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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. It getting nerfed isn't the problem- the problem is the laughably ill-designed way in which it was nerfed.


    This and the response the Dev's gave to why they were doing it. Then the silence to the responses to the feedback.


    In addition for PvP it was usefully in solo ranked arenas to put on top of yourself to buy you some time to do some damage before you get gang banged. Not so much anymore, now it's only really use in PvP is to stop capping.

  2. So, in this one wz I was playing right now ( a lowbie btw), this random Scoundrel thought he could cheat the system and stealth past acid for a win.


    Now obviously since I hate that whole exploit anyway, I told the enemy team where to find him, and (dunno whether they believed me or not), they eventually got him and killed him. Obviously, the exploiter promptly /ignored me, but not before high and mighty death threats and a "**** you".


    So, a question to everyone. Remembering that this is unranked warzones, would you have done the same? Or would you say wasting 5 minutes of everyone's time to cheat the system is perfectly fair and normal? And should I repeat this in the future or just let exploiters exploit the acid?


    In lowbie areans I have had this occur as well, we plastered the first 3 players on the other team in under a minute the 4th one stealths around to wait it out. It's a waste of time in lowbie you get no rank for it and we could've been in another match by the time the 4 mins are up waiting for the acid. Luckily my sniper picked him out moving under the bridge and I pulled him out and killed him with some time left. His rationale was "people do it to me all the time", which is the typical internet rationale.


    IMO it's a chump move in lowbie WZ queue and just wastes time. If I am on a team in leveling brackets and it occurs I will call out his position just to move the match forward and get to PvPing again.


    In ranked I can see the validity to it in solo queue and group queue, as to not lose rank. However in leveling brackets it's just people being a ***** and trying to troll other players and really no point to it.


    But everyone pays their $15 to play and if that's how they want to spend their time so be it, the option is open to leave the match but it does screw your teammates if you do.

  3. It's not an immunity at all. The CC will still land and the warrior/knight will be rooted or stunned where they land. It is a bit screwey, but has to do with the desink issues in this game. I have been CC'd mid charge more times than I can count. It just takes effect when I land.


    The disadvantage side of this arrangement is if I charge and a PT hits his AoE stun while I am halfway to him I will land stunned. Or if a sorc hits his knockback while I am halfway there I will never reach him and be knocked back mid flight. The system sees the charge as instant, there is just an animation to absorb the GCD.


    This is my experience as well I have ambushed knocked back a warrior that I casted before he charged he got to me then the knock back which went off mid leap knocks him back. Or flash banging a warrior right when they charge it takes place as I am rooted from the charge and they are stunned upon landing.

  4. not true at all, the other faction can attack you yes, and it does happen yes but as it is there are some of the quests in the Republic and Empire specific part of the caves only, its why there is a big ledge you got to jump off of when heading deeper into the caves that are shared areas, as well as the quest that takes places right next to the royal houses. As for attacks, its not that bad, many imps will even just let you pass by on a you-don't-attack-me-I-don't-attack-you kind of thing. Also, I know that it really is a problem on pve servers due to that flag problem but as for pvp servers, anyone who chose a pvp server should not really complain as well, it was their choice and I have seen people who have stated they were on pvp servers who complained about the ganking despite knowing all the risks of choosing a pvp server. But as for your extreme exaggeration that it is undoable without an ops group, hate to burst your bubble but except for the operation boss its very doable alone or in a small group.




    Per the topic douches are gonna be douches it's the internet not much else to be said. Prime times are gonna be rough as people will form OPs groups to gank and stealthers will hide out for hours to gank lowbies not much new there.


    My only real complaint is not bolstering lower levels to do the event, it's almost like they are sending you there as bait on a PvP server. For new players I dont like that it might turn them off and they stop doing events or even stop playing if it's frustrating enough. Could've been better thought out imo.


    Also the 1st event was awesome and I think that's part of the disappointment as people thought it was going to be the same as that one and turns out it isn't and it's not as fun in their eyes, which is understandable.

  5. Here is the problem my level 28 vanguard had in this event three times: I was trying to complete the event and was fighting an npc while low on health when some d*** sith warrior level 55 comes up behind me and kills me. So later I am fighting some other npc when a mob of 55 imps just comes through and murders me. Next I am fighting yet another npc when some sorcerer comes by and randomly kills me. And this was all during the Rakgouhl event yesterday. And no I was not provoking an attack.


    I think all of what you other people were saying was about how to avoid getting killed by other players when your at a high level, not a low level like me.


    So I repeat my earlier question, what idiot put imps and pubs in the same cave during an event? Did they think that we would all be one big happy family and not have the level 55s go around killing the low levels just for their own entertainment just to act like d***s?:confused:


    This is really the heart of the issue, outside of dbags running through AoE to flag other players. Why create an event that is for level 20+ when there is no shot for low levels to complete any of the quests on a PvP server?


    The person whom noted this was made for a PvE server is right on, there is no chance a lower level will get through this area and the questions without being ganked multiple times. We all know the dbags that will camp out for hours waiting for lowbies to gank, they typically hide from max levels then claim ganking lowbies "starts WPvP".


    Just a *********** half-assed implementation per usual. Make it for max level only or add bolster for lowbies so they have a shot. People were so excited for this to come back but the implementation is right up crap creek.


    Edit: No I wasnt ganked, no I am not mad and I dont care that much if I dont like something I dont do. I just dont see the point in making event that will lead to newer players experiencing frustration when trying to partake in the event for the first or 2nd time. Yes they know a PvP server = PvP, however this is like herding cattle for gankers just putting the lowbies in 1 place. Bad design when it should be simple to apply bolster for them.

  6. idk if Illum wasnt a slide show this game probably wouldnt have been F2P less than a year after being out which in truth did show the engine being one of worst game engines ever made i still to this day get 20 fps in WZ no matter what settings i put this game on very low or high.

    but i wouldnt say it is the sole reason why but it was a major one.

    Lol a lot of things had to do with people leaving personally Ilum was never a slide show for me and force leaping up to the platform to smash people was great fun while we out number the Pubs 80-20 at times. Broken raids, the ****ed up bait and switch of rated WZs and the solo queue that was suppose to go with it, the horrible balance changes of 1.2 that drastically changed TTK. There were plenty of mistakes and present day MMO features not in the game. If it launched 6 months ago the outcome likely would've been much different but pressure to launch a game with millions sunk in to it forces a incomplete product into the market.


    Still all that said many people still love the game, HB was inventive and awesome with still nothing else like it out there. The one thing BW can't seem to grasp is balance and FoTM this ****ed up arenas they refused to shake up the meta and after the PTS it was clear what classes were viable and most that didn't want to reroll to a PT/OP/Mara said **** it since BW "needed" their metrics for what was plainly obvious to everyone else. The mistakes keep coming and the failure to act swiftly to revert bad changes or balance slowly burns people out. Combined with lack of communication feedback creating an overly angry PvP community. It's really too bad for us that live the game but refuse to play the FoTY reroll game since balance changes are so slow and heavy handed.

  7. Yes this option appeared a couple months ago in game then it wasn't present as a purchase option however now it is back again at least for me. Not sure what is going on with it.


    But you see people buying 3, 4, 5 Hypercrates a larger purchase option was needed in particular because there's that lockout that occurs if you have too many transactions in a particular period this alleviates that issue for some people.

  8. PW has some awesome uses but it is situational there is no argument that some 51 abities are better then others. One of the best PW is in WZs, AH as a tank place it in the tunnel under the spawn attack an enemy and as a tank use your pull to pull people from the tunnel till the shield goes down then PW back in. VS place it on the bridge and jump and pull people over the edge then PW back ect. It's gotta be the best trolling 51 ability. If you are creative it's a fun ability and you can pull off some cool ****.


    The divide really is for different specs in PvE and PvP. For DPS in PvE the use is situational like FPs you get knocked back or pulled into bad **** you can PW out, but that's maybe one encounter a FP it's useful. I think the best idea I heard is the suggestions on class forums that a DPS talent which provides a small buff like the tank tree has.


    Really though there are much larger class balance issues that need addressed before PW and it shouldn't be a top priority and likely BW won't be addressing anything with it for some time.

  9. That would be odd, I have augmented a few lower level ones and 50s with no issue. Is it equipped when you try to bring it up in the aug station? Only thing I can think of off hand that might be different is I have had it equipped everytime I have added a kit.


    If it's truely not available bug it. GL

  10. Much like this post im quoting, I dont have any issues getting anyone in a 1 v 1s... having said that on my ENG sniper i love fighting deception assassins in particular. Yes, after lv 42 they open up with "Surge charge and Spike" IF they are good if not the fight wont last long for them lol. If they start with "Surge charge, spike, maul, low-slash, maul, electircute, maul, maul, im at about 50% or 45% depending on crits but ill get up and coverpulse....then the pain begins!


    I start off with Corrosive dart and Interrogation probe then place Explosive probe. Once those are down I use Debilitate and exfiltrate to widen the gap between us (unless they use force shroud) which then ill wait until it drops and Dot up stun and roll. after that i go in cover > hit entrench > shield Probe > EMP charge to reset the cooldown on both abilities pretty much giving me 40 seconds of entrench and 2 shield probes when the 1st one ends. after i hit my defensive stuff i cast Abush to pop the 1st explosive probe if it hasnt popped already then i go straight into serise of shots to blow up the rest of the cluster bombs... At this point they just lost 60% percent of their HP and they normally stealth out and try to run. If they dont they try to rush me and stun/ knockback me/ mes me to get me out of cover...this is when i emote "/lol" them and flash bang > exfiltrate > Orbital strike> and the moment the 1st shot goes off I leg shot so they sit in that for 2 more sec. If they really did try to run...due to my dots it re exposes them and i leg shot use snipe > re apply my dots > explosive probe and snipe > etc...til dead. But it takes a pretty decent assassin to take me down in a WZ if im solo defending...


    Just because of the 30 stacks of stealth detection if they dont use blackout just before entering 30m theyre F***ed because ill see them and get the jump on them. and they'll die before they can even get close to me. I love it when the bad assissins/Operatives try to sneak up on me in PvP lol


    You are either talking about the leveling brackets per your lvl 42 mention and ****ed up Deception rotation or horrible players.

    There is a reason a Sin/Shadow wins every 1v1 tourney and the top few places is a Sin. The leveling bracket is 75% unskilled players and regs at max level is slightly better.


    All this is just epeen stoking here against unskilled players, and not really helpful responses. Yes we can all talk about owning scrubs but that doesn't help anyone.


    OP go look up Waka's twitch stream past broadcasts, he has 1v1 Sin videos explaining how a Sin responds to each class it's before 2.0 but a similar concept exists. He duels good players and he's won most 1v1 Tourneys on the Bastion. Once you understand a good Sin you can react to them accordingly.

  11. imo bolster should check if a piece of gear has expertise


    if gear has expertise --> do nothing

    else --> Set stats to set piece of "recruit" gear REGARDLESS of stats on the item.


    This would fix all the problems of pve gear being better than pvp gear.


    This is essentially how Rift's bolster functions and it is a good way to go about it. Many noted this prior to the max level bolsters release. Although naked PvP had its perks and was one bug that wasnt so bad.


    Code does a check do you have Exp in slot A equal to X amount, do you have it on Slot B ect. If not replace the slots stats with the appropriate stats for PvP that correspond to an iLevel just below the current entry PvP gear. Make X amount of EXP = Max Bolster for that Item Slot. This avoids people trying to find exploits using a PvP/PvE mix on the same item. Sounds simple but implementation I realize isnt always as simple.


    Tait thank you for the effort and good luck.

  12. ^This.


    I guess neat story? Go join a serious PvP guild and run some ranked if you want a better chance at a challenge.




    OP your 2 cents arent needed take them back. Unless you gave a point please elaborate.

    Do ranked and see how it goes, you can whip bads with any spec if you are a half decent player, it's nothing to gloat about.


    Regstar in it up hopefully you at least play objectives but it doesn't sound like it as you don't recognize a lot of thing the class can do.

  13. I am not certain how their parent classes work it's kinda like the chairs works I makes sense that there's a chair parent class which all chairs would use. Why can you sit in your starships chair but not others? Because some one put a hack in that allows you to sit in it yet they can't apply to all chairs without breaking other things.


    One thing to note is they have different Devs now and any programmer that was actual working experience knows a lot of people don't document their code or create documentation and reverse engineering others code can be a freaking pain in the ***. with a code base this large it can be extremely frustrating to do so.


    OP if you are curious google Hero Engine and Object Oriented programming there is a wiki that details a lot of the under lying architecture and how it functions. Maybe without a back ground in CS it's confusing but you can google terms that are unclear or just start with object oriented programming and go from there.


    One thing to note is they used a alpha version of gone engine I have heard, please correct me if I am wrong, and it is different then the finished product.


    The poster calling them idiots is unfair without knowing what they did and why.

    what we know is they had a lot of money invested in it and pressure to release and all Devs know what tends to occur when the pressures on people take short cuts that at the time get **** done but are a ***** in production to replace these areas or fix them. People wouldn't believe the mistakes I have found in people's DBs that supposed DBAs put in place or Devs create that should've went through DBAs.


    But it's hard to judge them unless you are in the release cycle and know what choices were made. Although you can always slander them!

  14. BW ****ed up by not being aggressive in supporting arenas. They should've swiftly adjusted classes after it was on the PTS instead of claiming they needed to collect metrics it was pretty *********** clear on the test server what was too strong they alienated people by not shaking up the meta immediantly. Not fixing bugs swiftly trying to push out the space project that should've been pushed to Feb and all focus on making arenas as successful as possible putting in unique skins and speeders to encourage the solo syncing to do grouped. Instead so syncing discouraged people from playing. I said it before arena release but they missed their chance only hope is cross server now it would benefit PvP and PvE grouping as well.


    It's really ashame I still love the PvP but they don't seem to which is the heart of the issue.

  15. I have used a nostromo for years, prior to Razor making them and I am a proponent of it. The thumb stick is great check some of the YouTube reviews of it if you have questions. I also use a Naga mouse which I don't think I could play without my first one last over 2-3 hundred hours of play time till I bought a new one. I wish the light was still blue in it. No they aren't required but they are nice to have.


    There are some older threads around here about both products if you search you can find some in depth convo about them.


    Happy New Year

  16. The acid pit is more designed to slow the enemy, than kill them.


    The fire pit is for killing.


    Learn your environment.



    There is a certain enjoyment of pulling someone from the pit into the fire when they dont see it coming.

  17. Recruit gear? No? Makes recruit gear as partisan atm. So hard?


    Lol they are never putting recruit back in or anything like it. Give up the crying about it. Think about it business wise they aren't going to spend resources undoing what they created.


    Bolster servers it's purpose more or less essentially killing the gearing curve and allowing new players and alts a jump in and go play style. There's a few minor bugs and it confuses people but it resolves the issue they set out to resolve. Maybe just join the "I am Wildstaring" out crowd. There's really nothing to cry about related to bolster.

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