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Posts posted by Coyotecalls

  1. You can get 5-7 badges on a sorc by standing next to an objective and healing yourself. It's so sad.


    But the good news is that they have made the game not worth playing so soon all the real PVPers will move to a new game and you'll have nothing but AFKers and noobs to kill! Hang in there! I'll just be over here playing Aion.

  2. I'm playing Aion free because it is rumored to have great PVP and Bioware has failed the PVP player in EVERY conceivable way. You would think that they would EVENTUALLY grasp the concept that "Good content" is content driven by player interactions. PVP, raiding, grouping, it's all about people working or fighting together. SWTOR isn't fun any more because no one PVPs and what few people there are playing don't put much effort into doing the two raids there are available. SWTOR has the potential to be amazing. They put in great features, great voice acting, amazing story and good graphics but they forgot to allow the players mechanics to which they could get together and have fun.


    They made the worlds largest single player game with a server.. yeah.. not much replay value.


    They are working on all the wrong things. Roleplaying emotes and character biographies... Yeah.. um.. could you fix the things people actually come to play first? Having the ability to color my armor is really nice but I would like to actually have something to -do- in the game...


    I'm heading to Aion for a while. I'll check back once a few more patches come out. Maybe they will finally get a clue and take PVP back to the way it was in Beta where you could actually level in PVP, get lots of credits and enjoy it because it was worth doing.

  3. If the other door is bombed both doors open...???


    Also there is a nice trick you can use with operatives/smugglers where they can make another player invisible while they take the door. I thought they fixed that so it couldn't happen but maybe not.

  4. Face it, you are a PVPer, you are a second class citizen. Bioware doesn't care about your experience, they are not putting the priority on fixing PVP at all. You might as well suck it up and take what you can because it isn't getting better any time soon.
  5. News Flash: Most players ARE bad.


    It's not really the players gualt. Bioware has made PVP a waste of time. You make three times the XP/Credits/Legacy/resources for doing PVE content so -Most- players never take a lot of time for PVP. Those of us here on the PVP forums are usually the people who spend a few hours a day pwning noobs. But for the "Average player" who doesn't enjoy the hunt, PVP is a mini-game and Bioware will always consider it a mini-game. It will never -EVER- be good because Bioware puts just only enough priority on it to keep the "Average" player from rage quitting over it. Which again, makes us, the people who actually enjoy it, screwed.


    PVP will -never- be balanced, pvp will -never- ever, be treated with the same care as PVE and you will ALWAYS pay the price of having half or more less credits and resources because you aren't out there questing.

  6. I have a free month thanks to Bioware's incompetence and that is the only reason I am here to make this post. I'm putsing around with a low level toon for fun in PVP until my account cancels but before I go I just wanted to say, great work Bioware, you have lied to PVP players from the begining, screwed us over in every possible way and I have tolorated it because you have said you would make it better for us, make it so we could choose to get more XP from doing PVP and things like that, you said we would be able to get gear like modable wrist items for credits, you said you where going to correct the MASSIVE imbalace of reward for PVP vs the reward for PVE and I thought, yay! Legacy gear! They are actually going to do what they said for once! Then I send my alt a couple hundred grand to buy some and, hey, look at that, you have to have legacy 20 to buy it. Which of course I don't have because I level mostly in PVP.


    The people who could use the gear the most, and have the fewest options to get modable gear, are screwed over because gaining legacy levels through PVP is like waiting for Christmas at the event horizon of a singularity.


    Thanks ever so much for screwing us over one last time. You made it easy to stop playing.

  7. I made a smuggler and it was fun, then it got nerfed and nerfed and nerfed again and now I have a 35 smuggler that I would really like to finish and get the buff from but.. yeah.. the character is so weak, so slow, Corso is so squishy now, I feel like I should be paid to play this AC it is SO BAD now.


    They said at Guild Con "You can't make people play Smugglers." but, yeah, here's a helpful hint, what ever you are doing now, do the opposit. You have managed to suck the fun out of the class with the best story. You managed to make the single most fun PVP class into someone I feel is almost useless.


    If you are going to make our AC so weak no one wants to play it can you give us a free respec to the other AC? Because, really, after playing other classes scrappers are HORRIBLE.

  8. So, I'm 28 points into Scrapper and I just started playing my level 35 smuggler after the Jesus Patch hit. I have to say, wow.. it.. sucks so much. In PVP I'm pretty gimped, everyone tells me that smugglers are more fun at 50 but I find myself not wanting to even level because it's just not fun.. I mean, I can stealth past mobs and go quests that have "Click these" objectives but when it comes to actual fighting they have nerfed Corso so much it's a pain in the *** to do more than one or two mobs at a time. I have a sorc who just slaughters five people at a time or a warrior who takes on 5 people with three levels on her and my scrapper has to vanish with three mobs down so she can heal and finish killing. It takes twice as long to actually kill things. It seems like Bioware basically said, "Hey, we realized we made a mistake making a class like Rogues from WoW because those make people QQ all the time. We are going to nerf you until you have no choice but to heal." Or is that just me who got that impression?
  9. You changed all the rules for how our classes work and you gave us target dummies to test new specs on but you forgot one little thing.. no one has the money to spend on respecing.


    I got one redo for free because of the patch on my sorc so I played around with a build experimenting with it, then I had an idea and respected to test out a theory, just now I went to change back to lightning and it's over 58 THOUSAND credits. Really? I respec once and it jumps up to THAT MUCH?


    Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot, Bioware?! Can you not lower the cost since you did just change all the rules for almost every class? Or is it that you just don't want people experimenting at all? If so, can you please post the top DPS builds for all classes once a week? All this thinking and doing math is hard anyway, right?


    I have to wait until next week or the week after that to change back to lightning so I guess I'll shelf the character for a week. After all, it's good game design to include features that make your clients not want to play the game right?


    Waiting for Rated warzones, waiting for respecs, waiting for dual specs, waiting for crafting patterns, pretty much I think what we learned from patch 1.2 is that not playing Bioware's game until it's actually FINISHED is what they want us to do.

  10. Untrue, Mac users are growing. Also Mac's are not bad for gaming as the hardware in them is usually fairly good for the video editting and 3d rendering software that is used on them.


    Hahaha! I'm in school for sims/game design and we have an idiot administrator thought he would save the school money by buying top of the line macs with the school discount. They crash all the time, we've had FIVE of them over heat and brick in the last 2 years and the most popular 3d software packages are missing features because we are running macs. We spend most of the class watching youtube and go home to do our work on REAL computers. We keep telling him they are crap and he keeps buying them because he's a "Mac guy". We have to maintain our own network and do our own maintenance because the college's IT department won't touch them. They once said in front of the entire class, "Sorry, we only fix grown-up computers."


    Macs are HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE machines for gaming, and game design. SWTOR will most likely NEVER release a mac client they even said so at the guildcon. If you are going to be a serious gamer get a real rig.


    If you want to take pictures of your face with the camera built into your GIANT DESK-TOP IPHONE, I can recommend the 5 year warranty. They are really, really fast at replacing the ones that brick. Amazingly good customer service.

  11. For those of you who are QQing about the plague, if you go do the dailies you get a cure for free, also it's fun, also you get money, and what else do you have to do? I got the 41 expertise crystal just for shiggles.. I mean, really? What are you allergic to fun? One cure lasts 4 hours, if you are THAT set on never having fun with everyone else you can spend 4K credits a day and be completely immune to fun. You can grind mobs or play the auction house or whatever it is you do on the game.
  12. Just because you lowered the damage doesn't change our rotation in the slightest, it just nerfed our overall DPS which did NOT need to happen.


    As someone who was constantly being ripped apart in PVP by Grav round, I'm pretty sure it needed to happen. Your win button is no more, stop QQing and learn to adapt. Inquisitors lost the use of our highest DPS spec and got hosed on healing. You got one spell reduced, count yourself lucky...


    You couldn't even force speed away from a trooper before they cut you down with grav round. Now at least there -is- a fight.


    But if you miss it so much level a warrior/jedi they are just as bad as troopers ever where.

    I played my level 28 in PVP just for fun while waiting for one of my guildies I was leveling with and holy crap, I ripped people up.

  13. So basicly another example of Bioware claiming they are listening to player feedback and then making an alteration to the system we are complaining about that doesnt actually address any of the comments being made by the players.


    Sounds about right.


    I suck big time at PVP. That said i really try my hardest to do the best i can in any given warzone to help my team win and maximise my own rewards.


    Now- I get nothing. Every time. Nothing. Casual players screwed over once again.



    If you suck so much you can't get three medals a game, two of which can be received for standing in the right place long enough, you really are bad. They can't fix what is wrong with your play experience. You are doing it wrong. For the rest of us, if we have time to actually play the game we can easily get medals. I have no idea how you can fail that epically.


    The game changed, you can't just run around willy-nilly shooting things and expect to score big. You have to actually play the game part of the game.

  14. Hey folks,


    There's been a lot of discussion about the changes to the Warzone rewards system in Game Update 1.2 and the type of play style that it encourages. I wanted to help out a bit and point out a major change not all players may have noticed and share some of our plans.


    First of all, rest assured we are keeping a close watch on the results of our reward changes to Warzones in 1.2 and we will continue to pull constant metrics to make sure they are going in the right direction as players get used to the new rules.


    To refresh everyone's memories, one of the most important aspects of the new changes is that your team's performance inside the Warzone has a direct impact on a portion of the rewards you are given at the end of the Warzone. Even if your team is losing, the closer you can make the game the better your rewards will be - so don't give up hope! Giving up and letting the other team 'win faster' is now the worst possible route you can take to rewards.


    Secondly, one of the things we have already identified to fix is to reduce the minimum amount of medals a player must receive to gain any reward at all. Currently that value is three (3), and we are going to reduce that to only needing one (1) medal to gain rewards. This should make sure we cover that all important backfill player while still protecting against the freeloaders.


    As we move forward, we will continue to meet and discuss other possible changes based on the feedback here on the Forums as well as the data coming in from the live servers. As always, we appreciate your comments and want to hear from you.



    3 medals was a good plan if you didn't throw people into the match at the last minute where it was a total waste of time. I leave more matches than I play because people abandon ship and I get tossed into a zero-sum game. So I leave then someone else gets shoved into it. Maybe you should just make it so that when half the enemy team leaves the other team wins and life moves on?

  15. I've noticed a good quantity of people are making suggestions based primarily off the point of view of a sorc/sage DPS or Healer. A slim few have made comments from the DPS Assassin/Shadow perspective, but as of yet there hasn't been a post from a Sin Tank. So I figure I might as well fill that gap.


    That's because they are amazingly over powered. But many of my suggestions have had them in mind. I don't think you've actually read the pages of posts or perhaps the title of the thread before replying.

  16. Force-Wall: Using a rectangular targeting reticule you create a wall of darkness or force waves. Instantiates a collider so mobs/players will have to shoot/move around it. Lasts 6-10 seconds.


    Volley: Target enemy is shot directly up into the air then falls back to the ground taking fall damage. Of course this acts as an interrupt.


    Control Beast: Tames a target beast to be your companion and fight for you for 30 minutes. Because, dude, pet Rancor.. just sayin.. o.o


    Fated: Casts a Dot spell that ticks until it is dispelled or until the mob/player reaches 20% life. For every tick it builds a debuff counter called Sealed Fate. Once the DoT goes off the target takes 200 damage for every stack of sealed fate. There is no limit to the stack size of Sealed Fate.

  17. Awesome: When activated you appear to be a level 50 character to mobs for 20 seconds. When activated you count as a Champion to players for 20 seconds.


    Force-Slash: A wave of force that streaks out and breaks the bonds restricting other players allowing you to break the CC holding other people/companions, but not yourself.


    Distraction: Select a target area, A glowing ball of light will appear and all mobs in the target area will look at the light instead of seeing you. So you can walk right past them while they look at the pretty-sparkly. Does not trigger combat.

    In PVP it makes a glowing ball that counts as a "Player" with 5000 HP and does nothing but sits there looking pretty. It is stationary and lasts for 2 minutes. To make it interesting.. it can catch the huttball.


    Adept: When activated you, or your target, is infused with a surge of force power increasing parry/dodge chances by 5% for 20 seconds, or something like that. I'm not sure how the Parry/Dodge mechanics work number wise.

  18. Force Presence: This ability when activated grants the user a damage/healing critical chance buff that is 2% for every tier of Dark/Lightside they are. So if you are Dark 4 you get 4x2=8% critical damage chance for 10 seconds or Light 3 would get 3x2=6% critical healing chance. If you have reached Dark 5 and Light 4 when you activate the buff you get 10% crit and 8% healing. This would REALLY encourage players to get both sides to 5.


    Life Theft: Take 2% life from your target, add that amount to your next healing or damage spell.


    Lightning/Force Rod: We really don't use our light-sabre as much more than a decoration when we play as Inquisitors so you could use the Jedi animation for putting on their buff, and put some particle effects on it where it calls down lightning/a bolt of force to do an instant cast force attack on a cool down. Might help with trash mobs. Could blind weak mobs for a few seconds or something.


    Transfer wounds: Select a friendly player/companion and transfer your life deficit to them. No practical use I can think of but it would be a nice way to get a self-heal while being a total douche.


    Force-Grace: You fall to the ground without taking damage from any distance, can be cast on other players, lasts 10 seconds.

  19. Deception: Create a series of "Force Duplicates" that run off in random directions taunting mobs. A taunt-splosion if you will, this will allow you time to escape with your force speed and drop agro.


    Force Bulwark: A toggle ability that lets you increase the armor value of your armor by X% at the cost of Y energy per second.


    Force-Suspension: You suppress your life force bringing yourself to the brink of eternity, dropping all agro and appearing dead. You gain immunity to all attacks/damage for 10 seconds. Allows the healer to recover the wipes faster in the new content. Also helpful for the non-healers when they pull too much.


    Dark-Vision: Toggle ability that puts a purple/gold overlay on your screen removing all other colors but also allows you to see stealth characters as if they where not stealth.


    Abyss: You summon forth the power of the dark/light side to create a ball of force that is invisible to the naked eye but when it makes contact with a player or mob that player or mob is trapped in place for 3-4 seconds?


    Force Echo: Cast on a player the ability "Echos" heals done to the player to any players around them for 10 seconds?


    Death Echo: Cast on target, whatever damage is done to them is reflected back to the attacker for half damage, threat counts as the threat of the person you cast Death Echo on. So it helps tanks hold agro.


    EMP: An instant cast AOE droid stun centered on the caster, because when isn't emergency CC handy?


    Eruption: When you are killed, and you will be killed, a LOT playing a sorc/sage the force contained inside you erupts and does your life total in damage to everything in 5 meters. Yes, you die, but you get the friggin loot.


    Life-in-Death: A buff you cast on yourself at the start of a fight. For 10 seconds after you die you walk as a ghost in the force able to cast spells like normal. You have a full energy bar when you become a ghost. After your time expires you die again and can be rezed normally.


    Force-Wrench: Rip the buff off of targets. Boss has enrage? F---- no beeaches, I have enrage!

    Buff returns to it's normal location after five seconds.


    Guidance: Channeled ability that creates an illuminated path between you and the target player in your raid. AKA: "We're over here!!!" (Put that path finding technology to the test)

  20. Force Mask


    I would like to see an ability that you can target a mob/player and make yourself appear "Friendly" to them. On players it would be purely cosmetic it would change the color of your name plate or if they don't have name plates enabled it would hide it. So if you are going to hide in corner and heal yourself you pop "Force Mask" and people on the other team will not see you as a target. If they click on you and attack you it would still work but you wouldn't -look- like a target.


    For mobs you could just become a friendly of the type you had targeted. So if you are in a bunker full of rebel scum you can target one, put on a happy face and stroll by him, click your quest item and stroll right back out if you do it fast enough.

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