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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. That's odd. Almost sounds like a 6.5% sales tax is being tacked on. Are MMO subs taxable in some places?


    I believe any online site must collect taxes if they have businesses in your state. So I am guessing that if you live in TX or CA, EA will be collecting taxes. Keep in mind that I might be wrong, but that rule seems to work for all sites that I use.

  2. Might have been a bad release, but it was quickly turned into the deepest game you'll find to this day. Most of the people slobbering all over ToR's knob would have an aneurism the first time they had to pull out a calculator to twink into higher level items. Shame Funcom let it waste away, but they're doing the same with AoC now that TSW is coming, so it's not surprising.


    I played it again quite a bit later. I can't remember, but I think I had a doctor that made it to near 200. I remember getting a program to help figure out the best implants. That was work healing in that game because you had to regularly use stims and run up to the injured guy. I couldn't kill very fast or good with my doctor, so I had to run missions, by basically exploiting the very poor pathfinding of mobs, for money to pay for my grouping with people because I spent so much on stims and such.

  3. I'm almost positive that's not true btw, Asheron's Call 2 was the first game with instancing.


    No, I played AC2 at release too. AO was worse. But I did come up with a new rule to judge perspective MMOs after AC2, if it doesn't have functioning doors, then it's probably a bad game. I actually thought about this rule when applied to SWTOR too :D

  4. I've been in the US military for 8 1/2 years and no female officer is ever called Sir. Maybe in other countries, but not in the US.


    As far as SW universe, I believe it's always been that way.


    I was in the army about 20 years ago, and I thought I remembered being taunt to address them as ma'am. Being in a combat unit at the time, I don't ever recall having to face the issue because there were none around.

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