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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Coyotecalls

  1. I think this game suffers from what I call "Fez syndrome" where the developers put years into the game, made it pretty and relaxing and made it rich while not being too complicated but in the end forgot to put the actual game-play in the game. The only thing I find really "Fun" about the game is raiding and PVP. Raiding we finish in one night and PVP is so ridiculously broken it's a joke.


    Here is a hint developers: Waiting for months while you try and build a patch that fixes everything at once is BAD. Fix things in a progression.


    For months now PVP has been dead because the reward for doing it is substandard gear and a massive loss of resources. You don't get companion points, you don't get crafting materials, you get less XP per game than turning in one quest and generally PVP is a waste of time when certain classes like Troopers have "Win buttons" like gravity round.


    Instead of putting the incentive to play into the game and fixing the BLARING imbalances like the trooper classes you tell people, "Just wait a few months, we'll fix it when we put out 1.2"


    Guess what? The people who got pissed off and left in those months you did -nothing- because you wanted to put it all out at once are not coming back. Your inability to handle one problem at a time has been staggering. It's like none of you ever went to a single class on game design or ever worked in any form of game industry before this. Honestly, I don't see how your management team is still employed.

  2. If you are locking out Grav Round/Tracer Missile and still taking damage then you are getting hit with HSM or the Trooper Equivalent (Demo Round?) or possibly Unload or trooper equal. Then they are going back to Grav Round. Troopers are not magically immune to interrupts and a good one is watching for it and quickly switches to other abilities.


    Yes, and as a good sorc I am watching what they are casting. They cast Grav round. I interrupt, they wait a global then they cast it again and I electrocute them, they wait a global and they cast it again so the best I can do is waste two globals making them waste two globals.

  3. I have Electrocute, which is a stun for 3 seconds, Jolt which is an interrupt, and if they are close I can Overload and knock them back, only they usually only work 10% of the time against a trooper. The "They are locked out of casting that spell for 4 seconds" part -NEVER- works. They cast it again after the global cooldown.
  4. why do that when you can post a qq on the forums about it...


    Because Grav round isn't being nerfed in 1.2 and it's what is ripping people apart? It's a freaking 'Win button.' PVP has devolved into which team has the most Trooper or Sorcerers depending on which side you are fighting against. Who ever has the most wins.

  5. Don't have any problems with them... interrupt and they are just sitting ducks. If you ignore them of course they are gonna own you... all dps classes are.


    Dude, I have three interrupt. I use one. They wait 2 seconds then just cast it again. Half the time I interrupt them and it does -nothing-. When they are casting Grave-round they are immune to knockbacks so one of my interrupts doesn't even work on them.

  6. How many threads do we have to make? Is gravity round just ripping people apart "working as intended" are they the flavor of the month class or something? Troopers are INSANE you can't kill them, they kill almost everyone in seconds and they can stun you and heal themselves back to full health while having on heavy armor.


    I don't even bother trying to kill them any more. They have so much burst and damage reduction I can't possibly take them down. They blow through my static shield on the first grave round.


    Nerf druids! I mean.. troopers!

  7. Hey, if they implemented it I would do it. I think it would be fun. A ship droid earning the respect of the crew and becoming a good character in their own right. Unlock new greetings for them to say when you enter the ship and stuff. You know at least those female smugglers out there have the "Full service" ship droid attachments for those long, lonely trips to the outer rim.
  8. Most games I get into there are 4-5 on one side and 7-8 players on the other. So who ever has the most people wins. I don't know what Bioware thinks they are going to do to fix this but I'm not holding my breath.


    Most of the time I just hang out at the one node we do control to get my D-medals. PVP is a massive waste of time right now for most people. But I'm a sorc so I can farm 5 medals without ever getting into combat so it's not that bad for me.


    I've had the daily to win 3 matches for over a week. I've had the weekly for a month. It's an hour Que to join a game that is already lost or you have so few people you might as well have already lost.


    Bioware wonders why people are canceling like this is a sinking ship... Gee... I wonder if it's the COMPLETE LACK of player driven content?

  9. Honestly, this really doesn't seem fair. What am I missing?


    Not to be a smart *** but, you are doing it wrong.


    Whatever it is that Jedi are doing to rip everyone apart. @50 your smash shouldn't be your main thing. I die all the time to melee because they have some kind of immobilization ability, then they force leap at me and rip me apart while I can do -nothing- then if a group of people target them they have a short duration vanish or something. If you are 50 and you are not stupid-over-power you need to do some research. Warriors are amazingly powerful. I haven't seen a Jedi use smash for weeks against me. They stun you and use that 3 second cast blade dance thing and it eats my shield, and half my life before I can do anything.


    Same with Commandos and their grav rounds. Rips through my defenses like butter. I can't even force speed away from them fast enough to survive because their first shot totally eats my bubble.

  10. WoW was WAAAAY easier to level. They didn't make massively, huge zones with five miles of nothing in them. I think a good 30% of the time spent leveling in SWTOR is just driving too and from places. Especially in the indoor zones the tendency the developers have for making people run back and forth across the entire *********** map pisses me off.
  11. People are quitting left and right because PVP is pointless. People are complaining the game is boring. People are complaining there is no end game content. People are saying they don't want to do the same story quests over and over and over to level alts. People are saying there is too much running halfway across the planet to do one quest then back to turn it in. There is just way to much busy work in SWTOR. Just let people level in PVP at the same rate as people who level in PVE. I know that the developers want to punish PVP players for some reason but we are not going to continue paying you if you don't stop bending us over the table. If I wanted to be abused by a group of computer nerds I would troll 4chan.
  12. yeah no its not if you get your valor high while your leveling and get 1000 of both commendations. 1 youll get gear faster 2 getting bm and wh will be easier and 3 you wont have to grind forever at 50.



    Have you ever actually done that? I did. You can get -1- gear bag before 50 and when you hit 50 you have enough marks to get bags with tokens in them that will get you two items of gear if you get the least costly ones. Grinding 10-50 too get 2 pieces of gear is kinda stupid. You should be able to save up bags as you go and get the whole centurion starter set when you hit 50.


    You should have the OPTION of grinding the tokens and getting multiple gear bags so when you hit 50 so the gap between 49 and 50 isn't so nightmarish.

  13. Nope, I have never created an imp character. My brain cannot fathom going dark. Which is coincidently why I hate my consular companions so far. Qyzen especially, if I answer a question like a good jedi consular seer would, goes -1.


    What server are you on? I wonder if I could talk my entire guild to moving there.


    I logged in to my Imp 50 and there were 12 people on the space station. I logged over to my Pubby alt and there were 5 people on the space station. Our server is a GHOST TOWN.

  14. If you don't like an aspect of a game, don't play that. Must be a server issue though, since my highest que times during off hours was 10 minutes.


    Playing republic? If you are Sith that is true of all servers because you can play against your own people. My friends unfortunately want to play pubbies.. I hate it sooo much.


    But the point of the post is that I DO like PVP, the ACTUAL PVP is fun it's getting into the game which is STUPIDLY difficult. No one plays it any more. I <3 PVP. I just wish Bioware would actually SUPPORT it like they promised they would when they released the game.


    In Beta PVP was fun and you could level in it very fast. You still only got credits so you missed out on MOST of the things you need to farm in order to enjoy the game but it was FUN and it was FAST and you could level in it easy. Then Blizzard.. I mean Bioware realized people where leveling in PVP and ignoreing the content so they reduced the XP and the rewards to force people back into the PVE aspects of it. I bought the game so I could level in PVP because PVP is what I enjoy. When I get to 50 I'll PVE with my friends in our guild.


    I PURCHASED the game because they said that PVP leveling would be viable and fun. Then they broke that promise. Frankly if I could get my money back for the game I would take it and never look back because they LIED over and over again about PVP.

  15. If this is happening to you it's because you have lag. Your computer sends the "I'm dropping combat/stealthing" command. Your screen shows it happen. Then a packet is sent out to the server. The server is already calculating the damage for your combat and has sent the "You are taking damage" packet of data out to you. Then it gets the "I am dropping combat/Stealthing" packet. It stops calculating things.


    Your computer gets the "I am taking damage." packet and puts you back in combat. then it helpfully sends a "I am in combat and taking damage." packet to the server which then calculates more damage as if you never left combat! Isn't the interwebz great?!


    You need to ask your ISP to widen the pipes so you getz more interwebz faster!


    Or, alternatively, the devs could just make everyone who pops a vanish immune, and auto-dismiss and resummon their pet instantly.

  16. I dare the developers to tripple the XP/credit/token gains until patch 1.2! Crazy you say? Let me explain why...


    Today I have been in que to play one game for an HOUR. Why? Because I'm republic and because NO ONE PVPS ANY MORE. When you get in a game it's usually over because of not enough players or you get 4-5 people on your team and the empire has a full team so they just roflstomp us.


    Why? Because PVP is -not- worth it right now. If you try and level in PVP you progress half as fast, it takes twice as long to get into a match as it use too, you get ZERO dark/lightside points, ZERO companion points, you get gear only every 20 levels and you can't do ANYTHING to gather resources for when you hit level cap. You don't even get LEGACY points and that is the "Big sell" of the game.


    PVP a MASSIVE waste of time.


    While I was writing this post a match popped after an hour of waiting. We lost in 120 seconds. There were 5 republic and 8 empire players. I made 1433 XP, 16 comendations and 298 credits. That's how HORRIBLE PVP is right now.


    The developers need to give people a reason to PVP or they just need to take PVP out of the game. At least until 1.2 comes out they need to make PVP crazy profitable and good to level in so people will play it again because if they don't they are going to lose the PVP player base. The only reason I am here is because one of my friends PAID MY MONTH and got me lunch so I would keep playing.


    Your game is so bad I had to be PAID to play it. You should stop and consider the implications of this.

  17. Helpful hint: Blind/Stun the person killing you THEN vanish. Also if you are waiting till the last second to vanish YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG.


    Throw a DOT on your target, blind them, vanish, go out of sight, heal up while your dot interrupts them from healing, restealth and pwn them.

  18. 30 minute que times to join a game with not enough players is HORRIBLE.


    They nerfed the XP and the money gain to the point it isn't worth doing. It pisses me off because I liked the actual PVP part of it but you lose SO MUCH leveling in PVP it's not at all worth while.


    No companion points, no dark/light side points, you progress in levels at half speed or LESS depending on how fast the ques are, you get less credits, you get armor only every 20 levels and you can't even spend your marks on gear you'll use end game or the speeder because you have to have the max rank just to BUY the gear you can't USE.


    It's STUPID.

  19. She's right. PVP is HORRIBLE in this game but the story mode is good. I enjoyed the smuggler and sith stories a lot. The commando story.. not so much..





    They are making the same mistakes wow did driving a wedge between the PVPers and the PVEers so the game is just going to get worse for PVP. Long ques, premades roflstomping people, a massive gear grind once you hit cap because for some stupid reason you can't level in PVP and actually be READY to PVP at cap.




    They have 20 gear, 40 gear and no 30 gear. I leveled one alt and had enough marks to put both my character AND my companion in the 20/40 gear and still had more marks than I knew what to do with. Making it so you can't buy things until you reach a rank is STUPID. You can't USE them so why can't you BUY them and save them for when you do get rank? Who ever is in charge of PVP needs to actually play it some time because obviously they have no CLUE how bad it is to level in vs PVE.


    They had a chart on the Live stream that showed level progression almost TWICE as fast in PVE. So if you PVP you get sub-par gear, you get tokens you can't buy anything with, you DON'T get to gather or craft and you DON'T get any social or companion points.




    They want us to buy a bonus with legacy to get more XP in PVP? All I can say is F*** Off bioware. You lying sons of Banthas promised us that PVP leveling would be viable from DAY ONE and in Beta it was. That's half the reason I got the game. Then you nerfed the progression to hell and now PVP is a ghost town.




    Most of the matches I join on the republic don't even have enough players to keep the match open. It ends in 120 seconds. I don't even bother any more.

  20. A) Your raid leader was an idiot.

    B) You shouldn't be effected this dramatically by someone calling you a name on a video game.

    If you are this sensitive people are going to EAT YOU ALIVE in the real world when you get a job.

    C) Ignoring him was the wrong thing to do, obviously you were not going to win that challenge so you should have embraced the secondary goal of all great PVP players: Trolling.


    The proper thing to do would have been to tell him he leads raids like he is blind-drunk, and that he should stop playing. Tell him to spend his time doing something useful like looking for that ring you lost last night in his Mom's bed.

  21. Jesus. It looks like hell to me. If this is the afterlife I would become sith and would search for inmortality by any means.


    This is an extract:

    "However, most Jedi including Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn, believed that people who died and were not able to become Force ghosts lost their consciousness and individual identities and "became one with the Force."


    What are they doing in the force ? Just staying..floating there ? Pretty depressing. :(

    And what means "became one with the Force." Being force ?


    Brains are like light switches. They are on or they are off. Once they are off you don't know what's happening because "You" are not there. You stopped existing, doing, feeling, sensing, and thinking when your brain shut off.


    Through the mastery of the force you can create a pattern of energy which can continue the stream of your consciousness making a copy of "You" that is a reflection of what was happening in your brain.


    Original "You" dies but a new "You" is created as a pattern in the force. So the original "You" is still lost.


    In conclusion; if you need to ask this question, sucks to be you because you are doomed.

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