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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Coyotecalls

  1. Mind Trick



    That is a great idea, or a mind trick like I focus my tank. He loses agro and the boss starts chasing a DPS. I click mind trick and the boss is taunted to the target of my focus. For both healers and DPS that would be a GREAT thing to have a "He's over there!" button. It would make switching tanks in the boss fights easier too. Your healer could add a taunt for those sticky moments.


    Also you could give us an ability that we pop, it makes the next heal with a cast time instant cast and doubles the person being heals threat for 10 seconds or something like that.

  2. To replace the ability I only used to torture my companions? Erm.. Sorcs could use a Force-blind ability. Not one that stuns or incapacitates someone but makes them not render on that person's screen. Clouding the mind with the power of the force. It would function with the same mechanic as stealth but only work on one target. So if you are jumped by a Jedi you can force blind him and escape before he rips you apart with his amazingly over powered melee abilities.


    Maybe you could just give us a power that lets us reset the cool down of force speed when our companion is out? So it won't actually change anything in PVP but would make doing dailies faster?

  3. I sucked and wasted my time, blahblahblah.



    dude, what are you doing that you cant get 3+ medals? Seriously, I'm going to bed for a afternoon nap but if you will tell me what you are playing, what you are doing when you play your matches, and what your specs are I will TEACH you how to play. I have yet to walk out of a match without earning 8 or 9 medals once I figured out how the 1.2 changes effected my class.


    You can earn 3 badges by standing in the right place in the BG, all you have to do is earn one badge on your own.. one..


    Some of them are AMAZINGLY easy to get. You can earn 5 badges without even entering combat -ever-.

  4. Obviously, bioware thinks that the best way to make the game more enjoyable is to give the people who used the exploits to get the best gear when Illum came out more gear and slow the progression of the people who didn't exploit to a crawl so that... wait.. you're right, bioware is a bunch of retarded ******s who wouldn't know good game design if someone hit them in the face with it, tied to a brick.


    Why haven't you canceled yet? They gave us 30 days free because they knew they ****ed it up so bad.

  5. Yeah, I've been doing warfronts all morning and wow, they are unstoppable killing machines at this point. I started combat logging and over 5 battles the class that did the most damage to me and EVERYONE in my log was Jedi/Muraduers by 3 TIMES the damage of other classes. Why? Because they rip through your shields and armor like you are nothing. Armor reduction abilities are WAY over powered. You need to fix this. Will all the crap you left broken in PVP the VERY LEAST you can do is not leave one class totally overpowering all other classes.


    I will post the file for you to parse yourself if you want it. I mean, holy **** how could you have missed this? It's horrible.

  6. sup why does it say today 7:47 or something it is 3:01 in east coast thats So weird

    Can someone translate this mess?


    To me it appears that he wrote, "What's up? Does it say today, at 7:47 or something? It is 3:01 on the east coast, that is so weird."


    What the **** does that even mean? Why can't people type in complete sentences any more?

  7. I have a FULL bm Sorc yet if i get focsed by 2 poeple with lesser gear i die understandably but i watched 4 people including me focus a trooper he healed himself TO 100% with no prob! but Wrath proc needed to be nerfed LOL because insta forked lightning changed games. look i can not speak for ALL servers just obviously what i see on mine!


    Try this build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201hZcsdMzRruZfrcM.1

    It lets you have improved bubble, damage reduction, and you can spam Lightning Strike or even Lightning storm to get the free chain/lightning. You get almost infinite energy regen as well.


    Use Shock when ever it's up and chain when ever it's instant, keep affliction on the for extra damage. You *** PWN people and when they pop your shield they get blinded so you can run away.


    In 1.2 PVP, it's all about the burst. If you are using force lightning, you are doing it wrong.

  8. i am curious to know which powerful classes that they left alone cause i have seen changed for every class out there so i would like to know from you what class they didnt bother to touch


    Troopers got nerfed but they didn't get a free respec because nothing in their tree got moved. So people who are clueless and don't read patch notes think the troopers with their super-gravity round were not touched.

  9. i played the whole wow vanilla & burning crusade. I'm not that kind of guy who switch easily but i'll switch. You know why? No? then log on swtor you'll see.


    Man, the most fun I ever had PVP was in wow Vanilla. Rogues could leap out of the shadows and kill mages in a heart beat, Mages could blast you to death from across the map if they got the drop on you, warriors where... yeah..


    - This is the game mechanic Bioware is trying to mimic.


    But things where the most fun for me when they were completely unfair. I could get on my rogue and own people, get on my shadow priest and melt faces until my bubble went down then fear and run away like a scared girl, get on my mage and Pom-Pyro people and get one shot by almost anyone, get on my druid and be an unkillable dancing tree that couldn't kill anyone or my favorite, playing an affliction warlock who just ran around casting instant cast dots and fears pausing only to do the awesome undead male laugh while the dots healed him.



    The balance of the game was that you had a distinct advantage over specific classes while you were at a disadvantage to other classes. It was balanced, but not all the same. Now Blizz is trying to make everything the same and Bioware is going the same rout.


    Biofail is putting thousands of man-hours into making PVP as boring as possible and they are not smart enough to know it.




    Seriously people, cut them some slack. Unless you happen to be ON the PvP Dev team you don't know what the delay is from. Maybe it would have royally F'd up the servers. Maybe there were bugs discovered at the last minute.


    My only solace is all of those spoiled children acting like 5 year olds will leave and never, ever come back. (Please please please please!) Don't let the door hit you on the way out. :cool:


    I'm pretty sure at no point in any legitimate developer discussion was the phrase, "The losers get nothing so they have no reason to reque? BRILLIANT!!!!" ever spoken yet the biohazard developers think it's a great idea.

  11. Wait, what?


    Yeah, you didn't notice?


    If you go into a PVP match and fight your *** off and get 12 badges but your team loses, you get NOTHING. So now people are joining matches, waiting to see if it looks like a *lol* roflstomp and if they think it isn't going to be a win they leave the game and re-que. Then the next sucker gets in and he sees it isn't a win and he re-ques so Bioware sees a lot of people joining games and points to it saying, "Har har har! Look at da people's loving da PVP!!! YAAAAY!!! We did goood!!!"

  12. So, for those of us who got to the conversation late, let me see if I understand this. There are no ranked warzones and won't be for several months, but the best gear requires ranked tokens to get. So instead of actually, you know, fixing the problem or not releasing the unfinished changes they released PVP with a system that rewards you with ZERO rewards, no money, no coms, no nothing, if you lose and then tell us to just treat PVP like it's a raid that never ends?


    I can see why they are giving people 30 days free...

  13. I'm writing this post while "Playing" and by playing I mean gettign swarmed by republic forces playing mostly troopers and jedi who are killing my team as soon as they jump off the spawn point in Voidstar. So, yeah, canceling my account. **** you bioware.
  14. For there to be PVP there has to be a reason for us to do it and as the game stands it is WAY to much effort to PVP. Melee classes cut through caster classes like they are made of paper, troopers still mow down half the battle field before they die, scoundrel's still stunlock you and kill you before you can do anything, sage shields are still a complete joke, Sorcs got ****ed over horribly by the changed to force lightning, unless you are a bounty hunter/Commando or a Knight/Warrior there is ZERO reason to play because you will just insta-die.
  15. the problem is they changed the mechanics DRASTICALLY and didn't bother explaining things. I went from my force lightning cast taking off a good 3%-5% of someone's life bar over the cource of it's cast to it not moving the life bar AT ALL. In the combat log it's doing 240-35 per tick. I **** you not. So our main ability is completely *********** usless but I'm told our other abilities got buffed out the roof. So... yeah, all around I think Bioware needs to buy everyone a dictionary so they can look up the word "Balance"
  16. Consider yourself lucky. They nerfed sorcerers to the ground. My force lightning is hitting for 240-350 a tick which I have to use to unlock my lightning strike which does a whapping 1-2K. Melee classes are doing that every second. So my DPS is about 1/3rd a melee classes as of 1.2... Guess they really wanted sorcs to be healers.
  17. Dear OP, After doing some research I discovered your specific 15 dollars a month goes towards paying a man in the human resources department who's job it is to teach the phone reps how to sound like they are American. Sadly, they couldn't afford to ship a real American over seas to be an instructor so they are learning to speak what they think Americans speak like.


    Customer service rules:

    Rule 1) Sound slightly intoxicated.

    Rule 2) Use small words.

    Rule 3) Apologize even when nothing is wrong.

    Rule 4) If the customer calls and doesn't have a problem apologize that you could not solve his non-existant problem and make sure they know you would be happy to help them with any problems they may have in the future.

    Rule 5) Thank them for calling even though you hope they get cancer and die.

  18. Yeah, I had hoped since they where redoing the skill trees we'd be given a chance to choose again. I don't want to have to level another character to be able to raid effectively and that seems to be what is about to happen. Ranged just has a massive advantage. Melee has to move all the time, avoid AOEs, run from the tank when ever they are the target of a lightning ball, or if the tank is a target of the lightning ball. We are constantly having to stop DPS to move while ranged just stands there and blows stuff up. It's totally not fair.
  19. Bioware lied to us about PVP from the get go. They said you would be able to level in PVP at the same rate you could level in PVE and at the beginning that was true but once they got players playing they reduced the XP, reduced the money, reduced the rewards and made it not worth doing.


    Bioware is nothing but a team of drug dealers offering the first hit then expecting you to keep paying even though the product they charge you for isn't any good any more.


    Guess what Bioware? YOUR NOT BLIZZARD! *LOL* You can't get away with that BS.


    I'm only playing this month because someone in my guild PAID MY MONTH so I would stay around till 1.2 came out to try it. They want the game to be good THAT MUCH. Honestly, with the state of PVP, the dead servers, the fact it takes me 2 HOURS to get a match some times, I don't see myself sticking around even after 1.2 unless the patch has more miracles than Jesus.

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