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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. And if they'd released it alraady with any bugs at all you'd be complaining....


    1.2 is a huge step forwards in a game that's still in it's infancy, to suggest that they've held 1.2 back to string people along and get them to re-sub is just tin-foil hat talk.


    At first people were claiming it's a conspiracy because march was the perfect time to catch those two month subs. Now they are saying the same thing +1 month lol

  2. Or it could go the way of Warhammer Online (pretty much dead). It doesn't take too long for players to realize that they've been baited & swtched (saying it's MMO when not's like an MMO at all).


    I wasn't bait and switched. :rolleyes: Don't like the game then move on. Pretty simple decision.


    It could go the other way. It's no matter. There's always another MMO on the horizon.

  3. in some mmo, you can lose a level if you die ;)


    Here is my hard luck story from eq1. I still remember it even though it must be well over 10 years now. I was playing a troll or ogre shaman. I ding level 9, and buy sow, then immediately start on my journey up to the NE city of Neriak. So I get there and try to find someone to bind me. No luck inside the city, so I head out to try to find someone to bind me outside at the entrance to the city. A rovering mob comes and two or three shots me. Bam! I am back in my starting city at level 8 with no gear or sow because my corpse is outside of Neriak.

  4. Every time I see my companion get stuck somewhere, I say to myself that if BW is going to make us rely on companions, at least make it so that they don't get stuck. I'm fine with making them stick to within 5-10 meters of us at all times, no matter what. I've seen them get stuck doing nothing in combat quite often too. So yes, I am sick of baby sitting companions.
  5. A lot of maintenance that is done is on the back end which would affect connectivity to any of the servers. Not all maintenance is software related.


    I think +90% of it is software related like restarting all services to "fix" any memory leaks server side. If something happens to hardware, they probably can hot switch it, or have backups ready.


    As to the OP, I say just take a break.

  6. I think the non-interactive NPCs are BW's method of optimization. They are probably all handled client side, so their numbers are dependent on the client machine. BW is trying to make the world seem more populated and active without impacting server performance. This is all my guess, so don't take it as factual.
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