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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. Tired of seeing the same pve republic groups smash everyone. And for pvp gear even not even give them a challenge. It is horrid, not fun, and leaves a bad taste for the game in general. Remove Bolstering for level 55 Warzones!!!


    Lol this is a great rational. It seems you just want to vent because you get your poop pushed end. Likely bolster isn't the reason.

  2. Two main reasons.


    1. Too much work.


    2. I don't have a lot of group rank experience, but would be interested in learning


    It's a great idea and good initiative it probably needs a couple people to work together to organize. But it also has to be people that don't get pissy at a loses cause it's gonna happen but it's the only way to improve.

  3. 1. Sync Qing by guilds

    2. Getting the same people q after q and u can't leave cause you will lose PTS anyways, u lose PTS harder to get better groups.

    3. Class imbalance


    It's not a real competitive environment cause it is not a even playing field.




    Really they need to get some sort of cross server q's if they want ranked arena to stand a chance for the casual PvPers. Right now people are just Q syncing and playing together in Solo much like they did in Regs previously instead of stepping up to the challenge to learn and play against better competition they take an easy route then brag about their rating.


    Now this has a negative effect as people that are solo queuing stop because they are essentially going against 2-4 people on vent with experience playing together. It is frustrating for them, why would they continue to queue? These people are helping to speed up the demise of solo arena. Again cross server would help the 4 mans as well, but to be honest those that Q sync solo will just go back to Regs and premade there.


    They arent in it for competition, they are like the old Twinks of WoW that bailed when XP was added to BGs instead of grouping up on a BG and fighting Twink vs Twink. Also they were likely the vocal twinks that claimed they twinked for competition vs other twinks, until that got forced on them and they bounced. Then they figured they could get Heirloom gear, make a hunter and destroy the 10-19 bracket, delete when they hit 20 and reroll.


    Apologies for the WoW reference but if the shoe fits.

  4. Nope, it's Biowares fault.


    This is a limited time event, people want to do the event, they don't want to waste time doing OWPvP when there are no rewards for doing open world pvp.

    Oh so you need rewards to PvP? People that recall battles at Southshore there were no rewards or battling at Black Rock raid v Raid, again no rewards but the fun and thrill of bring the victor. True PvPers don't need rewards. Most people start PvP when leveling in games because a it's fun. In WoW BGs use to give no experience yet they were always packed with levelers getting honor that was almost worthless but they played because it was fun and dominating an oponent is a reward. The players that need rewards are sad excuses for PvPers you don't play for the thrill of victory or crushing your oponent which is what OWPVP is about.

  5. I hear you. I just finished typing an email because I didn't win MegaMillions last night.

    **** you too? I told them it's a slap in the face, I am the customer from ****s sake!? I buy a lotto ticket each week I support them and pay their salaries and this is how they treat me?

  6. Here in this post you are even boasting about the cartel coins you got. Even though some people were already subs.


    While he did apologize, I tend to agree. along the lines if it's to good to be true it probably is. And getting massive amounts of CCs is clearly "too good to be true" territory. It doesn't take a burger flipper to figure out the results aren't intended.

    Now he's not as bad as that guy who posted in every class forum, I certainly hope BW drops a GW2 type ban on people that are purposely exploiting the bug. And just wait to hear the I didn't know cries. Yet for some reason every threaded started has a misleading and shady title to it to get people to click the link. :rolleyes:

  7. My guess is the people that spammed their link in the forums will recieve some sort of punishment. There's been some not so clever threads in the PvP forums and server forums of people putting this out there. It will be pretty clear to BW by the links clicked and by whom this should be. Now BW is more passive in punishment that other companies so I doubt they drop the perms ban hammer on purposeful exploiters. Despite the flood of "I didn't know" rants that are sure to come everyone should take a queue from this young man and accept responsibility as such hopefully BW will go easy.


    Congrats to the OP for manning up as it is.

  8. I cheered when I got my interrupt, but seriously, try playing against lvl 50s in full PvP gear, with no bolster. One-shot city. With bolster, you have more than enough tools to beat higher level players after you get your interrupt..


    Exactly imagine these guys at launch getting smashed by 50s in PvP gear, the qq would roll in waves. Everything is fine a good player can dominate at any level in the lowbies and particular classes and win matches by themselves depending on the WZ.


    The bigger problem is people don't watch doors, call incs, target healers ect. Leveling my sniper in an arena 75% of my teammates can't understand target the Flame first, don't split up and don't break CCs on the other enemies. Do that stuff and you will be ahead of 75% of the levelers.

  9. There are certain things in life that you just get a feeling arent working right. Some people choose to play it safe, and other people choose to ignore that feeling and take advantage of the situation. It should be pretty obvious to anyone with common sense that Bioware doesnt intend for people to be able to rack up thousands of cartel coins for free so easily. Why should that be obvious? Because Bioware makes money by selling cartel coins. Its just that simple. So if someone chooses to take advantage of this situation, when it so obviously isnt working correctly, they deserve the full weight of whatever punishment comes their way.


    This reminds me of the GW2 bug where max level items were miss priced and people went nuts buying them. Then the ban hammer came and people got pissed and went nuts. They explained if it looks to good to be true it probably is and taking advantage of it and not reporting it is ban hammer worthy.

  10. I now refer to my sabo charge as the tebow charge, as taking a knee in prayer can bring about magical 6k crits.


    That's is awesome. Reminds me of a stat I heard last week, out if the last 25 Hiesmam winners 16 have been QBs, 1 has won a playoff game. That's right Tebow

  11. I think Wildstar will be awesome, When the Devs can hardly beat the first dungeon then you know its going to be challenging. They already said they wont be catering to the masses with the difficulty. They dont want casuals being able to beat the hard stuff. Not to mention Devs actually caring about the pvp for the game. It's quite nice.


    Lol casuals power the money engine for games and you are fooling yourself if you don't think it's all about the Benjamin's. It's a shame as I contend PvP at least should be balanced around the top 10% but that isn't the way I twirls out in the end.

  12. Imagine Bioware throw a curveball to us all, and during peak periods of pvp queuing, just force random 20v20 into arenas.


    BW needs to work on a larger WZ I know we can never have anything like AV but a larger number in WZs would help the people qqing about premades if they are not half the team. A 16v16 or 12v12 would be nice but I know the engine might have troubles with that. Still I wonder what their internal testing tells them on the # of people in the same area.

  13. I am playing Wildstar beta as we speak,


    My input:




    1. Combat is retarded, horrible, stupid.




    Every class is a aoe class and some of the classes are retarded to play with.


    2. The game looks like ratchet and clank meets guild wars 2, which means its to cartoon and its another guild wars type of game.


    Kid game for sure, nothing special




    1. Game is new and is inventive so for free this could be a game to get away from SWTOR in those days when SWTOR is driving you nuts.


    2. Arena and some of the PVP does have a upside to it and by all means sandbox PVP even if its unbalance and stupid can be fun.


    My verdict:


    Game has potential, but again this game isn't the savior EVERYONE THINKS IT IS.


    SWTOR's beta was way more promising and fun, and yes SWTOR is better than Wildstar.


    The hype of the game will end in a few months, and I am willing to bet 1 million credits on that fact.




    Sums up my thoughts more or less. also the ESO beta, clunky combat and GW2 style WvWvW in addition I have never seen such negative feedback in a beta. Although it has it's fun moments it will not match the hopes and dreams of MMO fans in addition to letting down Skyrim fans who thought it was Skyrim co-op more or less.

  14. All very good suggestions and ideas to help improve the game.


    They did some good things with the PTS and inviting players for closed beta to assist in testing is great. When you get the right players that care about the game to put in the time and write conclusive bug tickets with repro steps that cant be understated. And to all that took part thank you.


    Despite the vile nature of some of the posters and their need to decry the game as a failure and nitpick all the flaws there are still good community members who provide valuable feedback that is constructive even if it isn't positive which is required to help the game grow. All MMOs need to time to add features and fine tune existing features and community feedback can be valuable in this process.


    Another thing, the Cantina tours are great and I would like to see that continue in 2014, it was great to meet everyone in Seattle, minus the fact the venue couldn't hold everyone.

  15. Gathering on Hoth with my guild to do the world boss and it bugging out on us. Was still fun.


    Grinding bags hoping for the purple main hand and bring stoked after 14 straight nothing bags and my last 5 tokens were belts and bracers but getting the saber was a moment of joy.


    Early access hoping I got the 6AM invite.


    All the activity on the the starting planets and 4 Jugs smashing Black Talon.


    Your first Huttball realizing what an awesome concept they created (during beta) and jumping from level to level with force charge.


    Good times.

  16. IDC i graduated from Harvard law. Do you have any credentials , didn't think so? bye


    Ha ha ha that's the best **** I have heard all week. You also are probably neck deep in vajaj and have to beat the women off you with your elequite speaking and haterific attitude telling all the girls how swtor wronged you and can't get any action tonight because you have taken a stand making multiple accounts so you can reenforce all negativity no matter how contrived. "Sorry ladies, I must go on the offense tonight and fight against the giant beast that wronged me and violated me in a way we cannot speak of".


    Now I can really see that vs the other truth of what you really are.

  17. My guess is no and it is not an over sight. With people buying them at 10% off why would they drop the price? People want some of the gear in there to complete sets and are willing to pay the going rate for the HC's, seems like bad business to lower the price. There is an argument to be made that they might sell more lowering the price but it's almost impossible to tell. I would guess if no one was buying it at the 10% off they might drop it for the last week.


    Good luck maybe someone will see this and decided to drop the price down.

  18. It's why I cancelled my sub. Not enough hugs from my companions...and not enough stories with them, and no more indi class stories. I was here from before launch too, been subbed with no interruption since launch, and yeah, I've decide my wallet is going to start voting, by not letting any more money out into this, until they give people what they need.


    Aside from dailies and crafting there's nothing left to do, and I'm not going to do any of that pvp crap, ground or aerial. Nty.


    Out of curiosity what did you expect in a MMO? What do you do in WoW or Rift: dailies, instances, raid and PvP.


    That's the MMO life.


    People may want something different but currently this is the game they are adding things people like to do, good for them.

    Complaining makes no sense to me. I left in July 2012 I was frustrated with the server merge BS being forced to move PST to EST or play in a dead server plus my friends bailed. I ended my sub told them why and bounced. I was vocal on the forum about the mishandling but not the game because I know what an MMO is. I just don't get why putting out negative energy constantly complaining like ReferaFriend/McJugs/Tor-Ihaveaunhappylife don't move on if you don't enjoy it. No one gives 2 ***** about your feelings or why you have sand in your vajaj. You will be happier in the end.

  19. What's going on?


    Just curious when pvping while leveling what specs people had success with. Currently in my 20s I find Iike some of the first 15 MM talents in particular insta snipe when going into cover, the lowering Ambush cast time and the knockback on Ambush. However the first 15 plus Sab talents as well are ok.


    Just curious on some opinions thanks

  20. Yes, you're absolutely right, Elly...it's lazy, but from a PROGRAMMING standpoint. It's lazy it wasn't included in the game.


    I love SWTOR, but it's not perfect and suggestions like this one will help improve game play. Assist is a pretty standard feature in games like this. By the way, thanks for the CONSTRUCTIVE comments, as per the guidelines.


    It is lazy and in PvP makes exploding targets a cake walk. It being helpful is subjective I don't think it is personally it dumbs it down even more. Maybe it was excluded on purpose not due to lazy ness as you contend.

  21. A short time after release Maven took part in a tourney held in Nar Shaddaa. Maybe that wouldn't work anymore as I think they changed how you see enemy players and I am not sure if you can duel in there anymore. Just a thought on location. Think of some other nuetral plants both sides have easy access too that have cool locations.
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