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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Coyotecalls

  1. They put PVP in the game to sell it to more people. That doesn't mean that the main part of the game is PVP. The main part in this game is PVE, story telling. If you didn't know that then sorry you waisted your money.



    The PVE story telling was really awesome the first time, but since we can't respec AC I'm canceling because I don't want to level the same class TWICE to 50 just so I can have a PVP and a PVE spec.

  2. They better not implement a penalty. I still get kicked out of warzones from time to time because I die and the game keeps me locked inside the rez-room for two cycles. I've lost the void star because the ENTIRE TEAM started the match in the room and when the game started the shield reset without letting us out so they just walked up to the door, bombed it and went to the next room while we got booted.
  3. Yes, some of them can stealth, some of them can guard like tanks, some of them can heal and some of them can cast lightning. None of them can do all those things. They have one stun, like -everyone- does.


    Fail troll is fail. Go back to WoW and bubble-hearth some more.

  4. It's because you are losing, and that's because you are level 12 and taking up a slot a higher level could have filled, and possibly helped to win.


    I actually score an average of 2 balls a game because I can run by the attackers and they don't pay attention to me. I'm not a threat but then I'm in position to catch the ball and pass it to someone else down the map.


    Also in the one where you have to plant bombs on the doors I run in and shoot people then run back away from the door and like morons several people will try and chase me down. I lead them away from the door and let the other people plant the bombs.


    Being low level can make things better just as much as being higher level.

  5. It's just the same as it was yesterday, you're imagining things or have only been playing losing matches today.


    Yeah, you're correct I guess. We finally had a game of Huttball where it wasn't a team full of unstopable sages scoring one after the other and when we won it was back to normal.

  6. I logged in this morning and for fun played on my level 12 bounty hunter. I leveled mostly in PVP from 14 to 24 on my last character and doing constant PVP I rocketed up in levels but after the patch I am hardly getting one bubble worth of XP per game. I didn't see anything about it in the patch notes. Stealth nerf much?
  7. If they do, I think this might break my long-standing faith in their competence, at least for this BioWare team.


    They lost that when they removed my post after I said something someone suggested was technically not possible because of limitations on computer hardware. When I asked them why they removed the post they send me back a reply which is now my signature.





    Oh, wait, they removed my signature because it was bad for the reputation of the company.

    Talk about a stealth nerf *lol*

  8. Wait, so the whole point of this thread is actually a QQ because after spending hundreds of thousands of credits on leveling a skill you get to have reusable medpacks? You think it's not fair that we don't have to buy individual medpacks and stims for use in BGS?


    OP: Your are not so good at math are you? It would cost us LESS money to buy the stims and medpacks to use in PVP than it would to level this nightmarish skill. I'm only doing it because my guild needs someone to do it and no one else wants to put in the effort to this massively painful waste of time.


    If you want the same advantage as us buy the stims and battle heals at the start of your PVP match. Duh? There is a vendor in every starting point.

  9. I would say anyone who levels Biochem to max DESERVES an OP reward. This has to be the single most annoying crafting skill I have ever had on ANY game in the HISTORY of video games.


    From 110 to 140 the only pattens the trainer gives me involve Luminescent Cell Cultures and Bacterial Strains which I hardly EVER find in the world. The only way I have to get them is to send my minion on missions at 537credits PER MISSION to have a CHANCE to get one of the two items I need. On the republic side people trip over these mats but on the Empire side they are more rare than gold from what I've seen.


    I think I'll just drop the skill at this point. It's not worth the investment.


    Oh, and you need 4 of each of those items per point.


    So to level from 110 to 140 it's 530cr a mission, getting the mat once every 3 missions on average, multiplied by 30 points, multiplied by 4 mats each point. So to level the skill it would cost me: 190,800 credits to level the skill to 140 empire side...

  10. I took biochem and I am regretting it more and more because one of the main things you have to do is run diplomacy missions to get medical supplies but EVERY SINGLE MISSION gives me a light side point. So to maintain my dark side I have to run 2 missions for a total of 10 minutes just so I can counter balance the fact there are NEVER any dark side missions which give medical supplies.


    I have a bank full of companion gifts I could give absolutely not a damn care in the world for and I can't level my crafting skill without it being a total pain in the *** because for some reason the dark side doesn't believe in medical technology.


    Fix it.

  11. My problem was the quest I was given was in a covered area of the map and the SINGLE way into that area was also obscured. They need to show us the ROADS at least. Even if you don't know what's on the roads ahead of you, it would be helpful to know where the ONE path is you can take to get to where you are going since you can't climb over hills or rocks larger than knee high for some reason. Any other MMO in the world you can get into zones in multiple ways or climb up hill sides. You aren't limited to one single entrance to any quest zone that you must take. They failed horribly at making a user-friendly game world so they should at least give us a working map.


    No one likes to play the "Guess where the developers hid the road" game.

  12. The map isn't the problem at all. It's the design of the planet. They put so many twisting roads that go around pointless, wastes of space like impassable hills that I could easily jump over if not for the terribly bad game design that needs to be fixed. In the end though it's easier just to show people how to get around the asinine decorative mountain than to change the world and make it so you can jump over something higher than a shoe box.
  13. I realize that it's a MMO tradition to hide the areas of the map you haven't been too but you designed planets like Dromund Kaas SO FREAKING POORLY that it's difficult to get ANY where. I had a quest to go to get the Mask of Revan and the hardest part of the quest was finding the one *********** sliver of road that indicated there was a fork leading into a undiscovered zone. Hiding the map is freaking retarded! We live in a civilization where they have mapped GALAXIES how can the Empire not *********** afford maps?


    I don't care if you show the map with a color overlay for the parts that we haven't explored but SHOW IT so we will know how to get into the areas that your freaking HORRIBLE map design made impossible to get to except for the one specific foot path.

  14. My point is you have nothing to complain about.


    Let me just rephrase what you said, "Atomic bombs do a lot of damage, there for no one should make guns better because all we will ever need are atomic bombs."


    Your point exists in a null space sir.

  15. My guildy is capping damage as a level 15 shadow. I crafted him a yellow crit crystal (artefact) and an artefact damage hilt.


    I'm sure lots of other people are doing top damage as classes other than what the topic is actually about...??? Your point?


    Sorc are too weak, period.

  16. I'm playing a level 15 Sorcerer at the moment and in PVP vs anyone over 20 (because of the gear) I can stand there and blast them with every spell I have and hardly even move their life bar. I damage them but as soon as I am close to actually killing them they just run off because most of my damage is done by stationary spells most of my combat ends with my target being out of range. I don't do enough damage vs the MASSIVE life pools that people have in PVP. I mean I can focus someone who is standing still killing someone else for 8 to ten seconds and not kill them just because they are a heavy armor class and have so much damage resistance.


    PVP is not fun when everything you do is futility.

  17. This and the space missions are putting me ahead of things far too quickly. I've skipped about half of Nar Shadda, some of Tatooine and about 1/3 of Alderaan. Feels weird skipping that much of the story.



    Let me translate what people like this poster are saying:


    "Oh no, QQ, if I chose to not do my quests and get XP in other ways then I get XP in other ways!!! Noooooo!!! I'm such a mean person forcing myself to do PVP instead of questing!! Someone should stop me from hurting myself!!!!"


    If you want to level in PVP you shouldn't be penalized because some emo morons can't stand to choose between PVE and PVP. Either PVP or PVE don't *********** make my game suck because you can't make up your Riddlin-addeled minds.


    And yes, this will be a sub ending change for people. TOR PVP was lame enough already, world PVP is non-existent or completely one sided depending on the server and things like Hutt-ball are a freaking joke. Between that and the spawn timer exploits, the class imbalances, the fact we can't respec between ACs and the HORRIFIC customer service this game is quickly becoming the new DCOU.


    I think I might just call my bank and dispute the charge for the game. Honestly, I want my money back and since they charged me the 5$ fee for pre-order TWICE, I can legally just take the whole cost of the game back.

  18. I am tired of watching from behind a force field as the enemy team walks all over us.


    I died and was placed into the holding room and I watched as one of the enemy team dropped down from their spawn point, lowered the red force field that separates them from the shuttle bay and then hoped down and planted a bomb on the door before I could even leave the room. The bomb went off before we could even get -to- it much less have a chance to disarm it.


    The force fields stopping people from getting back into the game are annoying in -every- type of PVP and I have no idea why you think they are a good idea but the fact you can win matches by killing yourself at the right time to exploit the timers needs to be fixed.


    What *********** moron at your company thinks "Hurry up and wait." is a fun game to play?

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