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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. Many players think that the trinity is "Tank-Healer-DPS", but it's really "Tank-Healer-CC". It should be emphasized more. Encounters should require the use CC and for players to watch when they use AE, and what they attack.


    The past few years MMO encounters have become quite simple, and little strategy is ever needed beyond spam AE and skills as fast as possible.

  2. So I have done 3 end of part I missions for different classes, and they have been progressively been getting worse. In the order that I have completed them:


    1. Smuggler: I made it through with a smuggler, and it was fairly uneventful. A couple of glitches, but nothing to complain about.


    2. Commando: There were several line of sight problems, and at one point I had like 15 guys run out of nowhere to attack me. On the subsequent mission that followed, I have had it happen again, but much worse. I attacked some guy under a ship on the ground, and 20 guys poured out of the ship or from who knows where. Also, M1-4X (the big bot) gets stuck behind imaginary lines quite often.


    3. Sniper: This one was quite frustrating, and there will be spoilers in this description. At one point, I get to the point where I am suppose to kill a big bad sith (he is level 32 and I an level 31). He is standing on a raised area that is up a few stairs. I cannot attack him from afar because there is no line of sight. I literally have to stand on top of him to initiate the fight which put me at a disadvantage. So my first couple of deaths involved me figuring out that I cannot fight him on the landing where he is standing. I have to pull him down the stairs.


    So the next fight I try to pull him down the stairs, but the companion gets him stuck in a no line of sight, death. Ok, keep the pet on the passive while doing the initial pull. So I pull and run down the stairs, tell companion to attack, companion gets 3 shot just about, death. Alright, I really really need to keep this guy interrupted, and I need to pull with my stun because he tears me a new one while running away. Rinse and repeat, death. Ok, let me try to hide and line of sight him when he is attacking me with the computers in the area. Bingo! All said, it took me about 12 deaths to overcome that line of sight bug.


    The funny part is you get to fight the guy 3 times total. After I figured out how to fight the guy, the second and third were relatively easy. When I managed to finally defeat him the first time, I had 29 hp left.


    I seriously doubt that anyone at BW could have play tested this mission recently. Had I been able to pull and shoot him from a distance, I don't think it would have been near as bad. Maybe only 3 or 4 deaths :) The first several deaths were all about getting him to an area where I could attack him.

  3. 2) The WZ where you have to stop the other team from getting through a series of doors. The opening cinematic has a ship that overlaps another ship by basically running it over.


    I was just going to mention this WZ. Basically, if you are the defender, you have to ride some stupid speeder to the spot which takes about 1 minute. So what happens is that the defender will have 5-6 people riding those stupid things, and the match starts because the game thinks everyone is present, which leaves them with 2-3 defenders until that shield lets more through. With the run speed thing that sages/sorcerers get, it's basically a dash before anyone can catch up. Such stupidity in design.

  4. Not really. I experienced that sort of stuff in CoH, and it wasn't very good. In fact, most of it at the beginning was about creating content to level as fast as possible. Considering the amount of time such a feature would take, I would rather see the dev time going to something far more useful and fun like new classes or something.
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