as sexy as the Rakata cheese crew, but I am pulling my weight


    Your gear is working fine -now- but when they roll out the "New PVP system" for the "Pre-season" your gear is going to change and have stats on it that only effect PVP.


    Your "PVP Gear" is going to function better in PVP and be horrible in PVE.


    They wouldn't do this unless people demand it so my question is why on earth would you want this?

  2. Ok, then raid with them and get some pve gear...not that hard.


    Doing PvP makes your character better at PvP


    Doing PvE should make your character better at PvE.


    how is this a bad thing?


    My question is, why do you think that they -shouldn't- be the same?

    Why split them up? How is it a -good- thing to drive a wedge between players?

    Why do I have to play twice as long and have my friends carry me through PVE content until I get a SECOND set of gear?


    The developers are saying how they are striving to make it easier for people who PVE to "Get into PVP" but then they are doing the very OPPOSITE of this by artificially creating another gear gap for PVEers to overcome.


    I guess it comes down to what you want out of a game, I want to level to 50 and do stuff with my friends without having to do the amazingly boring quest grind. I want to have fun fighting and teaming with people to fight other people.


    The developers need to realize that this kind of split if just going to drive people away from the game. They say they want people to enjoy all aspects of the game yet they continually find new ways to FORCE people to PVE.


    Guys, you crafted a great story and continue to develop tools geared towards RP but you know what? I enjoyed the Sorc story line, all the rest have bored me to tears. Stop punishing me for enjoying interacting with people instead of robots.

  3. If you hate pve, why are you concerned about raiding?


    Because I have RL friends who are in a raid guild and I would like to raid with -them-. It is the stupidity of fighting/talking to mobs that I dislike. If I wanted to watch a cinematic I would turn on netflix. My enjoyment comes from interacting with people. I like PVP because PEOPLE make it challenging. I like Raiding because PEOPLE work together as a team to take down a boss.


    It is the PEOPLE that make the game fun.

    Bioware seems to have forgotten this.

  4. I'm in full champ and BM and do just fine in PVE. My rotation is different obviously but my dmg is just as good as most in tier 2 and 3 PVE gear.


    If you like PVE you need to start grinding gear now. They announced at the summit the devs are planning on making PVP gear sub-par for PVE.

  5. Maybe I'm just missing the obvious but I don't get why gear earned in PVP shouldn't be viable for PVE..


    I -HATE- PVE with a seething passion because it is so much running around crossing the zone back and forth, back and forth, I spend more time on my speeder than I do actually playing the game it seems. So I wanted to level in PVP as much as I could, get to 50, get PVP gear and raid with my friends... So I could, you know, enjoy the game and not have to do stupid grind quests. I like playing PVP because I'm playing against PEOPLE and people are more challenging than mobs.


    In my opinion PVE is WAY to easy and boring. Go over there, kill that, push that button, travel back across the map then travel back to the other side of the map to kill more mobs that you just killed because you didn't know you needed a datapad off of one of them... It's just stupid.


    So why am I being punished for wanting to play the aspect of the MMO where I interact with -people- instead of program? You do know what the MM part stands for right?


    PVP gear is harder to get, you make less credits, you get ZERO crafting resources while leveling and you get zero social points even in a premade.. So.. yeah... why is my gear being nerfed too? Why are the devs trying to create a divide between those of us who like a challenge and those of you who like the PVE aspect of the game?


    The devs talk about the gear gap when a PVPer enters PVE and vice versa. How horrible the grind is.. so you think making PVP gear have PVP only stats is going to make it better? Can -anyone- explain the logic to me?


    Seriously? Do the devs think for themselves at all or do they just mimic WoW without even considering any other option?


    Hint: If the PVP gear had the same stats as the PVE gear but with a different mesh so it is visibly distinct there wouldn't be a gear gap. People could play whatever part of the game they thought was fun. You remember fun right? The thing that makes us keep paying you?

  6. I made a Bump this thread post and I got a warning that bumping threads was against the terms of service...???


    So I'm not bumping this thread but I am expressing just how BAD it is that they haven't fixed this or even ADDRESSED if they are going to fix it. So what do you guys think?


    Are the devs just lazy or do they not know how to fix the code? Are they bad or just fail? I'm thinking the latter.

  7. I snuck into a area with an elite and tried to kill him. He of course was one of those super-elites that Bioware likes to throw in from time to time just to *** PWN Jedi and I'm all cool with Bioware hating on Jedi because I have Disappearing act.


    So Corso is almost dead in the first few seconds of him raining down missels on us and I pop DA. He stops attacking us and resets. I walk away and go to heal and... I'm still in combat.. I had to walk all the way out of the area, drop stealth and heal. Why? Because the moment I became visible the elite rushed towards me agroing every mob between him and us and I had to be SO FAR AWAY that they all reset before I could heal. I've had this happen SEVERAL times with elites and it's getting REALLY annoying having to go halfway across the zone just to drop combat.


    Can you please make stealth, you know, one of the KEY ABILITIES OF THE CLASS actually work? That would be awesome, and you know, very, very easy for anyone with a basic understanding of code.

  8. Is anyone else having the problem with treasure hunting where you open the window, it's only giving you one mission to choose from and it's ALWAYS looking for a gem? I'm at 133 in the mission level 25-32 and no matter what I do I can only get the one mission for gems I don't possibly need. My character is level 25 so is it because I'm new to the tier? Do I need to level to unlock more? It's kinda bad that I've been forced to do the same mission ten times for junk I don't even need and no one knows why.
  9. DW classes are the only few classes in game that have the luxury to actually choose what mods they want to go on their offhand.


    Most classes are stuck with set un-customizable focus/shield. So if you are QQing about spending MORE to gain the UNMATCHED ADVANTAGES in terms of stat customization what about those who are WILLING to spend more to be able to customize their focus/shield so their focus/shield are not forever inferior to the offhanders for DW classes.


    That is the point of the thread. If the game is balanced they will -not- have a unmatched advantage. If you put a Sith Warrior who is DPS spec and a Sith Sorc who is DPS spec in the same raid with matching quality gear they do the same DPS. The problem is the Warrior has to pay a lot more money to get that same level dps.

  10. Eh? How is dual wielding a massive damage boost have you seen the damage output on secondary weapons? its like 2/10th of the main weapon if that..


    Well, lets see, I have a sniper on the empire side who uses a rifle and she does good, solid burst damage from behind her cover. I have a gunslinger on the republic side who does AMAZING damage and can charge up her attacks while in cover because she isn't using a rifle. She stays behind her cover except for the moment she fires while my Agent has to leave cover to target with the rifle while doing her cast times.


    The gunslinger has more mobility, more escape options and does way more damage at the same level while taking far less damage. So you tell me, what could the advantage to duel wielding possibly be?


    Now for the glow stick wielding club scene (Force users) you are correct, I see no obvious advantage what-so-ever about dual wielding assuming the double bladed and the dual wielding end up doing the same damage but seriously, if that's the case Bioware needs a clue grenade.


    Maybe they balanced it so your "On hit" or "On Crit" abilities will go off more often because you are attacking more often?

  11. There are a lot of threads about recount and DPS meters and I posted something similar to this in the main one but I don't think anyone is going to see the suggestion on page 64 of the thread between the QQing and the RAGEFACE!! posts.


    The solution to the problem of DPS meters is already in the game. All you need to do is implement it -carefully-.


    In PVP the system keeps track of your damage, your kills, your heals and so forth. At the end of the match you can mouse over yourself and see your DPS. But the important part is that you have to wait till the END of the match.


    Why don't you just take that code and extend it to PVE but LIKE in PVP you can only see the results AFTER the match is over.


    So if you are in a raid and you down a boss once you are out of combat and are healing/drinking you can pop up a recount and see what your group did but only AFTER the boss is down.


    While you are in combat the meter should be off the screen completely, completely unavailable, and it should reset each combat phase. So yes, you'll be able to see your dps/heals and whatnot and yes, you'll know if you are doing well or need to work on things but in the end this method would stop people from being so hyper-competitive that they are watching the meters instead of the boss.


    I think a DPS meter which is locked out until you are out of combat would go a long way to making both sides of the debate happy.

  12. From what I see in this thread people are saying that a recount meter would be bad because it makes people focus on DPS instead of the fight, which I agree with.


    Yet this is a tool that is very helpful for optimizing damage/healing to be the best you can be. So here is my suggestion and the best part is: The answer is ALREADY CODED.


    In PVP the system keeps track of your damage, your kills, your heals and so forth. So why don't we just take that code and extend it to PVE but LIKE in PVP you can only see the results AFTER the match is over. So if you are in a raid and you down a boss once you are out of combat and are healing/drinking you can pop up a recount and see what your group did but only AFTER the boss is down. While you are in combat the meter should be off the screen completely and it should reset each combat phase.

  13. There will always be those who rise above and those who fall behind. I'm sure your guild is just like our guild where we have a raid team that clears everything and a team that struggles but those of us who excel help those of us who don't. It's called being a good person.


    DPS meters and recount will just give people an excuse to act like jerks.

  14. Dear, OP.


    I think your post shows -exactly- why they are never going to let us have a DPS meter or anything like recount.


    The game would devolve into people complaining about numbers.

    It's the same thing that happened in WoW or when they put in "Gear score".


    The developers want the game to be about getting the boss down and having fun. They don't want it to be number crunching and hyper-competitiveness. They don't want it to devolve into the haves and the have-nots. We get enough of that in real life.


    Games should be fun.

  15. Your missing hte point of the OP though.. Why should a dual wielder pay twice as much as everyone else for weapon upgrades??


    No, you are missing the point. You are paying for weapon upgrades twice because you are GETTING weapon upgrades twice! Some ACs get a shield gen or something that gives them a little extra willpower in their offhand. You have a MODABLE WEAPON that gives you a MASSIVE DPS BOOST.


    Think of it like this, if you buy a car and then you go out and buy a second car are you going to go to the gas station and say "I want to fill up one car with gas and have the other filled for free!" No, you're not. You are either going to pay for the gas to fuel both cars or you will drive one car and the other car will sit there doing nothing useful.


    Get over your entitlement issues.

  16. My suggestion?


    Earn 5 legacy levels and you earn a "AC respect token" that is BOA


    End of whining threads about how much we need AC respects and how there should be consequences for your choices all in one foul swoop. People can have AC respects but only if they earn them by playing the game.

  17. Its already in the works. If you go into the Essless mission on the republic side before you talk to the first NPC there is a Sabaac table there. It's already coded and when you click on it the table tells you there is no more room for players. They are just working out the bugs then they will have gambling for us.
  18. Yeah, a "Scores" option would be really nice, also a "Passes" so people will actually try and do it more... They need every motivation they can get to not be bad.


    I would like to see the top healer be at the top of the list when ever the default score shows up because I see a lot of people just clicking the first person on the list for MVP and I really think healers deserve more MVP votes. Healing=Winning games.

  19. Dear OP: You should write books.


    Because.. yeah.. those are all cool but in actual game design they design the game play first.


    You have to realize your average MMO player will have -no idea- what most of your posts are talking about and not care enough to read it.

    "Get the ball, throw the ball, get the ball to the opposing teams line and your team gets a point."


    This is the level of your average MMO goer when it comes to caring about back-story in PVP.

    People who play MMOs are lazy. If you tried explaining those posts to your average player they "TLDR *lol*" at you. I'm not saying that people who play the game are stupid, I'm saying people play the game to turn off their brain and just enjoy. Anything which involves a chapter summery isn't going to fly. Focus on the game play mechanics if you want to design games.


    Huttball is fun because you can pass and catch the ball, because of the obstacles and the vents.


    The gun defense is fun because of the attacking/defending using terrain to your tactical advantage.


    Guarding the doors on the lost warship is hectic and simple.


    Each of these WFs have good, simple qualities that make them great. History, back-story and setting are things we spacebar through to get the fun part started.


    Now, if you said "I would like a warfront where there are speeder races" or "I want a warfront where there are mine fields that can blow you up in the air." or "I want a warfront that lets you earn an Ewok minion every time you kill someone. But it resets when you die. Eventually, if you live long enough there will be a small army of Ewocks rushing over the hill with the players while the empire has a small army of... droids or something.. the empire never did cute, well. "


    These would be the kinds of suggestions people could use in an MMO. Game play first, then just a sprinkling of story.

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