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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. Combat sentinels are, not force. And really third in some fights behind scoundrels and gunslingers. But while combat is ok in pvp no one is really taking about that spec. Look a class with stealth and high burst cannot have sustained damaged too, it would be broken. And combat does worry about getting procs......

    I would hope you don't disagree that rage maras are too strong with the combo of DCDs and rage tree benefits. Cause if sins would be too much there is little denying maras have the best DCDs in the game in conjunction with the offensive power they bring all other melee DPS pale in comparison which arenas will show again. The options really are bring other classes up some or knock them down a peg. Same with Op heals and Jug tanks in those respective roles.

  2. Turtle Beach Shareholder? :p


    J/K :)


    Even If you don't use the ones the OP recommended.. I definitely recommend ALWAYS play the game with a good set of headphones. There is a lot going on in the sound channel of this MMO. :)



    Agree I typically play the game through my Sony speakers but recently I put on my razor head phones to ensure I didn't wake anyone while killing **** at 5AM and I must admit there are a lot of sounds I missed or didn't standout like they do using a good headset. I have yet to go back to the speakers because ther are so many year sounds in the game that remind you of iconic SW sounds.


    +1 for bringing this up.

  3. A self-proclaimed "above average player" who thinks that Sorcs can face-tank and easily Heal to Full and that Marauders are a squishy AC....:rak_02:


    Yeah, someone does not know that he had Defensive CDs or what an interrupt is.


    Guess that is one less free kill in WZs.


    Exactly. I never like to see people go, but these complaints don't jive with what actually occurs. Sent bring squishy is great no wonder there's all the nerf Sents/Mara threads do to their DCDs that are best in game on a DPS class and will be the predominate choice for DPS in arena.

  4. I switched league to 10 man teams, have 2 spots. add me on skype




    standard scoring, and league draft is at 11pm EST


    So hurry and get in touch with me.


    Yes it's family style league, but not allowing anyone to choose draft players or guarantee players


    Sorry got home too late from the gym was trying to make it. Of course i was just kidding about the players. I hope you found enough people.

  5. You still have slots open? I might be down as long as I can draft the Hawks D in the 1st rnd and Percy Harvin in the 2nd :eek: and my team name can be Touchdown There or Hernandez use to have a TE in other words is it a family type league?


    Not at my PC atm will be a bit till I get home.


    Edit: is it PPR or any other kinda scoring things to note?

  6. This is a lot like the NFL preseason: overreaction theater!


    Boohoo they don't have to tell us ****. The fact this post is here is good enough and those ************ its related to something you don't care about, umm the CM helps keep the game running and clearly by the suicidal responses you want the game running. So suck it up butter cup!


    Done of us work in IT we understand **** happens and regardless if you deploy it 10 times on a cloned test server there is always a chance that once you apply it to prod crap goes wrong its the nature if software and hardware. Nothing is bug free.

  7. Reading through the transcripts of the Seattle Cantina tour has me scratching my head. Schubert says alot of things that don't really seem to be jiving with what is actually going on right now.



    Well, not exactly. There are several outstanding issues right now that have come to light since the news of what 2.4 will and won't have, and many of those issues have be ignored or swept under the rug. Yeah yeah, vocal minority on the forums right? Well then why would you make this statement:




    Well, there are lot of people that are telling you that you're messing up. The hot issues right now that people have been addressing on this forum:


    1. No class balance before arena launch. There seems to be a majority here that feel that launching arenas without touching the class balance and doing this "wait and see" approach is a giant mistake. There are already classes that are both under and over performing in the current pvp game. There were already classes that felt that they were either pigeon-holed into a particular spec to compete in high end pvp, or didn't even feel welcome as that class. This is unlikely to change, and the consensus seems to be that people would rather adjustments be made to try and bring everyone in line before the arena season launch to have as fair a chance to be competitive from day one. Yeah, we know it won't be perfect. But that would a far cry better than what we are expecting now. Please rethink this decision.


    2. Removal of Rated Warzones. Alot of people are upset this feature is being removed because "Not enough people played it." Lots of people spent loads of money to move to new servers to try and break into this gameplay, or just to have more competition. Now you've pulled the rug out from under them. Rather than give people the choice to play Rated Objective play or Rated Deathmatch play, you've made that decision for them. Many people have posted here that they'd rather go through the motions of organzing it themselves, or wait in queue than to not be able to play at all.


    3. No separate queue for objective-based and deathmatch warzones. Again, you're making the decision for them as to what PVP content you'll have to play. If you're concerned about it affecting queue times, how will this be different than the impact people quitting out of them will have? Not everyone who likes to pvp likes Arena, just as not everyone who likes to pvp like objective-based play. Let people queue for the content they want to do, not jump through all these hurdles. Isn't the goal to make things easier and more enjoyable for your customers?




    We have. We have been for some time. Stop being so stubborn about metrics and wagging your finger and saying you know better. It hasn't served you well over the first year of the game, and it hasn't this second either.


    More or less I agree with you and I have been fairly vocal about it. For arenas to be successful without cross server queues in a manner that RWZs were not, classes and players of those class must feel like they are included and have a shot. Currently the meta is almost exactly the same teams. No tank is as good as a Jug in PvP for their utility and ability to protect, Rage Maras have excellent burst and the best DCDs in the game and Op healers we all know about.


    What you will see is looking for those classes and specs for arenas. Most high end teams will run double rage maras or 1 DPS besides a Mara.


    For example look at Dramas 106-5 record and what they did running the aforementioned comp. Now of course niche comps like Dongcleave or comps the top 10% can play will be there as out liers but with the current meta the framework is already set.


    I think we all want the same thing which is for swtor to make strides forward and to be successful however if they continue forward on this path classes will be excluded and players will be frustrated and stop playing the game waiting so long to make changes to the meta reenforced the exclusion of particular classes. Maybe it's a preception problem on our part but its there and the only way to change that is through balance changes whether a its nerfs or buffs.


    I realize PvE players don't want this to fall into the trap WoW did with balance but done changes can be made that don't directly screw over PvE DPS and some can actually help certain classes.


    All that said I am with you OP and firmly believe the PvP meta needs to be shaken up a little without it players will not be inclined to queue if they perceive that they are at a strong class disadvantage and arenas needs people queuing to be successful. In addition a faction of the player base is miffed that RWZs are being removed along with their guild mates and friends. If they stop playing so do others and do to their negative preception they won't return in Feb when 2.6 comes out with finally some balance changes.


    We are all connected together and it's never good when anyone leaves the game this isn't WoW we need all the subs and CC spenders to keep the game going as all of us want as we love the IP and want to continue playing this game.

  8. no --------> pvp forum


    People through around the entitled word a lot but complaining about the PTS not working has to rank up there in the usage. At least you didn't rant about what do you pay for lol. When they take it down will you go ballistic?

  9. Go head. Learn programming (and get a job programming) and you will shut up.



    And... IT IS THE PTS


    Exactly, all this complaining about bugs on the PTS and people who "think" they have the slightest clue about programming, finding bugs that cannot be reproduced on demand or anything else involved make great posts full of great points. My favorite was the guy ranting "what do I pay for" when he couldn't queue for arenas on the PTS. Or the class rep demanding " FIX IT NOW" for PTS bugs.


    Get some perspective. Better that they are flushed on the PTS then in live.


    This reminds me a lot of interviewing people for jobs at a software company, when we ask them rate yourself on a scale of 1-5. "How well do you know SQL?"


    Interviewee: "To be modest I will say 5 but probably really a 6".


    Me: "Please write a SQL query on the white board selecting the top 1000 rows from a students table"


    Interviewee: "I'm sorry I am not sure how to do that"

  10. Lol we ran vanguard, tank, smash and scoundrel, and we only lost once to a double/triple smash team using this build.


    Uh you also lost to Exilove's VG/Sent/Shadow/Commando team or are you talking about a different run here? +1 to Exilove for shadow goodness.


    Not to derail this don't nerf me bro thread of course.

  11. I wish I went back in for the 2nd Q&A.


    This answer is backwards:


    Q:Why is there not more balancing before arenas?

    A: Because the arenas will use different strategies, they want to see what happens in arenas before balancing, rather than the other way around.


    Don't they realize with no changes you have already discouraged a portion of the player base that doesn't play the perceived FoTM class. We have seen Drama got 106-5 with Jug/2xRage Mara/Op. there is nothing else to see.


    Without cross server queues queue times will be horrible as most sage/Sorc/Merc/mandos will not queue same goes for DPS unless they drop 1 Mara for another DPS however they will be tunneled since they don't have the DCDs a Mara does. Yes niche comps like Dongcleave or comps that the top 10% can make work will be out there however it's going to be over whelmingly the same fracking classes that are strong in RWZs.


    Seems very short sighted for a team that reads the forums often they don't see how preception can sink arenas right off the bat. I strongly wish they would reconsider waiting 10 months + for balance changes is joke and should not happen period. This coupled with removing RWZs will lead to people unsubbing. We don't need Miss Cleo to tell us this.

  12. They didn't say much about it at the Cantina just provided the flash drive plus the venue could only hold 150 and with Pax in town the turn out was double that. And tbh the first round of questions was all crap most forum goers know. More playable races ect.
  13. With the current balance playing sorc in arenas is going to be a hard cookie to swallow.


    Only lightning in very specific comps will be able to compete.


    That takes like 99% of the playerbase out of the equation.


    This looks like with out any additional balance changes?, the case for most classes. Of course unless your am Op, Jug or Mara as these 3 will likely slide into 3 spots on successful teams. Something needs to shake up the meta to get players of different classes excited and willing to arena queue. Waiting months is a rather large mistake that might be the defining issue that kills arenas before they start, coupled with RWZs removal.

  14. It was cool it was just too bad we only got 50 mins then had to file out and get back in line. The Q&A wasn't their fault the question were just stuff some of us could've answered. With Pax being here it added to the turn out and the Garage has to avid by their fire codes. There were a couple guys there just for the free drink ticket as well they were hoping to any event that didn't require a Pax badge to get free drinks.


    Over all met some cool people a few from the Bastion it was a good time would've been better without the boot and rewait in line.


    I will saw that's not how I pictured Eric but Courtney was close.

  15. I'd like to point out that M-knightrider of Ascension is an excellent Shadow DPS also. He and his group is 5/5 and 7/7 in the current NiM ops. This is something that I haven't accomplished yet and full credit should go to him and his group. While the general consensus on the forums is that Shadow DPS is sub par, the class is certainly very capable of pushing competitive numbers and clearing content (in either dps tree). I don't want to speak for him, but I just want credit to go where credit is due.


    Good post and very gentlemanly of you. Nice to see someone giving credit to someone else instead of trying to belittle them do to their own self perceived skill or scream and rant at BW. +1 Internets to you

  16. It was a juke. I wanted to be interrupted. Btw, you going to be on tonight?


    No offense meant but no skilled player is going to waste time interrupting CrD. They will quickly recognize what it is and know it can be easily cleansed, a point you made on this forum recently. There are very few reasons to waste an interrupt on it. The only ones that will are the unskilled who dont know other classes skills. This does have the advantage of quickly telling you this however I suspect you will be able to tell in their play very quickly if you play at a high level.


    Personally I think SIn DPS are going to be focus swap targets and they are gonna force us to burn on DCDs then swap back to us to try to get the first kill. Watching Drama on Yummy's stream this is what they were doing to Exilove with their FoTM comp.


    We are in a interesting spot, we arent terrible and against lesser competition and not FoTM groups you can do well however at the top end due to the limitations and strengths of other classes it will be much easier to have a mara DPS vs a Sin. The Devs have to be careful too much pushes us into the OP nothing and you are going to leave out a lot of sins of arenas in particular if we as tanks are still not close to as effective as jugs.

  17. I don't even care that we can't get AOE. We have plenty of AOE melees and such, but we do need to be able to push a single target. With an Inquis, I was able to beast my way through Alderaan and Korriban by running away and pushing the NPCs over a convenient cliff.:cool:


    My Marauder is kinda OP, as he's built as a balanced tank/crit/str build. However, I should be able to push the guy who's beating the crap out of me over a cliff as a Warrior, even if it's only a single-target thing.



    I have never seen a better reason then this to give a class a new ability. :jawa_eek:

  18. The real issue is how does this encourage more people to play arenas? when the preception is you must play one of the FoTM classes to have real success. Outside of the exceptional players that can make any class work which is the top 5-10% most likely.


    It doesn't and people will quickly figure this out. If they want people to queue and clearly they should without cross server queuing, they need to encourage the non FoTM classes and the only way to do so is to make balance changes. Waiting 1 or 2 patches is not acceptable and the success of arenas depends on the communities preception of them and if it looks like you have to play an OP or Jug tank or a Mara to generally be successful it will turn off the player base killing queue times.


    This is what is baffling to me and reaks of a poor decision.

  19. I couldn't disagree more.


    But its no secret all other things being equal Snipers/Mara's will out DPS on many of the fights. Exceptional players will provide enough DPS on almost any toon with any advanced class, its all about the player.


    This is a good point in arena on the PTS a group from Drama running a full FoTY of Jug/2 Rage Maras/Op were like 100-1 till they ran into Casuals Jug/2 Lightning Sorc/Op comp which beat them a few times. Granted these are exceptional players but just to back up your point.


    However I don't see anyway BW fully balances the classes and there will be some tax on those of us that don't play a Sniper or Mara. However if you are unbiased it's clear Mara, in particular rage, is to strong with auto crit smash, obliterate out of roots plus D CDs. It's too bad BW won't do something about it as it will turn off the players from arena when most comps will be the FoTM comps due to easy of success and without cross server queues arenas will lose a lot of players who would queue.


    It's clear to me BW has a preception problem they just don't care to acknowledge which is sad for those of us that want the game to succeed and have exciting diverse arena matches.


    Sorry for going off topic :)

  20. I will be there, even though it looks like my friend I was gonna go with cant get off work till later solo it is!


    That said, I think any PvP focused player should help make a point that class balance changes cannot wait till a patch or 2 after arenas are released.


    This is a huge mistake and is a major perception problem. With the way the PTS has gone half of the players feel like if they arent a Jug tank, OP healer, Mara DPS or cant find a niche comp they cant compete in arenas. The perception needs to be the exact opposite for Arenas to flourish with no cross server matching.


    However waiting on balance changes still leaves the same perception that X,Y,Z are the strongest classes by far and its hard to argue unless you wear rose colored glasses, that this isnt the case as one team of Jug, 2 x Rage Mara, Op healer are like 106-4 or something like that. Its clear which classes are too strong its not just a community perception problem.


    Making small balance changes can help open the doors to arena's, without this you are creating an arena system that will have the RWZ teams playing it on the FoTM classes and that is it. Bad move and I implore you guys to really think about the communities current perception of class balance and what can be done to help. I would say there almost isnt anything more important then this if arenas are to succeed.


    Its important this is understood, I want people to stay with the game and more to join however if with the removal of RWZs and then NO class balance changes and arenas released it will alienate a section of the PvP player base that isnt playing a FoTM class and if they cant get an arena team, even though they could be covered for in 8v8 they wont be able to be in Arenas, they will leave. Word will spread unless you play X, Y, Z new players wont return and soon with no cross server queues grow stale.

  21. Hey Ansalem,


    I can assure you that it would never be our intent to post something where forum goers felt they were being spoken down to in a condescending way. I felt the post they made on Friday was just an honest assessment of where our development team feels the class is. I apologize if that rubbed some folks the wrong way though, since upsetting players with our post would never be our goal. Especially since the point of the Class Reps was to begin a dialog, we certainly don't want to jump that off on the wrong foot.


    Like I said prior, I think the timing and the way the post was handled could have been done better by us and it is something we will be careful of moving forward. Certainly I will take even more care with Class Rep top 3 responses in the future to insure that there is even less room for someone to misunderstand what we are saying and take offense.




    Nice job Eric, although to a degree you guys are receiving a beating for something you dont deserve. A text answer can be perceived in different tones and when you tend not to agree with what someone says you tend to take the tone as more negative or condescending something to keep in mind although I am sure you are aware of that.


    That said, hopefully you will be in Seattle for the Cantina tour I look forward to speaking to everyone there and pressing the issue of NO balance changes till 2.5 or 2.6 which is a huge mistake and is a major perception problem. With the way the PTS has gone half of the players feel like if they arent a Jug tank, OP healer, Mara DPS cant find a niche comp they cant compete in arenas. The perception needs to be the exact opposite for Arenas to flourish with no cross server matching.


    However waiting on balance changes still leaves the same perception that X,Y,Z are the strongest classes by far and its hard to argue unless you wear rose colored glasses, that this isnt the case as one team of Jug, 2 x Rage Mara, Op healer are like 106-4 or something like that.


    Making small balance changes can help open the doors to arena's, without this you are creating an arena system that will have the RWZ teams playing it on the FoTM classes and that is it. Bad move and I implore you guys to really think about the communities current perception of class balance and what can be done to help. I would say there almost isnt anything more important then this if arenas are to succeed.

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