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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. Well every player has female companions, so it's not like you are actually getting something you can't use.


    What you mean is, you are getting something you don't want - and that's entirely different. Cartel packs are random; lots of times you'll get stuff you don't want/need.


    But any player can use it (on themselves or comps), so if you buy the packs you need to know you might get things you don't like.


    This is semantics, he has a valid point. The dancer ***** drop rate is way to high for crap people dont want or will ever buy. Give me one use jawagrams any day over the dancer crap. Not all of us want every female we have dressed in the least amount of clothes possible as we see real women without close - bazinga :)

  2. What do you consider my recurring subscription? VISA considers it a purchase.


    I didnt have any problem enabling it, I last purchased CC's about 4 weeks ago. All I needed to do was select enable and confirm my CC I have used the entire time.


    Maybe there is a time limit since the last time you used the CC to purchase coins? IDK just some info.

  3. Let the tears begin as the flood of noob Sins and Shadows over run reg WZs thinking they are super stars blowing people up.


    They will attack the guy you have mezzed while you are capping, they will push healers away while you go to assassinate them, they will hide in solo ranked until the acid comes out, they will open with electrocute and spam mail till they are out of force then FC and spam some more. They will attack the smashers first as a vengeance for a class they just left but couldn't smash just right!


    Get ready a storm is coming and the waves of QQ will wash over the forums and us all.

  4. OP, don't listen to the posters in this thread. It's obvious they themselves play Assasins/Shadow. Assasins/Shadow are arguably the best class in PVP.


    Just want to quote this cause it's lol worthy.


    I dont think Sins need a buff and they absolutely destroy regstars due to their current mechanics however they are not the best class or arguably the best class for competitive PvP for reasons that have been beat to death. They are great in regs if you arent a terrible player and solo areas where you face terrible players.


    That said play what you like based on play style and what you want to do, dont play what's OP right now, you get more out of making a class shine that is considered bad. Look at the VG/PT train right now, went from heavy PvP pop to low with a nerf, now that they are strong the FoTM train is back in action. If you ride that train then go with what the "people" tell you.

  5. Once you have 3-5 million credits in seed capital.... you can make 1M+ a day (average, some days better, some worse) by simply playing the GTN. There are always people selling items below market and you can buy and flip them at Market-5% and have a continuous stream of selling and income collection.


    Takes you a little time to dial in on the items you wish to work in the market...but after that.. about 30 minutes a day will net you 1M+ per day average. You just have to stay on top of the market as it moves all over the place. But the CM content is fruitful content for buy-low/sell-high.


    And you can also hold items if you have the inventory and the credit depth to do it and profit later. I'm making a boat load of credits off of stored Relnex Robes now. Bought them all for under 10K and they are selling quickly for north of 60K a pop now. Many CM items do in fact sell at very nice premiums if you can hold them for a month or two.


    This is a great way to make money, some people are lazy, dont pay attention, in a hurry, in need of quick cash ect. Catch it at the right time and you can flip items easily. One easy ones are the CC Color Crystals a couple times a week I will catch some way below market value. Sunday I got 2 Blue Core Hawkeyes, Hot Orange War and Blood Red Evis for 45k each.


    Also pay attention to what is going away, you can sell it for 5-10x what it was selling for if you are patient enough.


    The only bummer for the OP is this does take time to learn market patterns and see how the market moves with new items and searching through them so it may not be ideal.


    Good luck

  6. Once you know the basics of your class, can't you figure yourself what is the best opener for each situation?


    Cmon.. I'm not a nanny, I can't spoon feed every person here that asks what opener to use for every possible combination..


    Unfortunately I bet it's gonna get much worse around here as 2.5 hits and more and more Shadows/Sins popup as they think they are FoTM. These will be maul spamming regstars thanks to a lazy buff to maul in addition to the other changes.

  7. What is the point of pvp gear if its not better than regular gear for pvp!!!


    This thread is ridiculous! Expertise is needed!! without it, why even grind pvp gear! why even wear it in open world!

    I seriously think the first ghuy to post in this forums is just trolling us!


    Agree if you want to feel smarter read the SWTOR forums.

  8. Every tank has 2 other viable specs, just like in WoW. PT's have AP and Pyro. Assassins have Deception and Madness. Juggernauts have Vengeance and Rage. The same concept applies in WoW, every tank class has two other viable roles they can play as DPS in Arenas.


    SWTOR needs to go to a 3v3 format and make tanking in Arena extremely undesirable by removing the ability to use Guard in Arena.


    This isnt WoW. And not all classes have 2 viable specs. Madness is not viable for Sins no debating that.


    Aside from that they should never remove an option from the game that people like playing. Some people love playing tanks and to remove them would either make them leave or pissed off. Their are other things that can be done to balance arenas. Besides this suggestion is a pipe dream there is absolutely no way BW removes tanks from arena and makes it 3v3, now they might add 3v3 but I kinda doubt it, they dont want to split the pop anymore then it is currently.


    Suggestions should be made that are realistic to balance that game and not ones that remove a spec that people enjoy greatly playing. How about we just remove healers from the game and make it 3v3? That's a ridiculous suggestion just like removing tanks is.

  9. It's funny to hear people complain now when the game released max level was in the leveling queue in battle master gear which was random bags. I recall going 12 bags without a token on my Mara then getting the belt token for the 4th time. It's cake now compared to release and the gear gap is less. If you are an above average player you can be competive regardless with bolster the catch is most people just think they are above average and really aren't that good but they play FoTM classes or classes with advantages in that venue to feel über and stoke their epeen.
  10. Hello!


    I'm starting to play some wzs with my shadow and I'm thinking about how set up stats for pvp


    Infiltration shadow


    I really don't know how much stack our stats...any advice? can I use the same stats of ur guide xinika?


    and another question: about HIilt..it gives 68exp (conqueror..for now my goal is full conq) but I can lose 68exp for a 72+Hilt that gives +95min dmg than conqueror hilt..so what do u think about? I'd choose 72+ hilt..


    Not sure what you are completely asking but for you hilt question now you do not mix PvE and PvP gear bolster will wreck the item. To see this put the hilt in and go into a WZ and compare the stats the consensus is use PvP gear only.

  11. For pure fun (effectiveness aside), probably:


    Merc/Mando DPS

    Conc Operative

    Deception Sin


    The animations and sounds have a lot to do with my choice of favourites :)


    Like wise ever try a Guardian you hold the light saber like a baseball bat and the animations are lack luster for the most part.

  12. Lol OPs sig states arena hater and he takes every op he can to bash them. Is any surprised he's making a thread bashing BW and arenas without first hand knowledge? The only thing I agree with op on is the fact regs shouldn't have arena queues in them. It ruins the experience for everyone cause people bail right away and premades if regstars run them purposely to stomp PuGs exactly what was noted prior to their release.


    I like the idea of them for leveling if this setup is the only way to get them under max level do be it.

  13. No macros unfortunately. But if you have a Logitech or Razer gaming mouse you can use their software to map the extra mouse buttons to your most important key bindings.


    This a probably a good starting place for 2 & 3: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=425519. http://dulfy.net/2012/05/07/endgame-color-crystals-post-1-2-and-how-to-obtain-them/ also has a nice section on crystals.


    As mentioned earlier, for armor http://swtorista.com/ is fairly robust.


    Yes you can use 3rd party software but a few months back there was a raging macro debate and BW noted there's a fine line and anything that does a sequence or priority was against ToS. Or something like that I am too lazy to look for the post and BWs multiple posts in it. Essential it boiled down to most macro uses was a no no. It's in the PvP forums and a huge thread if anyone's interested.


    That said there are fracking videos posted in the forums with heavy macro use of essentially people doing exactly what they said is a no and they aren't band. One suck is the Dark Maul thread in the Sin forums. Just a heads up.

  14. Agree the drop rate is way to high on this crappy dancer ****, I would rather have 25 jawa grams then 15 different sets of dancer poop that only 1 gender can wear and will flood the market. IMO it's the worse thing out of any if the packs and as such no reason to buy hypercrates for that crap. The drop rare needs to be lowered dramatically on those pieces give me the WZ adrenals instead of that anything!
  15. I once spent 120$ on Cartel packs. That was enough to get the **** out of my system and never want to touch the Cartel Market unless it came from the GTN ever again.


    If you truly bought 15 Hypercrates, at a rate of 5500 CC per 39.99 (add in .07 state sales tax going off of Indiana sales tax) you have spent...and someone might want to double check my math on this...roughly $825.81 on Cartel Market items.


    My God. I cannot fathom how one could drop so much cash, let alone 300$ all at once for pixels. Is your daughter being fed properly? Should we perhaps enroll you in some gambling addiction program? Jesus Christ woman! nearly $900.00 on a video game, not even on the game itself! Cosmetics! ***!?


    I feel terrible for you (only slightly) and even more so for your daughter. What kind of example do you think this sets for her? "Oooh, I want shiny, must go in debt to obtain "x" item at "y" cost.





    EDIT: Error found in math, it is 5500cc per 39.99 and 6912cc per hyper crate. Re doing math below.


    6912cc x 15 = 103680cc

    103680cc / 5500cc = 18.85

    $39.99 * 18.85 = 753.81

    $753.81 * .07 = $52.77

    $753.81 + $52.77 = $806.58


    $806.58 on CARTEL MARKET items. Congratulations, I hope you have enough for food, health insurance, gas money, electric + internet + heating bills. Mortage/rent etc. Jesus Christ. Your poor child.


    Way to keep it classy and go personal. Never bring slander to people's children's it's wrong period and shows you are the head rower of the douche canoe. Who gives a **** what people spend disposable income in. Some players are adults with real jobs making good money and dropping money on packs is no big deal your post reeks of pettiness and jealous.


    if you think they are dumb or want to slander then keep it to the poster don't go into personal attacks and bring their children into questioning their parenting that's low class. People have every right to spend their money how they see fit if they choose this as it good for them support the game most of us love playing. Better then buying a grand in pills or coke and getting high people are doing a lot worse things and setting a lot worse examples.

  16. Title pretty much says it all. Never seen a stim in any pack but today opened one and was awarded with 1 (yes, just 1) warzone stim. I stared at it and was like ......


    Is it a mistake or have there always been a chance to get these in the packs and I've been lucky enough to never see them until today?


    Yea it appears they are in the new packs. Too bad they also loaded them up with ****** dancer outfits with a high drop rate: I would take the 1 time jawa grams over the dancer **** anyday.

  17. They exist but fairly rare. I brought 2 hypercrates and got none but I know people with them. The reason you won't see them as much is because the packs are all stuffed with useless dancer outfits, which are rare compared to the good stuff which are labeled as super rare.


    Agree bad design making the dancer **** the predominate items no one wants that crap plus the drop rate seemed abnormally high compared to prior packs/hypercrates. At least it let me know after 1 HC don't buy anymore because what's 1 gonna do with parts of 15 dancer outfits.

  18. Thanks for the quick response Evol, and you're absolutely right, survivability and pressure do lie in the skill of the player as with any class. As far as spec goes, would you mind posting the specific 31/15 build you use and its general playstyle/priority of abilities?

    Look at Xinika's sticky the specs are explained in there.



    Is more or less the spec

  19. I'd rather they make it so loot isn't bound to the character until equipped or you leave the flashpoint/op. I was an an Esseles run with a guy who needed on everything. he got my consular stuff, so I got his sentinel robe. I would have traded him for my stuff, but I couldn't do that.


    Flashpoint loot needs to be tradable until you leave the zone or actually equip it. This will also help with accidental Need/Greed clicks.


    Did they change it I could've swore there was a bind timer on the loot minus F2P players. No?

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