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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Coyotecalls

  1. I don't want to have mods that will change the function of the game. The game works fine now, I just want a mod that lets me change the APPEARANCE of the game. Move stuff around, make it less... well... clunky. I like my minimap in the middle between my target and health bars, the pet bar needs to be resizable and you need to be able to turn off the picture for it. You need to be able to move the buttons for the pets around, make coppies to put on your tool bar. I am so sick and freaking tired of opening Corso's petbar to click his harpoon to pull one mob on pat without him going hog wild.


    If I leave the harpoon on all the time he opens with it and when I heal him all the mobs agro me. Some BASIC customization would be freaking awesome.


    Also who ever told you that we need a button JUST-IN-CASE we want to view helpful starter tool-tips was an idiot. That little >? on the corner of my right tool bar is SO ANNOYING. It's completely useless.


    Do what X-perl and Bartender did for WoW and I will be a happy freaking customer.


    PS: Nerf every class except the ones -I- play. Those need a buff.

  2. Lets face it, once you hit 50 the grind is more than a little grindy. I was thinking, you know what this game needs is more ways I can act like a total douche. I was thinking, if you introduce a system where killing players makes you auto-loot some of their money, like say a set % then there would be more motivation to kill people in open world PVP.


    Also BW could set up "Secured Bank accounts" which act like expanded bank slots but only for your credits. So if you have 5 million credits you spend some of it to unlock these boxes which keep your credits from being stolen when you die. It would be a money sink for the economy and allow players to PVP without losing a lot.


    You could set up the boxes in tiers like 5000, 20,000, 50,000, 100,000, 500,000 and so forth and so on. So you can dump your money in your secured account and not have it stolen but still use it when you need it.


    Just a thought to spice things up a little.


    PS: Add Pickpocketing as a profession.

  3. I've done this three times. Once to switch from imp to pub. Then twice due to two dying servers. You are doing everything you can to get ready outside of one thing. Buy a second monitor and down load at least 26 days worth of entertainment. If you don't you will end up like me. Jaded looking for any reason to play this game. Used to be grinding with the people I've gamed with for 6 years, they are all gone.


    Just make sure you don't over do it. The grind is all there is.



    I have two monitors, one I PVP in and the other I watch Netflix or Hulu between matches.


    But thanks for the weapons mod tip! I hadn't thought about that. I will go decimate people and spawn a new "Nerf Sorc" thread in your honor.


    I have always felt that I'm not doing my job right until someone accuses me of cheating. This should help : )

  4. At level 42 I have...


    Full 40 gear for myself and my companion.

    All the PVP weapons up to 50.

    1 Champion bag because they are unique... which is ANNOYING.

    1000 Merc commendations because they are capped.. which is ANNOYING.

    PVP Rank 42

    327 Warzone commendations.


    Now, when I get to 1000 WZC I'll be capped for both kinds, so what should I do with the extras? Should I strive for being rank 60 by the time I hit 50 or is it not even worth it?


    I was thinking of just PVPing the last 5 levels with no PVE but I'll be dead broke for credits by the time I'm 50.


    Have any of you leveled to 50 as a PVPer? I have really only done the class quests and most of it's been PVP. I just don't enjoy PVE.

  5. What really gets me is when you are matched against a full sorc premade, and they just farm the living crap out of you - usually just by aoeing the spawn point. Can't get through 8 sorcs storms in 1 piece...


    That would be true of any class. Soooo, yeah... next!

  6. Any sensible nerf will be against your hybrid specs, and your bubble.


    The bubble that goes away the first time I'm hit with gravity round or a gunslinger's normal attack? Yeah, that's soooo game breaking. I can get hit -once- and it not count. Almost like someone at Bioware said, "Hey, these guys in cloth armor are going to get -slaughtered- lets give them something to keep them alive at least a few seconds.


    Seriously, if you are hitting a sorc and the shield is staying up, you are -bad-.


    People confuse sorc for being OP because we get a lot of damage on the board. You know why? I run around throwing dots on -everyone- and if I'm about to die I dash off and heal myself. I'm not -killing- a lot of people I'm just doing a small amount of damage to -everyone- but that is what gives me the metals because that damage adds up.

  7. Maybe I PVPd to much. They nerfed the PVP rewards because cry babies who can't PVP where upset that you could PVP your way to 50 and have all the same stuff that the people who "Did the hard stuff" could have.


    My gear from 14 to 40 cost me ZERO because it was all PVP gear. So yeah, explain to me how I was spending to much money?

  8. So you're just ignoring all the posts telling you it's perfectly doable even while crafting?


    How convenient:rolleyes:


    No, I'm not ignoring them I'm reading them and most of them say "Do slicing and make lots of money." I want to level biochem while I'm leveling. To level biochem I need something other than slicing. So no, I'm not skipping my crafting and I'm not taking slicing. Think about this, lets use a real life example.


    You go to get a job. You are told you can have the job if you give up buying clothing and food so you can afford the ridiculous price of gas it takes to get to your job. People would be in the streets protesting the costs because the things we need to have quality of life are being over priced to gouge us. I would bet REAL money that these people who "Leveled crafting." and had money for their speeder mount at 40 either had supplies handed to them, spent most of their time grinding instead of actually -playing- the game or sent supplies from an alt. There is no way you can level both crafting and have anything else.

  9. If you attempt ANY of the following while leveling:


    - upgrade starship

    - train in crafting

    - send companions on missions (other than slicing)

    - buying stims

    - buying upgraded armor, weapons or mods


    You will not have enough at 40 for the speeder.


    To have enough at 40, you need to completely avoid crafting, companion missions (other than slicing) and obviously avoid buying anything including stims or armor or slot upgrades.


    I was wondering why they even have vendors selling stims, armor, weapons or access to the galactic trade system until after level 40. If you participate in ANY of these things you will not have the money at 40 for the speeder.



    So, you are saying, "You have the choice of letting the game suck for 40 levels or having a speeder that isn't a peice of ****." Yeah, thats called bad game design.


    If you have to AVOID playing the game so you can have something you need to play the game the last 10% of the content, that's just stupid.


    So we are back to the point being: The level 40 mount costs twice as much as it should be. I am not paying Bioware money to NOT play the game. People whine about posts like mine saying we should be able to afford things that make the game better without having to sacrifice half the content of the game but you know what?



  10. Helpful hint: If you face a imperial agent when they are charging their attacks they stand out of cover. So if you are a Jedi knight you can force leap to them or if you are any class with an interrupt you can use it on them. Gunslingers stay in cover the entire time they are charging up their big attacks.


    Choose your enemies wisely, young grasshopper.

  11. No, it's a IWIN button. The only people who defend it as anything else are the people who are using it. The admin should take a sample of the damage meters in random games of huttball, usually it's the snipers and the gravity round cannons winning top damage/heals.

    All I can do as a sorc is, well, win the game with ninja speed.


    So, yeah, if you are having DPS issues embrace the IWIN button and have yourself a slaughter.

  12. Let me tell you what being a sorcerer vs a trooper is like, Gravity round hits me and my bubble goes away, gravity round hits me and a quater of my life goes away, gravity round hit me as I force speed away and then I heal myself and go find someone without a IWIN button to pick a fight with.


    If you are using anything other than gravity round, you are your own problem.

  13. Yeah, I freaking DARE you to tell me that the willpower datacron on Taris is not DESIGNED to frustrate players into saying **** it I am never bothering with these things again. It is INSANE. They moved the willpower datacron from a place where you just had to find it to putting it on a ledge 4 stories up in the *********** air so if you miss one jump anywhere along the line to get to it you fall to your death and because they put it in a HEROIC area you have to spawn half way across the zone and drive your *** back to the area to try again.


    When they had it in an area where it was hidden from view and you had to basically find a hidden hallway to collect it the datacron was a fun treasure hunt. Now it's a FREAKING NIGHTMARE. Bioware are a bunch of sadistic jerks and can collectively kiss my big fat ASCII.

  14. So, the solutions to tanks not being at all fun to play in early PVP that you have all came up with are as follows:


    Don't PVP.

    PVP with someone healing you to make up for the horrible game design.

    Go to PVP but instead of doing anything just stand there and shield someone while taunting people to earn protection metals...


    So.. yeah, about that "Fun", still not seeing it. All other classes I can go in alone and have fun. Be it snipping people on my agent, zapping people with lightning, healing, throwing down AOE with a trooper, or stealthing up to people and ***-stunlocking them until they want to scream then running away laughing.


    All fun things to do, on a warrior I can... die a lot... yeah.. not so fun.

  15. At level 14 on my Vanguard i finished a Civil War match with 169K damage 9 medals, earned the Immortal thingy and had over 56k defender points.


    Tanks are just fine


    So, your reply to the "Melee is at a horrible disadvantage" thread is "My ranged character does awesome!"


    Thanks for your contribution..??

  16. So, I've played a Sith Sorc and a Imp agent and a gun slinger and a Jedi sage and all of them when I played them in low level PVP where actually still very fun. Then I made a Sith Juggy and WOW it sucks. My damage is bad because I'm a tank and I get that, that's fine.


    I'm not expecting to do a lot of damage, but I would like to do -some- damage and right now all any class has to do to stop -everything- I can do is knock me away or slow me.


    If they have any ability AT ALL that lets them move faster than me I can't do anything to them and becase the cool down on force leap is so long most of the time my "Combat" ends up being I get guned down to half my life as I close on a target and then I get knocked back and force leap back barely able to I get in a few hits before I die from losing half my life pool before the fight actually started for me.


    Alternatively I can force leap to them, get in two swings then get knocked back and get mowed down while I close on them again.


    Melee is *********** screwed in this game because everyone has a slow, everyone has a knock back and then lets not even start on the sorcerer/sage force speed.


    So tell me, what am I doing wrong? What magic talent or ability makes it so I am not a free kill to anyone who has any form of range ability?


    Out of all the classes I have played this class is the only one I feel COMPLETLY *********** usless on. I'm not even sure why melee classes play PVP.

  17. 16 more days until my account cancels and the crafting system is one of those reasons. It takes SO freaking long and so much money to level only to find out that you can do dailies at 50 and replace everything you can craft in a few weeks... yeah, total waste of time.


    Like the PVP gear bags, there is too much randomization involved. If I need X item to level my skill I just go buy X from the AH and don't bother sending bots on missions. You will spend double the money with gathering missions and end up with a bank full of crap you cant use.

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