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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Coyotecalls

  1. lolz why is it that just cause you fail at pvp while playing rep the rep doesn't know how to pvp

    perhaps its cause were out geared and out classed by our mirrors don't always assume the worst in people.


    No, I mean the Rep are REALLY stupid. Running the wrong way with the huttball to our own goal line while people are telling them in ops chat they are going the wrong way, stupid. Standing in the acid to cast a heal stupid. I mean, some times I wonder if they are bots.

  2. Everyone who has hit 50 in my guild has pretty much had the same experience at PVP. They hit 50, there is a horrible grind-fest of getting killed over and over and over with ZERO chance of survival against someone in PVP gear and then they say **** it, I'm just not going to PVP. So we just sit around the fleet or do dailies which is REALLY boring. I kinda wish SWTOR had waited another year to launch. Maybe it would have been actual fun if they had spent more time testing it.
  3. You know, it's sad, on every character, in -any- of the warzones, at -any level- I have played I usually get top awards for damage, kills, and objectives now that I'm playing republic. I think we have to stop and consider that part of the problem with PVP is just that the players on the republic side really, really fail at PVP. Nothing Bio can do about that.
  4. I like PVP, I only play the PVE aspect of it because I have RL friends who do. I am canceling just because the nerfs to gunslingers have made it not at all fun. It takes too long for me to kill someone and once they get close to me they stun lock me or knock me out of cover and once I am out of cover I am ****ED. I have an ability that lets me stay in cover and it has a cool down, so basically I survive for the duration of that ability and then I die because all my defense is designed around a broken *** cover system.


    See ya starwars. It was great until you "fixed" it. Now, like WoW you are balancing it to the point that PVP is boring and monotonous.


    When your game design is referred to as the "PVP grind" you know you have absolutely failed at making a fun game.

  5. It's actually a really simple fix. Put a property on the player object called "Stun" and list the stun effects in the game. Once you have been hit by those effects you get a three second buff that makes you 30% resistant to all other effects on the list. This buff stacks up to 3 times and lasts 3 seconds. Adding a new stack refreshes the 3 second counter.


    Then make the same kind of buff for Knockback, and one for Interrupts.


    You can get rid of the silly bar you have which really does -nothing- to help anyone.

  6. Dont you have a Cooldown that makes you IMMUNE to CC..




    Entrenches you into cover, becoming immune to all controlling effects. Only usable in cover. Ends prematurely if cover is exited. Lasts 20 seconds.

    And dont you have an AoE KB for cover?

    60sec CD


    and stuns


    the cover pulse that also immobilizes




    and Damage reduction shields


    Doesnt your snipe hit for 3-4k per cast?


    If you let a sorc or sage out play you..and you sit their..who's fault is it?


    You have more than two ways to sit in cover and free cast..

    ESPECIALLY since your immune to interrupts and leaps in cover.

    If your running the ball as a sniper/gunslinger...you should stop...find the nearest jugg,assassin, or powertech..and pass...they do the job 200000x more effectively than you.



    The reply to all these questions are the same: Not yet, but I'm only 19.

    Perhaps I get something that doesn't make me an instant free kill for anything with a stun or CC later on but 20 levels of getting my *** handed too me the moment anyone targets me is getting REALLY old. I know we are suppose to be range and all but there are only so many places you can hide on a battlefield. Any Knight who sees me knocks me out of cover and then force leaps too me. So the whole "Immune while you're in cover" thing is kinda not there. I'm not even sure what they are using to knock me out of cover. The animation looks like the light-saber throw that you give someone the healing debuff with. But basically my combat goes like this, I snipe someone for 2K-2.5 then I follow up with another 2K from my damage sab charge and my energy builder furry of bolts. Then I start to cast Charged burst... It's at that point they go "Hey, look, someone is hurting me, I should kill them." and stun me while they close on me or knock me out of my cover so they can force leap to me, or instant cast whirlwind me out of my cover again, so they can close on me, or if they are a trooper/bounty hunter they just shoot rockets at me with the "Win button." doing so much DPS that even -in- cover my long *** cast times get me dead long before I can even do damage to them.


    But the point is, I do damage, they see me, they kill me, I run back out and repeat. It's really just not fun. I can only ever successfully kill the lower levels or the wounded and because my cover shield stands out like a giant "I'M AN EASY KILL" sign people mow me down.


    But none of these things are specific to sorcerers and that is my point. It's not that Sorc are OP it's that the game mechanics for PVP regarding stuns, knock-backs and interrupts are not being managed right.

  7. I really don't think that sorc are that bad in and of themselves the problem is the general stunfest/knockback marathon that is PVP.


    I have cover as my main defense mechanic and I get knocked out of it all the time. It's like running up to a bounty hunter and stripping off his armor. Sorc can stun at a distance, interrupt at a distance, and knock you off the hutt ball walk ways. If someone is in cover you shouldn't be able to knock them out of it, it's COVER that would imply some level of protection.


    I don't begrudge them the knocking people off the catwalk thing, that is just a wise use of the power, but when that ability, or any other CC, can pull me out of cover and leave me effectively without armor of any kind I have a problem with it.

  8. See, here's the thing. I play a gunslinger, I have a REALLY powerful opening move and then moderate DPS. I have to kill whatever it is I'm killing REALLY fast because I'm REALLY freaking squishy. Now with Sorcerers my REALLY powerful opener takes out their shield which leaves me with crap DPS while it's on cool down. I can survive in cover but they can stun me out of it, knock me out of it, whirlwind me out of it, pretty much keep me from using my ONE ability that lets me live. So unless I can catch a soc while their shield is down I *can not* kill them before they kill me. -Ever-. They remove my two major mechanics, my burst and my cover. They are the anti-gunslinger class. I don't even bother to shoot them.
  9. If you want to dominate PVP, play Sith and be a sorcerer. They are without a doubt the most fun, most powerful, with the most useful abilities and highest survivability while pushing out crazy damage. Also, lightning storm *awesome*!
  10. Wow, I went in to PVP today and I am *********** LAME now. I went from killing level 50's on a regular basis to getting owned by people lower level than me just because I can't do the burst needed to kill them before they kill me.


    I am SICK and *********** tired of this bull ****. Burst was our ONLY defense. We either killed them or they killed us. Now there is no or. It's just they kill us.


    AFK, watching Netflix.

  11. I have a Sith warrior who I was leveling and I just chose things which would, you know, be logical and not the acts of a crazy person. I ended up getting 1050 light and 1050 dark at level 19. I went to buy a relic and... yeah, can't use either side...


    Is it going to always be like this? Do you have to be a Nancy-boy or a raving psychotic to play the game? Why is not being a crazy person being punished?

  12. All the people saying they should leave it the way it is are just people who -know- that serious level 50 PVPers are going to WIPE THE FLOOR with them when they try and randomly que for a casual match. The gear divide between a new 50 and a geared 50 will be great, between a PVP geared 50 and a ungeared 50 even greater. So after the patch it will be a forum full of "OMG nerf PVP gear" or "Make it easier to get PVP gear."


    Admittedly, the system they have in place now with random rolls on loot bags is pretty freaking stupid, but the QQ is going to come down like a waterfall after the patch. It's going to be glorious!


    It only takes me 8 or 9 shots to kill a 50 on my level 14 sniper. Fortunately I'm shooting them from the other side of the field. Once a 50 closes on me I die in 3.4 seconds.

  13. The posters topic is quite true in my case. I posted that they have until the end of my time that came with the game to implement the 50 bracket so PVP isn't such a unbalanced turd and my time expires day after tomorrow.


    Bye bye bioware! Hope you enjoy the five dollars you made off me because I'm keeping the rest.

  14. So, I was in a match with my Sith and we had a Jedi defending one of the gun placements. He had this really neat trick where he would put a DoT on people then run off and people would try and cap the gun but they couldn't because the tick of the DoT would interrupt the activation of the gun. Then he just ran back and dotted us again. We couldn't take the gun because of this dot and we couldn't kill him fast enough to stop reinforcements to arrive.


    Can I have one of those? Just give them to all Sith classes. That would rock. I want one of those! Awesome exploit is awesome.

  15. If you don't watch the videos then you can't really debate what's in them can you?

    Both videos show snipers effortlessly killing people from vast distances where the target could not -possibly- stop them or do anything but run away.


    What we have learned in this thread:


    1) Snipers are way, way, to powerful in burst or have way, way to much range. They need to be have one or the other, not both.


    2) There is no "Strategy" for fighting a class that can kill you from across the map. There is no winning, there is no fighting, your only option is to run away because they are so over powered.


    3) The opinion of the "Pro PVPers" seems to be that if you want to survive being in a match with a sniper you should hide or be a stealth class because otherwise you have ZERO chance of survival once they see you.


    Now that we've established these facts I'm heading off to bed.

    /win ;)

  16. Care to actually give an example of such a kill, I watched the first 5 minutes and he didn't do any noticeable damage at all. >_>


    thats because he is Lethality spec. It's the -worst- PVP spec for snipers and he still does 75K damage in under 4 minutes.


    Here, lets watch another one:



    This one doesn't use her range as much as she should but she doesn't need to she pwns the crap out of everything anyway.

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