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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Coyotecalls

  1. I rolled a Jedi shadow because I loved rogues in WoW and I thought, hey, they are rogue like, i'll give them a try. Only problem is, the stealth is hardly ever actually available in PVP, the attacks that I have to sneak up behind people in stealth to use hit like feathers when I -can- get into stealth do less damage than just hurling a rock at someone.


    If there is combat anywhere around I can't get into stealth so I end up running off just to drop combat which makes me useless. I would rather have a caster at this point.

  2. I've pulled aluminum and laminoid from random pickups on coruscant (Works, Justicar area). Additionally, I've looted bodies of droids during the Esseles and other flashpoints, and usually receive silica and desh but occasionally find better.


    So they put the material I need to develop my armor as a trooper in rare spawns on a planet I don't even start on? So to level my crafting skill I need to go to a planet I have no quests on to look for lumps of random metal until I get the couple hundred pieces of mats I need to level the skill past that range?



    Monumental *********** fail.

  3. On what planet? I went to all the starting planets and killed every droid I could find and none of them were salvagable for the parts I need. I got Desh and something else but not the actual mats you need to level the crafting like Aluminium and Laminiod. -Nothing- on any planet I went to dropped these mats.
  4. So I'm trying to level this freaking crew skill when what do I find?

    Yes, the items you are crafting require scavenged metals and compounds from level 10-16 mobs. So I send off my companion on mission after mission to get low level mats while I go to the low level quest zones and look for mobs to kill. I spend HOURS killing robots in various locations only to find not ONE GOD DAMN DROID in the level range seems to be salvageable. So I get to spend *********** hours waiting for 3-6 minutes at a time to gather the mats needed to level 15 points of armormech! Yaaaay! Lets play everyone's favorite game Hurry up and wait!


    You people ****ed over the pre-launch, you ****ed over billing me for the game, you ****ed over the beta invites, and you aren't even smart enough to think, "Gee, maybe we should actually give crafters access to the materials we require them to level the skills with? "


    *********** fail. You have a great game but your dev team needs an *** kicking. They have to be the sorriest bunch of middle management pencil pushers on the face of the earth.


    Did you people hire the guys who ran the postal system to manage your game or something?

  5. Yes, I agree, HPS should be the same as DPS, then all healers would die in all boss fights from the massive amount of AOE agro the tanks couldn't possibly hold.


    I think the OP should be the first to experience this BRILLIANT plan in action!

  6. I despise 90% of people on this thread that think they know how to launch, develop, and support an MMO


    Actually, I do and the MMO part of this MMO launch is going very well. The game developers did a pretty good job with the actual game part. It's the people in charge of the game developers, the paper pushers who dictate what people can and cannot do who are FAILING HORRIBLY. Management is the reason this launch is the nightmare it has turned out to be.


    1) They should have known better than to promise early access to rabid fanboys without CLEAR and EXACT definitions of when.


    2) The fact they hired some third party **********s who had no oversight to manage the pre-registration was a horrible mistake.


    3) The fact they are unwilling to just make a statement about what customer's should expect at this point is just making things worse.


    In the future they need to leave early access as the best surprise a gamer could get.

  7. I registered back when I first pre-ordered and then when they reset the pre-registrations I sent in an email. I got an email back on 12/13 after sending in the email on 12/9. It took them 4 DAYS to send me the automated response saying they had gotten my email and have added me to the list of people who were reset by the system error. I would give them a C at this point because they are refusing to be truthful. They are acting like it's all under control and it's -obviously- F.U.B.A.R. at this point.


    They just need to come out and say, "Look, our system messed up and the queue was lost so now we are putting people in as best we can. Don't wait up, don't take your days off work. It may be some time next week before you get in."

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