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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. Yeah, and if you screw up even once some jerk like this will be sure to let you know how bad you are.


    So true. Every time a side starts to fall behind, there is always one guy that can't handle it, and starts to scream about fail. Like earlier tonight, this guy screamed, "you suck" to everyone in the wz. We were behind at 240, but we ended up getting all three turrets and held them for the last 150+ points.


    Kids need to settle down and realize that you aren't going to win them all, and sometimes the deck is stacked against you.

  2. It's not as much of an issue at 50, as it is at 10-49. Mainly because most classes have the tools to adequately combat it. That being said, I was both horrified and amused, when I ran into a valor 65ish commando earlier, who backpedaled, whilst spamming grav round and ONLY grav round... Slaughtered him 1v1. Truly satisfying.


    I think most of the problem is people under level 25-30 or so depending on the class. You have one maybe two interrupts, and one of them might be 4m distance and/or on cool down. You're basically screwed if you can't los the attack.

  3. I love a sage talking about tracer/grav round like telekinetic throw is any different and in many ways worse. 99% of every sage/sorc in the game play by planting face on their channel ability button in exactly the same way grav/tracer is spammed and for exactly the same reasons.


    Sorry that you have a problem with power tech... you know like the rest of us do as well? If there was a tiny violin emoticon I would play you a sad song.


    It is pretty hilarious. They have a bit of problem with one class spec. :D

  4. ...I wonder why this would be true. If anything, it proves it is the game.


    You never know what kind of bloatware is running on his system. It could be any number of problems from old left over drivers to a thousand tasks running in the background. New OS off a fresh install and disk wipe means that only the windows processes are running, and in theory the latest drivers are installed.

  5. OP is talking about the bug that allows one team to have 12 people and the other to have like 6. Or whatever.


    I saw this last night and it was brutal. We had everyone on mid, while they had 2 on east and still outnumbered us on mid.


    They were supposed to fix this bug. But it would seem not.


    Also, warzones are not counting again for some.


    Last night, the WZs were starting with a 8 vs. 5 and the WZ was terminating early. So with the imbalance, there was no point in queuing.

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