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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. I just rechecked my post and I do have a few mistakes. Shifting around sentences etc and didn't proof read due to me rushing / multi-tasking. But there is alot of validity to what I said as far as the issues in this game. To busy atm to edit my post but even with the typos my point is still clear.


    It still reads like an overboard Illium rant. One that isn't worth investing time to fully read it. tldr; They messed up, and they are incompetent. Got it, thanks for sharing.

  2. It's just a bunch of immature people that expect an MMO to become their gf/bf for life. When it's apparent that it isn't going to happen, some lose all perspective. I have said it many times.


    It's just a video game. It's ok to not like it, and it's ok to like other games. If you are not having fun, by all means, feel free to stop playing.

  3. I would go on about "what settings your on" or "what plugins your using" but troubleshooting this isn't the point.


    The simple fact that it works for me and not you and we both use firefox means that the page was not flat out taken out. If it did, NO ONE would see it.


    Unless... you guys honestly think they would purposely bug there own site? :p


    I have had issues in the past with using FF here. If things don't look right or start acting weird, I clear about my browser history and cache, then things start working correctly again.

  4. This is bad advice on drivers...


    AMD methodically releases a driver update each and every month. Nvidia does take longer to update drivers. I use Nvidia cards, but let's be accurate shall we.


    Also, I have had a couple games in the past year or so where there were nvidia driver issues. I can't really remember the games at this point. I remember waiting for a patch on a couple games at least.


    In my opinion, both companies these days have their issues with drivers. It's a complicated process, so I don't really fault them.

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