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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. I thought the definitive answer for everything was 48.


    42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. 48 is just a wannabe power of two that couldn't make up its mind while stuck between 32 and 64. Sure it's got the nice double the first digit equals the second going for it, but still, it's a sad little number.

  2. Ah, I forgot, I measured that one too: 1120 Republic and 1580 Empire when I did my ingame counting.


    I have been checking that one a lot lately while trying to decide on which RP-PVP server to play. Jung Ma is usually 60% Empire - 40% Republic, and when I check Ium, it's usually 2 to 1 like 34 to 17 in favor of empire. The percentages match up almost exactly with Ajunta Pall, only Ajunta Pall has a higher population.

  3. Not even close. The threads I see getting locked are usually stupid, repetitive, trolling, or along those lines. I have yet to see a true gem get closed. The only people that have a problem with those getting closed are the trolls.
  4. Most played numbers usually don't lie in my experience, unless the class has some special popularity tied to it. I've been doing my own little census by hand off and on since release, and the Sage is always the most played by a significant amount.
  5. I think people are missing the point. I was not expecting **** faceroll increases with the 550ti. I know its a old card. What I was expecting was a better increase then 2 fricken fps by upgrading from a 9600.


    Also amd vs intel is kinda like the ati vs nvidia debate. They both make good products and a lot comes down to consumer bias


    I think the consensus is that you are CPU bound, and should look into that more when you get home.

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