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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Coyotecalls

  1. Obviously it was an operative that stealthed up knocked him to his face, then flew back behind a cover in the other end of the map while respeccing to a sniper thus obliterating him completely !


    No, I have been saying that snippers need to have either less range or less burst it's other people who keep talking about operatives.

  2. if you get knocked on your face all of bold is no longer valid


    You're not actually reading the thread are you? The thread is about people being snipers from massive range killing people while other classes can't do anything about it.


    Maybe you should try reading the posts before you reply to them.

  3. destroy him by being better


    Destroy him with what? Your ability that lets you kill people from across the map? So I should stop playing my character and re-roll an operative so I can be overpowered at insane range too? That's your solution?

  4. This is how the actual PVP goes.


    You get stunned and IF you survive the initial second after the stun you:


    Step 1: Pop CC breaker

    Step 2: Realize they are across the map and you can't do anything to them.

    Step 3: Activate your bubble

    Step 4: Take two steps while the sniper shoots through your bubble.

    Step 5: Fall on the ground dead.


    They either need less range or less burst. This is the reality. No one should have that much of both.

  5. pass the ball


    So go into Huttball but don't actually hold the huttball?


    What's that? Are you saying "Operatives are so Overpowered the only solution is to stop playing the game?" Why yes, yes you are saying that again.


    Perhaps you can come up with one single suggestion which doesn't involve running away or abandoning all attempts to actually -play- the game?

  6. Like another poster said, they are buff stacking which is giving them an appearance of being overpowered (which anyone can do)


    Do yourself a favor the next time you know there is an operative around, go for them first.


    The will die faster than any healer can keep them up for.


    Operatives are very squishy, thus they pay for high dps with low survivability, take advantage of it.



    So your suggestion is to what? Reroll a stealth class so I can sneak up on them? Because if they see me I'm freaking dead. The same for anyone else. That's kinda the POINT of the thread. You can't get close enough to them to do anything without getting insta-gibed because they have so much range and so much burst.

  7. if he knocked you on your face he's melee distance, hide in a group


    Hide in a group? Have you ever PLAYED Huttball? You have a massive beacon of light all around you going "I HAVE THE BALL SHOOT ME!!!" to all your enemies.


    Again, your statement is "Stop playing the game." this IS NOT a solution.

  8. Take a few steps back!!! OMG why didnt I think of that!!


    Maybe you were too busy doing a face plant on the ground or locked in place by an invisible force to take a few steps back, or maybe the fact that the range on the attacks is HALF THE BATTLEGROUND would make it kinda pointless. Again: the only defense you can come up with to stop these over powered face rollers is "Run away and stop playing the game until they get bored and go away."

  9. If its a sniper youre complaining about theres a really great tactic...take a few steps back. or strafe to the other side of a corner to break LOS. Guess what, now he can't reach you. Let the tanks take his hits. thats what heavy armor is for.



    (note I play an operative...heal spec. i don't usually die when I get a concealment op on me, i pop evasion, two kolto probes, and start running towards my team mates. they kill him or he cloaking screens away)


    Wait, Taunt works on players now? Because I'm pretty sure I said "I have the Huttball" in the example and I'm sure he's not going to shoot at the person not carrying the huttball. Again, your "Solution." is not to play the game. That is not a solution that is just your desperate attempt to defend a broken system.


    and if you are running towards your team mates in Huttball and not towards the enemy goal line, you are BAD. Your team mates should be coming to you, not the other way around. You have a movement debuff they don't.

  10. here dude watch this and make some threads about them.






    In all of those videos that is someone with better gear owning people hyped up on stims and using bonuses. But you know why it isn't over powered?


    THEY EARNED IT. It's a fair fight. You can actually fight back, and if you have equal gear you have a CHANCE of winning. With these snipers it doesn't matter what your gear is because they can kill you before you can get to them. You -can not- win in a fair fight against them or even if you have BETTER gear than them because they are so far away they can take away half or more of your life when the combat starts and then finish you off while you close on them. They have WAY to much burst damage for someone who has that much range. Like at Sorcerers/Sages. We have a lot of range but we don't have a lot of burst. We have constant, steady, DPS. If we had a lightning surge that took half your life or more in one shot people would be having seizures on the forum.

  11. Maybe you shouldn't be fighting him 1 on 1


    Yes, because obviously it was MY choice to get shot from the other side of the map. Your logic is, as always, flawless.


    Perhaps you are saying that people just shouldn't PVP in the same arenas as Operatives? We should all quit? Gee, yeah, that sounds like what you're saying to me.

  12. Everyone of these guys I talk to say "Well if you just broke the stun you would be able to kill me easy. We are really weak." which might be a valid argument if people didn't get stunned every 5 seconds in PVP and only have one break out every few minutes and if the person 3-shotting people wasn't all the way across the arena. Literally, I was standing on one side of the arena with the Huttball walking up the ramp and I was stunlocked and killed by someone standing by the burner on the OTHER SIDE of the map while positioned in cover. There is no way to change your strategy to combat that. You are dead before you can get into range even if you CAN break the stuns.
  13. I've had matches where I got top healing by throwing dots on people as I ran that healed me slightly. Its a broken system. They just need to automate it. Who ever gets top heaing should get something, top damage, top kills, and so forth and so on. Hell, who ever DIES the most should get a small bonus because, well, lets face it... they need the help.
  14. I found Jedi shadows and Sith assassins so disappointing. The main mechanic for the class is stealth and people see through it all the time.


    It's like saying to tanks, "Your main mechanic is armor so we're going to give you armor that -might- work and give you an ability to give it a better chance of working every 60 seconds. Go on! Tank that boss! You have a chance of not dieing!"

  15. Actually, I like PVP much better than PVE in most games, which is why SWTOR is so disappointing. The game is so unbalanced because there are 50's in with lowbies and because there are 20 LEVELS of missing gear it's just a waste of time. There isn't even anything for you to do while you get gear other than run around being a free HK. It's just not fun getting roflstomped because you don't have gear that makes you even remotely competitive. In Huttball where gear is less important than skill, I rock. In voidstar I might as well not even show up.



    It should be skill, not gear that makes the game fun or not. Take a que from Warcraft. The one thing they did right was make objective based battlegrounds.



  16. Can I has cheeseburger please?


    My account cancels in like 3 days, why? Becuase the PVE isn't all that fun. There is WAY to much running around going from point A to point B to point C then all the way back to point A across the map just to go back to point C. Even with a speeder this just gets really freaking old really freaking fast and since you can't change AC I've had to do the first 20 levels of classes 4 times to see what ones I like. I got sick and tired of PVE. So I thought, hey, I like PVP I'll just level doing that! Only, yeah, from 20-40 you have the same gear because there is no 30 PVP gear.


    So I'm out, you guys have fun. You might want to fix the gear gap if you want people to keep playing.

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