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Posts posted by Avicii


    Bioware said that they would lift f2p restrictions for warzones back in 1.4(I think) and still haven't.


    Thank god Wildstar is having a total revamp in October with new maps, streamlining everything and updated PvP with NEW maps....

    Lol WS isn't a game to reference for success. You have to get on the forums just to get leveling pvp to pop on Saturdays. Dont get me wrong I liked WS but talk about mismanagement of a game and not knowing how to fix issues in a timely manner.


    And the f2p restrictions why do people still qq about that its only impact would be for current players that just pvp would unsub.


    As for SWTOR it is what it is.


    BW has failed to realize what the player base wants from the jump with the game and it's been pretty clear since the 1.2 debacle they don't keep to their word and have little regard for what the pvp community actually wants. At the very least they could have used this as an opportunity to mix it up and allow mixed faction WZ queues.


    Also this isn't just an issue with SWTOR look at the past to AAA mmos last year.


    The sooner people accept this game for what it is the happier they will be. It's not gonna change and there's been multiple pvp mass exodus threads and movements with no changes.


    Despite all that's wrong the game is very profitable in its current state.


    All the people on the pvp forums could leave and it wouldn't change ****. The directors and product managers are making decisions and until their bottom line is hurt it won't matter.

  2. The OP is certainly entitled to his opinion.


    Despite his best attempts to shoot down any counter thought to his own, he has failed to provide any valid reason other then anecdotal responses and affirmation he wants the game to cater to the lowest common denominator. And based on his suggestions its pretty clear he doesn't have a good grasp on game play mechanics, ie comments like remove taunts and the like. OP appears more concerned with flavor and "feeling it in his bone®". Not with dynamic, fun combat.


    The number of skills are not a problem, when you level a class you get them one or 2 at a time you place them, I can counter his confusing argument with my own anecdotal evidence of friends that are first time MMOers key binding as they go and learning just fine.


    I for one do not want to see skills removed or merged. There are games that do this that one that wants this type of play can play. I hated when WoW did this. The OP liked it, it's clear we are different types of players. For those that want a clean UI with less skills there are games like GW2 and WS. Or Rift with their macro system.


    At the end of BC with the Pre LK patch, with my hunter I could spec and play my class so I was able to slow, root, CC multiple targets. I recall in WSG a Rogue and I were coming up to the tunnel 5 enemies were closing in on us. I used my Spider to web the first, dropped a trap to get the 2nd one, concussive shot the 3rd one, reverse disengaged to to wing clip him, and scatter shot the next one. Freeing the rogue to take the flag home.


    Once WoW started homogenizing and removing skills this type of play was no longer possible by removing melee skills since they were rarely used according to people like the OP such as wing clip. Then came pets getting their skills combined, next removing trees ect. I left the game in part due to the tuning for the LCD.


    It's dandy the OP wants to play such a game but SWTOR currently is not that and judging from the responses the majority do not want the game to become that.

  3. Point of this ******** they dont really want to be an MMO anymore it's a middle finger to players who have been here from the start.


    No new level 65 content for group PvE no new PvP content. *********** lovely you can tell how in touch with the player base they are. Way to say thanks to those that have been here since the start and have gone through these FPs and Ops previously. GG

  4. Just re downloaded the game and now i can't play? lol so bad


    This was done just to make you feel bad they said this qqer is dling the game let's take the servers down.


    People are *********** ridiculous.

  5. Are you a pvp player??? When enemy has a juggernaut in their team, we generally focus the juggernaut.


    Look at all the we need buff threads almost everyone says this about the class that needs buffed.


    Also when looking at arena group and solo in the past Jug tanks were more popular as well due to being better pvp tanks that tables turned some as well.

  6. The problem is they are dammed if they do dammed if they don't. Either way they'll never relay what's coming in this manner too the community, many variables granted they should have it on their road map but again it's not gonna get relayed to us. Plus the way people react if they have to delay a patch 2 days if they miss a proposed map drop date the pitch forks and torches would be out.


    Other then what they mentioned previously about a pvp map being tested internally, I can't recall where I heard that maybe Ootinicast.

  7. Well OP sounds like the sniper out manned you and dropped a tbag to prove his point.


    As a man you gotta get better, practice, sit on your left hand till its numb so it feels like someone else is playing, then juice up, say it's cream if anyone asks, you didn't know.


    Or spec Hatered or Dec and you'll be the man tbagin other classes. Unless of course they are a bigger man then you eg better. Then you'll be back here asking for buffs to Hatered or Dec not looking at what you could've done to be the better man.

  8. Because BW is lazy and don't want to merge servers or implement cross server so they made a ranked setting that required less players and in the process killed the ranked scene for a format no one was really asking for.


    You are not being completely honest with you answer, but to be fair delaying RWZs launch the night before they were suppose to drop in 1.2 heavily effected the pvp population.


    Not many teams were playing RWZs at the time of removal. it had come down to a few teams dominating that had to coordinate pops essentially in the evenings. One or 2 good teams per server pretty much crushed all the other teams and new teams wouldn't queue to face them.


    Now if BW would've instituted a solo RWZ queue like they'd said 1.2 was going to have more people may have queued up for that just like solo arenas. it'd have suffered similar issues that Yolo queue currently does but at least more classes would be viable.


    I think they should put solo RWZs in now. Remove the highest rating rewards for Yolo queue in both instances leave the rewards in team arenas, push the players into team ranked who want the mount ect. Leave a couple lower desired items available for yoloing.


    At least solo queue RWZs you can hide a few week players in addition to more classes being viable in turn more people mat be inclined to queue up. There's regs popping pretty much all the time indicating despite no new map for a year plus people are still enjoying WZ pvp why not capitalize on that.

    Of course you'd have the small faction queue syncing and other **** to deal with I am sure.


    BW said they removed RWZs because it didn't have many teams queuing and they didn't want to support both modes due to lack of participation. Which in turn pissed off those that were queuing. In the end it was just another miscalculation by the people calling the shots in a line of many.

  9. Argument was ok until you have to go the route of insinuating that getting ranked pvp gear requires one to be a no lifer. Any time you have to start and end trying to make a point by taking shots at those that have something you don't isn't a good argument to start with.


    Luckily BW decide to make a change hoping to encourage more players to pvp. But i suppose you have a job and aren't a kid so you can't be expected to read anything yourself.

  10. They took out the ability to kill Quinn in beta, you've never been able to toss companions out the air lock in the live version of the game. For obvious reasons, at the time of launch if you killed Quinn you now have no healing companion. With Treek in the game that has changed and with the next XPac companions appear to be getting shuffled around you may be able to off some of them then if we are lucky.
  11. Such is life on the Internet, players can be ******s when it is uncalled for or even when it's called for they go overboard putting people down. Sometimes it is perception of how the message is conveyed based on tone and choice of words, it makes all the difference when telling a player if they are under geared and what they can do to improve.


    The community needs to encourage new players to learn, want to get better, to stick around and invite friends. We aren't blessed with a massive pvp population and attrition always occurs. Eventually the new players could turn into tier 1 or 2 players providing more competition if they stick with it and learn how to play bolstering the population. People cant be expected to know everything when they havent pvped before or are new to the game.


    One resource that has been doing a good job providing PvP info for players of all levels is the Ootinicast War Room podcasts it’s a great listen for new and experienced players. I would recommend people check it out.


    One thing BW could do is enable solo queue “rated” WZs which would also help mask some of the balance issues and a lesser skilled player can blend in more in this environment. In 1.2 originally they had said there was going to be a solo queue rated WZs. The game could benefit from this and encourage new players to queue up where the mistakes they make will be less pronounced.


    With the new movies coming out and new xpac more players will come to the game and with SWTOR and it will be their first MMO. It’s an opportunity to get new blood into the PvP ranks, combine that with the current players that aren’t involved but would like to be if they were accepted it could certainly help.


    TLDR: Yes people are douche canoes on the internet. BW and the community can do things to help new players get involved in PvP and stick with it. More players PvPing is better for everyone. Be kind to new players till you see them make the same mistake twice. Rabble, rabble.

  12. CC grenades are pretty cheap on the GTN, like 2k a pop. Go buy some of your own, or craft your own, and use them. Problem solved.


    Exactly people just need something to qq about. Trying to insinuate that the nades have any affect on balancing classes is supposition to support a weak argument. There are far big balance issues and things Devs need to focus on. You aren't losing cause of nades.

  13. This has been suggested many times Rift does something very similar. No matter what level your non pvp gear is its bolstered to 162 gear with base stats of the 1st level of pvp gear with no enchants or augments.


    With BW I think initially BW was thinking about the mods and how players could alter it but it's proven to be a huge freaking pain in the *** now.


    They need to put an in game message somewhere to at least provide new players with the info.

  14. So you guys used a poll where anyone can vote multiple times to decide where to switch? Seems legit.


    Fact of the matter is, West and East coast will never truly merge into one, people on each side of the US can't play on anything but the near coast without massive ping.

    The poll isnt the end all be all that some are projecting it to be.


    Regardless of which server came out on top and the hyperbole going around of "everyone has moved due to X poll". Some people will stay on their servers regardless, others will go to where their ping is the best. Let the dust settle, check the leader boards once they update and let's see how many people really moved and if they leave.


    To avoid what occurred previously with 8's we need the community to help foster a welcoming attitude and to accept new people that want to learn. Team 4s is a good spot to do so, since with Tank and heals more classes have are acceptable for ranked vs solo queue which is good for PvP and cuts down on some of the Sin/Sorc sausage fest.


    What would be helpful is for PvP guilds to form that have a varying degree of skilled players, so new players can learn from players with more experience, by playing regs with them, asking questions about tactics and counter play, and hopefully become better players while forming their own 4 man teams bolstering the queues and creating a range of elo for teams of varying skill to play.


    Instead of what has previously occurred, taking the path of least resistance just to have the shiny.

  15. Buy an SSD.


    Common thought however an SSD has no impact on FPS it will help load times but not on game performance.


    Op, there has been a lot of convo about this Google it, search the Gen forums ect. That way we don't have to rehash the same stuff.

  16. I don't know what you're complaining about, I had three or four guilds that I pugged regularly a year ago (and a bit earlier, not sure what version of the game but pre-stronghold) and serenity shadows were at the top of DPS list in most runs. Please remember that First, we're a melee class (they are making us more melee soon which I think is fair, however it's soon to say anything about it before you try the new mechanics), Second although we do have good defensive CDs, it's not "back from the dead" CDs, it's just something to buy some time in the worst case or to avoid focus if you're good at it.

    Trust me it's quite easy to burn a sin who doesn't know what he's doing especially if you have any DPS burst abilities. Same with any other class, you burn some players in 10 seconds or have 3-4 minute fights 1vs1 with others.

    P.S. I don't see that many shadows or sins on Pot5, there is slightly more sources, snipers and ops, maybe PTs

    P.P.S. When I get 1-shot hits from snipers for 20k the argument that shadows or sins are OP is quite funny to me (remember, melee)



    Zooloo Pot5


    Trust you or just look at Leader Boards. What do they say about who's queueing? That doesn't back what you "see". Everyone that has a clue knows Hatered is over tuned with our D CDs and easy dot spread.


    yes those that have played since launch as Sins or Shadows are better then most FoTM rerolls but an average re roller on a Sin playing Hatered will have much better success then on other classes hence why there's such a large pop of Councilors and Inquisiters making up the queue in ranked.


    Group ranked with a good team that provides guard and heals a the under repped classes can do much better solo queue not so much due to that synergy missing. That's here nor there there is no legit argument that Hatered/ Serenity isn't over tuned for the current meta.

  17. hell no. they already started s4. s4 with BLANTANT balance issues.


    Exactly they changed all the talent trees and made almost no attempt at balance in the preseason it's a joke. They didn't need metrics all of this was clear in Dec. People FoTM to Sins, not all some players stayed with their original class but a lot flipped over to what's most OP and it's blatantly OP. Imo it ruins the fun of pvp. I am of the mind now it's time to remove rewards for rank from solo queue. Force people to group up for them. It allows more classes to be viable in group with a team. Yes there wil be 3 Sin, 1 Sorc teams but a sniper with a good tank that protects them is more welcome in group opening more doors for class variation. Make it like 2s in WoW.


    The idea of buff every class to Hatered levels is a joke if you want to play a game with TTK at 5 secs play CoD or Halo it doesn't work in mmo pvp for obvious reasons.


    BW needs to get off their lazy *** and get to it and people at Cantina need to ask why they do **** like this vs weres pazack or pod racing **** they answer every *********** cantina. Get the msg through to them.


    Or just accept that BW doesn't give 2 ***** and their lacking system of no updates or changes is what it is. Which is fine but it'd be nice of the community would have a little self respect in particular those that gloated I am the best Sent, Mara, Jug in the world now I am the best Sin in the world lol. Next the best X. 50% of the pool being 2 advanced classes is a joke. Outside of W* it's hard to come up with a game that's ****ed pvp up so bad and like W* the community doesn't help.

  18. <Snipped>


    Edit: after hearing what the requirements are this is a joke. 31 times = 1 day ban. lol good one BW. There is no insentive to not exploit anything. Leave it to the professionals to send the wrong msg. Smh but 1 should always expect BW to **** it up if there's an opportunity to.

  19. The only thing this thread needs is for Elizabeth Kubler-Ross herself to show up and talk us through it.


    And, yes. I feel exactly the same way the OP does.


    I mean, I LOVE this game. Played since before launch and came BACK to it after trying out Wildstar, Elder Scrolls Online, Warlords of Draenor, and TERA.


    In my opinion, this is a GREAT game that has suffered drastically from a major lack of staffing and care caused by EAs tendency to ruin everything it touches with corporate greed.




    I tend to agree with this thought process the community team is so far out of touch with the player base. Which shouldn't be a surprise by now to anyone that's been here a month. The one thing that can throw you off is visiting a Cantina Event meeting some of the team in person. They appear to care and get it. Maybe it is the head of the ship. The community team claims they want to be transparent but only when it's in regards to certain things. PvP nope. Such wasted potential.

  20. Bosses that do not drop loot.

    Bosses that can be exploited.

    Lag that makes the game almost unplayable.

    Introduction of Disciplines with the expansion.

    Imbalance of Disciplines though they built it from scratch.

    Charging folks for abilities they already had or had purchased.

    Drop the bug filled expansion and then go on vacation.

    Problems with solo mode for FA.

    Silvers that are more powerful than Golds.

    Intention to make the leveling process easier...so they make it harder.

    Release a mat printing machine, then...

    Nuke the machine into a paperweight, then...

    Silence on the matter....




    A very important post seeking feedback on weekly streaming.




    I'm done with chilling out. This is a pattern of foolishness and ineptitude that has spent all of my patience.


    Rofl thats comedy gold right there, you can't stand for this injustice as it offends your delicate senseabilites, you must act now & swiftly to save these forums. This social injustice has gone too far. Lol


    really it doesnt change **** or matter. Nothing you say or do is gonna change ****.


    Serious question, Are these issues all effecting you personal right now? Or did you just blow a gasket because Eric asked for Ideas about their streaming?


    BW isn't perfect or even good, more mediocre really & that surprises who?


    That said all code bases this size will have bugs, **** happens and the vaca line, keep beating that horse it's not dead yet. It was a poor choice to drop an xpac when they knew they'd not be able to swiftly fix things it's like saying the sky is blue. They've made mistakes none of this should surprise anyone. And they will continue to make them to the surprise of who?


    yes i am annoyed at certain aspects like lack of pvp fore sight, no balance changes before S4 starts despite PvP being SinCity which is a joke.


    As such following your example I can't R-E-L-A-X this has gone too far the injustice done to these poor poor sweet players! In 1.2 they ****ed up TTK and pulled RWZs and solo RWZs at the last second ***?! And Ilum come on!? They took days off in 2012 for Christmas the *********** nerve of them, there was **** that needed fixed. plus class balance hello relic stem stackin Operatives 3 shotting people *** were they thinking? Then they took the 4th of July off while a quest was bugged the nerve. On top of smash being a 1.5 yr FoTM.

    And don't get me started on the bugged Ops at launch....


    Fight the good fight it's clear you can bring real change and better these great forums for all its citizens.

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