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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. LOL. Based on nothing but a hunch, when I rolled my first character two days ago, I chose Republic for this very reason. I just figured that Empire would tend to draw more children with its "dark side" appeal.


    When I was trying to decide whether to play republic or empire, I couldn't last more than 20-30 minutes at a time before the inane and stupid chat drove me back to the republic side. When I go to play the empire side next time, I will close the chat window (or turn off all chat channels) and treat it like a single player game.

  2. I have seen harder PvE hard fights while leveling in SWTOR than any previous MMO released in the past several years. If you don't have someone telling you the instance fights, those can get real interesting at times too. Once or twice per planet something brings me close to death, which is more than I can about the other MMOs.


    So no, I really don't have the problems mentioned. I guess you all should move on if you are not having fun.

  3. 2. With #1 being kept firmly in mind; SOME FREAKING WARNING WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE - maybe could have saved for it, instead of recently shelling out 20,000 credits for an extra row of baggage space.


    There is a warning if you read the tips or whatever they are called (the yellow tutorial things that popup on the right when playing).

  4. This is why I always stick through with the high pop server until the end of the first month, because a lot of people always leave. Usually, the devs rarely plan for server transfers. In fact, Rift was the only responsive to it that I can remember. War made you go to specific servers, which didn't really help that much.
  5. This is my preference on Republic side: Trooper, Smuggler, Knight, Consul, and the last 3 really aren't that great. They should have called the smuggler, Republic Mercenary, then I wouldn't have any problems.


    Matter fact, with the smuggler after Chap 1



    They outright give up on the smuggler, and ask if you want to work as merc lol


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