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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. SWG was broken from the start. Combat was crap. After I killed something, I would literally have to go fight something else, then go back to see if there was anything to loot on the first kill. The loot delay was that bad. It took years for them to fix that. SWG was a crap game at release, and it was a crap game after NGE. Holocrons for becoming a jedi could be one of the dumbest ideas ever implemented in an MMO. Don't even get me started on the overcrowded housing everywhere.
  2. To the OP, do you want the animation guy, who could potentially not be a coder, fixing core game issues? I realize how hard it is for people to understand that coders are not interchangeable, because my own management doesn't understand the concept. Just because you work on the same project doesn't mean you know every section of code, and there is a significant increased risk when going into unknown code, and of course, extra time to learn the new code.
  3. Yep! Having fun.


    A game where there is no meaningful crafting system ,


    This is code for disgruntled swg player? I hate crafting, although I like it in this game, and I hate how crafters ruin games because they feel the need to be special snowflakes.

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