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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. Hate to break it to you, but I think you're going to see this a fair amount. The folks who don't want to do arenas are going to just drop anytime they are put into one out of protest. They want separate queues for arenas and warzones, and don't want to be forced to do one they don't like.


    So, I think many folks will run into this issue. Hopefully, Bioware takes notice and addresses the issue.


    Exactly you can thank BW for their glorious option "you will go into arenas and like it".


    Except people will leave ruining the reg queues anyway for everyone. Just wait till the premade QQ starts and the why are WZs starting 8v4 as regstarts who get wrecked in Ranked Arenas begin to farm PuGs with no role matching in the Reg WZ queue and leave every WZ.


    Although I would like to see the option kept in low level arenas or offer a Solo Arena queue for leveling if they have to remove it.

  2. Hey discbox!


    You raise a good question and it is one I can answer. There are two reasons it appears as it does currently in the queue. First, what you have to keep in mind is that Arenas are a new type of Warzone. Similar to how Huttball is a type of Warzone and Voidstar is a type. Technically each different Warzone currently in the game is its own type, with a single map of that type. Warzone Arenas are the "type" 4v4 deathmatch with 3 different maps. That is why they are in the Warzone queue.





    Zoom_VI is on the right path here. As we continue to separate queues, we will continue to increase queue times. Our goal is to make sure you can get into the PvP action ASAP!


    Hope that answers your question.




    No offense meant Eric, when I met you in Seattle at the Cantina you were great and I love effort on the forums.


    However this is short sighted to say the least. As people in the thread have noted queues and game play will suffer no matter what. Putting people in Arenas that dont want to do them AND against 4 man premades comprised of the correct group comp in vent is a recipe for disaster and will only lead to more QQ and longer queue times as people leave the arena ever single time they get it. In addition the 4 man regstars that cant handle ranked will leave each WZ they enter leaving their team short at the start to requeue to get an arena vs 4 unorganized PuGs (great idea making that possible) with no roles.


    You have split the queues already with Solo Ranked/Group Ranked/WZs just take Arenas out of the WZ queue at 55. Leave it in for the leveling brackets.


    What other option is there? You had to know some people strongly dislike nonobjective PvP or straight death match PvP and adding arenas will only lead to lopsided losses for those that stay in WZs & Arenas and more QQ about premades. Some times I wonder if you do this on purpose giving people some glaring issue to focus on while letting other issues slide unnoticed.


    You didnt need Force Visions to for see this:

    Your goal is to make sure we can get into the PvP action ASAP?


    Well its not working because lots of people are simply quitting the new Arena WZ, so I'm seeing NO action what so ever and wasting my time on swtor atm.


    What about giving people extra WZ points if they choose the current 'full' random WZ list.


    This is just frustrating for everyone.


    I'd rather que longer and get a quailty WZ game with people that have chosen to be there.

  3. Wow it only took these 2 classes as being the optimal DPS in RWZs and massive qq for their metrics to catch something that was blatantly obvious. Then knowing this they launch arena anyway where more then likely the top teams will run with at least 1 Mara in a DPS slot and likely 2 after the success teams had in the PTS with that combo. Eureka!!


    What will their metrics tell them next? Dun dun dun.,.

  4. It seems people didn't catch this before I have been fairly vocal that this is a horrible plan for obvious reasons. People that want arenas have a solo and ranked queue. Putting reg arenas in the WZ queue is stupid people will leave as soon as they load into arenas in addition scrubs will queue 4 mans with proper roles to get reg arenas and reg star it up vs pugs causing more qq. Bad idea.


    The only reason I can think they did it is so that leveling you get a taste of arenas which I don't overly kind because a good player at low levels can likely win arenas by themselves much like reg WZs at lower levels. However that's a small consolation for the head ache it will cause at 55.


    That and no class balance of course....

  5. with all the complaining already about pugs facing premades in regular WZs i would be surprised if the arenas was not put on a separate que. imo it should be.


    Agree it should be seperate because regstars will make 4 mans and queue reg WZ/Arena queue and just leave WZs till they get arenas against pugs. It's poor design IMO. Maybe they can't seperate it so that lowbies can do arenas too this way since the 2 ranked queues are only for max level.


    I think what they have done by putting regs and arenas in the same queue will increase the amount of people leaving WZs and arenas. And it will increase the qq about premades vs pugs. But whatever with no balance changes solo and reg queues are the only way some classes and specs will get a chance to do arenas.

  6. I see what you are going for here but I think you will get screwed and only get the new value for the item so you can't stock up on conq pieces fill up your com cap again, spend then on the new ranked armor then return the conq piece at the prior price giving back the ranked comms. But that's just a guess give it a try but I wouldn't expect any leeway if it doesn't work.
  7. A perfect photograph of the situation.


    Did you know that as assassin is hard to get a spot even in non heroic FPs? Because the stigma and the infamy are so huge even low content players don't want them around.


    I have the same reaction: when I see a sin tank in PvE I know we'll wipe. When I see 2-3 in a WZ I know we'll lose for sure. My main is (was) a shadow, now a sniper and the only blame is to have switched so late.


    Myself from page 8:

    Here's the problem with this thread it doesn't start out articulating the issues, which to be taken seriously it should. The community is tired and sees the multiple threads across forums asking for as whining, they see us in regs being regstars blowing up bads and blowing all stuns to get a quick kill and they hate it. There is no sympathy really. If we get more substained in Deception we will loss burst in the end whether its at the same time or later. The best bet is to ask for madness to be changed for PvE DPS since it has little burst compared to Decep.


    The other issue is people that play the class are prone to exaggeration now when they really have no idea they just jump on the QQ train. 1 poster, who posts a lot negatively, asking for buffs didn't even know what all the abilities are. Others say they can't tank Hard mode 50 FPs lol. We need to stop that and stay to the facts and prove the point through hard factual evidence. Stretching the truth will get us no where.


    I am not talking about you OP but your thread would recieve a better response if it sticks to the basics and evidence. However we will end up losing some things for whatever we gain.


    Anyway trolls troll on an op rage on, good luck on your quest.

  8. I have no idea why they aren't/haven't been throwing class changes at the wall on the PTS and seeing what sticks. They chose to not really do much with the PTS and I believe that is really hurting the game.


    In my opinion they should be almost constantly tweaking things on the PTS before sending them live.




    The only way this can be taken as good news is that they aren't waiting till 2.6 for balance changes but it might not matter by then with no cross server queues.


    Best plan would've been make little changes now, such as the changed for VGs and PTs then tweaks again in 2.5 as well as 2.6. This would give players hope and something to look forward to no matter what class they play.


    Perception of changes and hope are a powerful thing. Just look at the lack of hope and perception of no changes for certain classes and the tone it has set on the class specific forums, its not a happy vibe unless you are a Mara/OP healer/Jug tank and people go in assuming they are ****ed which leads to not queuing.


    Most of us that speak out want the game to succeed, we dont want to see our friends and rivals leave (again). We are all in this together and people leaving or releases failing hurts everyone, example 1.2 and the RWZ debacle. Arena success depends on keeping people queuing and them having fun doing so a lot of that is based on perception of having a chance to win and the hope small tweaks will come to your class to keep you invested and playing.

  9. No you're right even though it is the most played class and the majority seem to do great, even though it really seems like they are button mashing. But that's all just a coincidence. Then 99% of people that pick most of the other classes are bad, you have a hand full of glowing individuals that stand out in those other classes (not counting healing operatives, or specific assassin builds) that are good is also just a coincidence. Then the fact that the public has been complaining about them for a year is also a coincidence. You poor misunderstood unusually good player that just happens to be a certain class.


    Awesome post.


    Some of the posts of the "dont nerf me bro" variety are freaking great reads people will stoop to off the wall arguments to defend their preferred class. Keep the responses rolling.

  10. This pretty much shows, you have no idea about any of the classes in the game.


    Not Every Class get's a CC. Your Precious Guardians/Juggernauts and Vanguards/Powertechs do not have a CC. Of the Three Tanks only Shadows and Assassins have a CC. So, no, not every class has a CC and in this regard Having a Tank that can CC is an advantage over the other two



    So you have been called out for not knowing anything about the game, but please I can't wait to be told I'm wrong some more, when I know I'm right.


    Umm :rak_02: please don't make anyone list the CCs other tanks have. Unless your post is clearly taken out of context.


    After this post and in conjunction with the rest Probably time to let this thread die. As I noted people exaggerating and not being clear or knowing all the facts torpedoes these arguments.

  11. I was thinking last night that it would be cool for BW to create something like 5 Legacy slots tied to the collections that a subscriber could unlock allowing them to put unique items and copy them for other character with the collection feature. These would be items that are NOT in the collection options already.


    1 could be like any Speeder, 1 for Weapon, 1 for Armor, 1 for Pet or 1 Color Crystal slot that are unlocked with legacy levels. Then you would pay something like 350 CC to unlock it for your legacy on that account like the other collections. Tie it to legacy level as a reward where at Legacy 30 you can unlock the Pet slot, at 40 the Crystal slot, then at 50 the Speeder, Armor piece and Weapon slot. (All just random ideas as for instance)


    The only drawback offhand I can think of is that once you lock an item in it can’t be removed period. This is due to players trying to put in X speeder then make copies for all their toons then remove it and unlock another speeder. It should be a 1 shot feature.


    Of course that raises another problem of people locking an item in then wanting to change it later or claiming they made a mistake or don’t understand. It would have to be a strict once you lock the item in that’s it for this account type of thing much like the Advanced Class selection is for your character. Make people select YES to the warning twice to help ensure the “I don’t realize..” or “I didn’t know it was 1 use only” ect.


    I realize there are other problems with this idea and it can be refined a lot better. Seemed like something to throw out there or maybe someone already has and to follow up on their idea.


    I know there are rare items people love that they have on 1 toon but like old armor or speeders no longer available that they would love to transfer over if they switched mains or for alts. It would also serve as a reward for people that have higher legacy levels giving them access to QoL type feature that can only be gained by playing the game for a long while. And it would allow BW to make some money back with the charging of CC for the collection spot to unlock it for all characters for the time invested creating it.


    Thoughts, additions, ideas?

  12. this thread is a prime example of how this type of thing can backfire if handled poorly.


    what is a commonly-accepted truism: assassins/shadows need some work, is argued with such hyperbole and lack of understanding that people are simultaneously arguing that 1, it's not true, and 2, it should be that way.



    there are so many misconceptions over this conversation that i don't even know where to begin and if i'll even cover them all, but here goes:




    saying that assassins need help and shadows are fine is just ludicrous. assassins and shadows are mirrors and mechanically work the same.




    shadow/assassin spikiness is an issue. the problem with this stems from bioware's metrics: time to kill (ie: just hitting a tank until it dies) and how that doesn't really apply with actual boss mechanics.


    to clarify, shadows/assassins are actually better in the time to kill metric than the other two tanks, but due to their designed spikiness, have a tendency to just blow up from specific big energy/kinetic attacks such as terminate from the operations chief. if they simply changed the damage type of these big attacks to internal/elemental (and lowered the value to compensate), shadows would probably be back on top as best tank class again since they do much better against this type of damage than the other two tank classes.




    bioware's stated goal of dps is 5%, not 15%. are they within this goal? in practice, no. snipers/gunslingers are performing much more above metrics due to the fact that orbital strike/flyby are so powerful in a single-target rotation.


    there is also a fallacy in looking at dummy parses when, converted to a raid setting, many classes would gain a lot: armor debuff, execute moves and talents, etc. and in fact, shadows/assassins have the most to gain from dummy parse to actual boss fight. the only spec in the entire game that loses/gains absolutely nothing from dummy to boss fight is arsenal mercenary / gunnery commando because they have a built-in armor debuff and no execute talent or ability.


    what's more, engineer/saboteur can 'wall bang' the dummy, creating super-inflated parses.


    the problem as a result of this is that people use the highest-possible parses as the 100% marker that other classes should fall in line with, not taking into account that it's performing above intended design metrics. they then completely ignore the fact that many of the numbers can be slightly misleading, due to the fact that there will never be an execute phase, and many classes parse without an armor debuff.

    so, are shadows within 5% of other classes. probably not, but there's a lot of inflated numbers out there, and the most salient point i can give, the world first kill for dread guards (pre-nerf when they had more health, did a lot more damage, and had a 30s tighter enrage timer) completed it with a balance shadow, where no one was allowed to be carried in that fight. even if they are performing outside of the 5% target, they are still perfectly viable for the hardest content in the game.




    in terms of progression viability, wild-berry is a very good example of someone who's not only completing nightmare content as a shadow, but doing so in balance and infiltration, and ranking on the current 2.0 NiM progression leaderboards




    there is no 'utility class' and i don't know where this idea started. all classes have utility (though some more than others, which has been stated will be addressed), but no class is useless on its own and only exists to buff the efficacy of others. kinetic combat is a tank spec, infiltration is a dps spec, and balance is a dps spec. shadows have no healing spec (not sure where this one came from either).

    and that said, there is no design philosophy that classes that can heal or tank are specifically intended to do less dps (there was an ambiguous statement in the sorcerer answers that led players to suspect the devs might feel this way that was blown way out of proportion, but that was clarified later in the juggernaut answers).

    as i said earlier, all dps specs are intended to be within 5% of each other.




    TL;DR: assassins are fine. they need a little bit of a help, but threads like this are hurting the cause rather than helping it.


    This is a great post. Not sure I am in complete agreement they are fine however I do believe BW should balance around the top 10% and let the rest trickle down. If we are balanced so be it let's adapt and get an arena spot although I think the meta needs to be shaken up to change some preception currently about the FoTM classes small changes like push Undyings cd out ect. Stuff that minimally affects PvE DPS.


    Anyway off on tangents great post read it people.

  13. Here's the problem with this thread it doesn't start out articulating the issues, which to be taken seriously it should. The community is tired and sees the multiple threads across forums asking for as whining, they see us in regs being regstars blowing up bads and blowing all stuns to get a quick kill and they hate it. There is no sympathy really. If we get more substained in Deception we will loss burst in the end whether its at the same time or later. The best bet is to ask for madness to be changed for PvE DPS since it has little burst compared to Decep.


    The other issue is people that play the class are prone to exaggeration now when they really have no idea they just jump on the QQ train. 1 poster, who posts a lot negatively, asking for buffs didn't even know what all the abilities are. Others say they can't tank Hard mode 50 FPs lol. We need to stop that and stay to the facts and prove the point through hard factual evidence. Stretching the truth will get us no where.


    I am not talking about you OP but your thread would recieve a better response if it sticks to the basics and evidence. However we will end up losing some things for whatever we gain.


    Anyway trolls troll on an op rage on, good luck on your quest.

  14. Bump for friends.


    Also anyone know of a decent in depth assassin guide?




    Yea check the stickies in the Shadow/Sin class forums. It has all the info and questions/answers.

  15. Bug it in game and the Bug forums if this is indeed the case.


    There is a bug that I encounter mostly when returning to the fleet where it wont show the quests I turn in giving me credit in the comms or XP. However it is really a bug in the UI and it does not update, if you hit control+u twice to refresh the UI they show up.


    I bugged this some time ago. You can tell it is occurring if you have the option enabled to see your own name plate in the fact the bar below it is sorta blacked out more or less (cant find the right words to describe it). Refreshing the UI fixes it and the comms and xp will show up or reloggin does.


    There are likely other known issues that this might be but the aforementioned is all that I have encountered.

  16. Damnit.


    Please post your builds using Torhead skill calc if you can.


    I hate seeing all these #/#/# builds thrown around without actually knowing exactly how you spent the points.


    I'm trying to learn damnit haha.


    When you post from your phone it's a pain in the *** to post the specs. It's fairly self explanatory look at the madness tree lower teer talents, you can which benefit Deception.


    Also these specs are all in Xinika's sticky at the top of the forums for the most part. It's easier to be lazy posting and have someone that wants to know exact talents to go look, Wakajinn is the spec more or less. Then if you have questions ask.

  17. Typical over action theater just like the NFL preseason lol. Calm down its been noted previously the CM is now dynamic in fact it was noted with the previous packs and dye as they didn't show up right away. Just like that ugly silver circlish speeder it comes and goes. It's not Eric's fault dynamic is something you don't understand. ***** about the price all you want if you want it buy it if not others will and use it or sell it. This keeps it rare.


    Some of you ***** about the damnedest things. There are much larger issues at play that threaten subs then freaking 2 dyes rotating on the market. Give Eric a fracking break and get some perspective stuff like this and you wonder why they give the responses they do. They are not punishing the players that is asinine.


    Not to say things don't frustrate me as well but it's a game and they make the choices they make as they feel best there is no way they can take the communities ideas all the time just look at some of the class forums and what they want its unrealistic much like 75% of the vocal crowd on the forums. It is what is take a break, pop a xanex and chill out.


    Be easy

  18. Apparently the CM is dynamic which means the items are put on and off at random times...as far as i know..maybe im wrong


    This. It was noted in the recent patch notes and also in the fact they weren't available immediately. The CM rotates what's for sale. You may have noticed certain items are there and then gone. They no longer need patches to update the CM to change it does so dynamically the dyes will rotate back onto the market. I doubt they are lowering the price even though IMO it's much to high for a 1 time item.

  19. Hello,

    I am level 51 assassin atm and I was wondering, which spec is doing better atm in pvp - Madness or Darkness?

    I am currently Madness and I am doing fine as long as I don't have someone focusing me, however, the moment I start getting 1-2 people on me, I am pretty much shut down and can't do anything.

    Is Darkness better for staying alive longer / dps overall?

    Or is there possible a hybrid spec between darkness and madness that works wonders?

    Please help me out!! :)


    Best advice go to the class forums and read the 2 stickies a lot if questions are answered in them and there is great break down of stats in them. This is not the forum you are looking for.

  20. Who decided that stacking a particular class warranted giving such a comp a name, and then gave it the most idiotic sounding name. I miss vanilla swtor when VG/PT spec/strategies where at least given good names like Carolina Parakeet


    Agree I was partial to Iron Fist as well, I think that's what it was called. Kinda bummed they killed them.

  21. For the OP have you played other MMOs? This is the exact samething in every MMO more or less. Unless you progress into Hard/NiM or PvP or do random other things its the same thing in most MMOs.


    As for the new MMO's look better, I have learned and I hope most other vets of MMOs have as well, the grass always looks greener, the hype is always better then the game turns out to be. I dont buy the hype just look at the all the hyper MMOs including this one. Personally WS doesnt excite me it looks like a mesh of GW2 and WoW, it will release with bugs and it will have problems. Their 40v40 PvP sounds great right now till it launches and it turns into Illum. Or its GW2 WvWvW where people just flat out disappear on your screen. Its all speculation till the game is released and fleshed out.


    Point being all MMOs have issues and end game is nearly the same.


    If you are with people you like playing with any game is fun, the trick is finding that group and in SWTOR its not easy to find a guild you fit into. The Guild Forum posts are bare and chat recruitment is very hit and miss. I am still looking for a mature guild I fit into that loves to PvP and is excited about up coming arenas. Hopefully I find it because that can make or break the game for players.

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