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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. Let's get one thing straight, I love this game, been playing since pre-release, however this gearing grind is absurd.


    I play most aspects of the game, PvE, PvP, FP's, Raids etc etc. But this new gearing method is putting a damper on the core objective, which is to reach end game.


    PVP tokens are low in comparison, 5 for a win, 2 for a loss. same in Ranked. If you solely play pvp, you have to complete over 1000 wz's, and win all of them for one character to gain tier 3 gear. That is an insane amount of grinding.


    Ops, final boss guarantees a loot drop. Ok, fine, but in an 8 man raid, the other 6 players are screwed, then they have to wait a week for a chance to gain loot in that raid.


    Last night for example, EV HM, KP HM, TFB HM, all completed and zero drops throughout all 3 raids. I understand that it is the roll of the dice, but seriously? If you are not able to gain anything, how can you progress.


    Opened over 100 command boxes, and finally i have a golden piece of gear. One, yes one single piece of golden gear.


    Gearing is a pain, it is lengthy, and it is boring, and very very monotonous. We are now restricted to a single toon for gearing, which is counter-productive when you like playing various characters of either faction.


    Who ever thought this was a good idea needs to be fired, have his clothes removed, given a small needle and loads of thread, then told he has to "gear up/sow an new outfit" before he can walk out.


    Pretty much this. A lot of us love the game but the 180 in direction from 4.0 is off putting. Bottom line it's not fun. Why they thought it would be is baffling, it's hard to believe they actually play the game.


    We've stayed through bugs, content droughts, server merges, f2p, through all of it. Yet 5.0 and 5.1 has been the last straw for many vet players whom just want to continue enjoying the content they enjoyed in 4.0 on their mains and alts yet cannot, at least competitively.


    BW needs to stop dicking around and make substantial changes to GC to ensure gearing at a much better pace. They will do it at some point yet they drag it out and with each noneeponse and miss step, eg the bolster nerf, lose long time loyal players.

    Today's stream: Oh next week we will tell you an idea. Which will then take 3 weeks to deploy. That is too long, the frustration grows daily.

    Why don't they just up the CXP amounts and the drop rates of gear?

    At the very least for T1 and T2, maybe T3, keep legendary at a grind. Most people would be happy to get their toons geared at close to their peers and will move on to alts and activities they actaully enjoy and have fun playing the game again.

  2. Yeah, i'm not sure why there isn't more disgust. The one staged op after 2 years is a total joke. Pvp is now shambles, and the devs don't care one whit about the rng system being an endless grind.


    Exactly their lack of swift action to address issues that can be fixed asap that are of high concern to plays is so frustrating. They openly acknowledge players really dislike GC and RNG gearing and know alts can't be geared. This shouldn't take months to fix. We shouldn't have to give suggestions.


    They say they play the game they know it is unrewarding and not fun. Up the drop rates 50%, up the CXP amount rewarded 50%. Take real action to fix the problems of a gearing system that is a 180 from 4.0, which I wish we could go back to nothing has really improved with 5.0.


    The move to ninja nerf bolster just adds to the cluster they've created.


    They note we are concerned about the bolstet change and tell us 'ah shucks' our bad but that was a bug. you have to grind to enjoy pvp on an even level.


    It is so mind boggling a minor compromise here of placing bolster at 238 would've been applauded by players that are unsubbing. There is no negative to doing this except it dulls the rng grind.

  3. Yes. For me and some others it was obvious for many years their resources are very tight and budget is small. They had to choose ether story content only or group content. They decided to focus on story and solo (recycle content) mostly for many years. Now they realize this isnt going well for another 1+ year for them in long run. So now they are desperate and announced that they are working on 1 new ops but release each boss when its done.


    Thats a confirmation right there that its desperate to keep those last subs they have left. I do give credit them for trying even when we waited SO MANY years for this to happen. Its now make it or break it.

    Probably by summer we know what will be the swtor fate end of 2017 and what plans they have 2018.

    If subs drop more in 2017 then 2018 will not last long for this game.


    Now its serious.


    I am afraid unless they move more swiftly with the gearing changes and response time to issues that can be addressed in a timely manner, more people will leave. The fact is the Vets that are here now have mostly been here since the start and it takes a lot to turn them away because they love Star Wars and the game.


    However drastically changing the games direction, alt and gearing friendly direction with 5.0 was enough to push people over the edge. While we want new content we also want to continue to enjoy the same things we have for the past 5 years. With such a drastic change they make it difficult to continue to do.


    They say they are listening but they are slow to act and some actions show they dont understand. eg: Musco says this week they know gearing Alts is impossible and they want to address that. 1 Day later they ninja nerf Bolster for PvP essentially ensuring players wont be playing their Alts in PvP, along with other negative side effects.


    What they should have done is say "we hear you, we will compromise and set bolster to 238 to ensure it is closer to skill vs skill and to ensure PvE players dont get too far ahead in the gear grind and the exploiters of course."


    That alone would have saved some subs that unsubbed yesterday and would've have displayed that they true are listening. Just throwing the players a small bone. Instead they went the other way and created more animosity with some players.


    I am glad they are finally addressing real MMO group PvE however I am not sure player retention will be high given the current state of the game it is not fun for a lot of players that enjoyed 4.0 in particularly.

  4. Why are you waiting 4 more weeks to increase the CXP from ops? You admitted weeks ago the CXP from ops is too low. We know its terrible, you know its terrible - What are you waiting for? You can't say you are watching the impact of the 10% CXP perk. Ops CXP needs to be DOULBED, 10% wont make a difference. You can't 'gather feedback' for weeks and weeks and weeks, you are far too slow reacting to what the community obviously wants.


    This line they know we dont enjoy the rng grind and boxes of crap but maybe next week we will look into it then in 3 weeks drop a small patch. That is just blatant disregard for what people are asking for. They either lack foresight or don't care.

  5. This is embarrassing to admit but I've been roflstomping since the patch went live. My main is sitting above the bolster cap because I've been GTNing 240 for several slots. Some stats from my last several matches:


    Class: Jugg (Immortal, skank gear)

    Wins: 100%, guess I lucked in to well geared teams.

    Top half for damage: 100%

    In the top 2 for damage: 50%

    Beat all classes except Merc for damage: 25%


    NERF JUGG DPS lol. Seriously, I'm not bad but I'm not THAT good. Welcome to the new PvP gearing world.


    I suspect everyone posting about how they aren't seeing a problem with Bolster now are in similar boats.


    Again this is great for those that have been playing the game and have gear or can afford it. And have 4.0 set pieces.


    Eric, New players, returning players and alts are ****ed. They will always be behind the grind because it is so massive. In addition due to the win/lose of tokens given people that are geared will start to group queue further exasperating the players who are trying to gear up. We know what most will do, stop pvping. Alts will not get played which all goes against the prior SWTOR game design which encouraged alts and easy gearing making pvp about skill vs skill not the advantage gained from rng like 1.0, which people hated.


    Given the way this transpired and the shady application plus the effect on the game it will only have a negative impact. Compromising and upping Bolster to 238 allowing for gear growth and a small advantage would be a bone to throw to the players to show that you actually do listen.

  6. But why should PvP players be excluded from the grind? ... PvE players are being punished while everyone else does not need gear.


    This seems to be your issue in all your posts that it is PvP players vs PvE Players. Your motives are selfish and dont seem to have much foresight.

    That has nothing to do with this. This is about ensuring PvP stays about ensuring gear is not the deciding factor. Getting gear still matter when bolster was at it's previous point.

    Were you complaining about bolster in 5.0? It wasnt an issue, they made it one now however, and it will have an negative impact on queues and player retention like it did in 1.0.


    Here is what is going to occur, people that grind and are hardcore PvPers will group up as they do already but now with the 5.1 token changes winning is even more important. The premades will crush the ungeared new players, returning players, and alts. Since they are losing they will continue to get a lesser pace and PvP for this expansion turning players off of PvP. That is the last thing we need. Bolster was fine before this change.

  7. Same thing I did. I will not give them another cent until they pull their heads out of their asses.


    They have made a lot of *** choices but with 5.1 they continue to show they have no clue what the players really want.


    It feels very much like someone said. BW saw players having fun in pvp ignoring their grind and they had to take action to ensure that does not happen. Doing so with ninja patch note updates after the fact which contradict Eric's statements earlier in the week.

  8. I disagree as far as Ranked PvP is concerned. There actually should be no bolster . Gear and skill should rule. End of story.


    Skill should rule, not who grinded the longest and had the luckiest RNG. Besides these changes will only have a negative effect on queues, dont be so short sighted.

  9. They may put it back up.


    And I'm sure we'll hear all about it in their live stream. Oh wait no, they will ignore any question asking why they make these crap choices they know will impact players negatively. They will without a doubt not mention this on stream and Eric will not respond to any thread questioning why this occurred considering it goes against his previous statement to make it easier on Alts.

  10. But wait Eric said: "Galactic Command Gearing Alt-unfriendly

    One of the biggest concerns expressed is Galactic Command forces a player into working only on one character. Although that wasn’t our intention, we agree with you"


    Due to this they changed bolster to ensure alts in PvP have it even worse, really helping the situation. Again showing their brilliant foresight and understanding of the players. What a stroke of genius from the Dev team. They should really win MMO of the year for 5.0/5.1.


    Eric must be really good at relaying the communities message to them. That or they give no ****s and think we should suck a bag of richards. I'll guess the later...

  11. Restore PvP Bolster to what it was pre-5.1. Or instead of having it 230 bolster to 242.


    Agree. No one wanted bolster be changed, all this does is screw with the have nots of RNG, new players, returning players, casuals and those that want good PvP matches.

  12. Bolster dropped significantly, and it's having a big impact. If you don't already have tier 3 gear, all you are is a way for the people who do have tier 3 gear to pad their kill count. This would be fine if we were talking ranked, but this is normal PvP. Losing every match means you only get 2 components instead of 5, which makes the people who actually need to upgrade their gear get fewer components than the people who already have the tier 3 gear! How does that make any kriffing sense, EAWare?


    Yep BW pulled the surprise double shocker thought it was only 1 in the stink they slipped in 2 and a fist with the bolster changes.

    They should've left bolster alone, this system is bad enough as is, but making it worse for any non hard core player, new players: play the story then leave, returning players just bounce, casuals good luck. Thank you Eric for being a super community manager and relaying what the community really wanted, much appreciated.

  13. This is a big ***, casual players, returning players and new players will always be at a large disadvantage due to gear. It's like everyone that works for BW rides the short bus now.


    Edit: Not to mention now premades of T3 gear will group together and punish those that are trying to catch up since the losing side gets so many less tokens they will give up. ***?!

  14. Oh I agree about the bosses, I'm more referring to the complaints about gearing through pvp. I should've been clearer in my post, my bad.


    I think the entire system is a problem, they shouldn't have removed PvP gear to start with.

    Why do we, pvpers, primarily PvP? To compete, test your skill against like minded players, and to win. Now it will most likely never be a level playing field gear wise due to who gets lucky with rng and who doesnt. And anyone that didnt start with 5.0, or new or returning players will always be behind in the gearing or unlucky players.


    They had this same BS rng system in the form of BM and Champ bags once upon a time that people hated, so they changed it to a system the players embraced up till 5.0. Gear should never be a deciding factor in PvP, which they essentially ensured it wouldnt be up till 5.0.


    Now for people returning to the game or alts that dont have set bonus's from 4.0 you are a distinct disadvantage from being way behind in the grind and rng as well as not having the set bonus to at least use crafting and bolster to some what level the playing field.

    That is a problem, it doesnt encourage players to return or stay after they go through the story if they will always be behind.

    This is a game that encouraged players to grind out alts and play them all, and before you could without being at a disadvantage. 5.0 flipped that on it's head with "alternative facts" from BW. You might think having to grind out hundreds of matches or get lucky with RNG is ok but there are many that do not agree and this band aid fix isnt enough.

  15. What do you mean 'JUST' a tier 3 chest. It's 242 best gear in the game.


    As a PvPer "best gear in the game" means I can be sure I am not at a disadvantage gear wise to my opponents, something that was relatively easy to do in past versions of SWTOR. Now you have essentially no chance of ensuring everyone is on even footing and alts are still screwed.


    It was a mistake removing PvP gear and lumping all gearing into one pile. As this goal will not be achievable and any players that start later or new players will be at a disadvantage through out the life of 5.0.

    Nicely done again BW.

    This is a complete **** show...

  16. It takes 95 winning matches just to earn the tier 3 chest?


    Ain't nobody got time for that. Much less an entire set. Much less additional sets for alts. What in blazes is wrong with you people???


    The camel's back can't support this much straw, I'm afraid. :t_frown:


    They could not foresee people would be displeased with these changes, so they decided to double down on the ****ery to see how much an average player can take.

  17. As implemented, yes I hate Galactic command. (The RNG and grind parts of it). The dev's intended changes coming in January as described are too little too late. I stopped my subscription and removed my credit card info last month. My sub runs out in late Feb iirc, but I'm playing less and less so I doubt I'd resub for anything less than a full reinstatement of old PVE end game gearing (keep GC as alternate would be fine with me, if some folks like it, I see no reason to take it away from them).


    I always thought I'd be here til they turned out the lights. Never thought I'd be so frustrated and dreading logging in that I'd be ready to walk away from the game. It was so good, it had so much MORE promise - I never dreamed it could be so ruined for me on an incompetent dev/designer whim.


    Agree with this I thought I'd be subbed till EA shut it down, however this RNG GC loot for me as a primarily a PvP player is a joke. The Devs clearly dont understand or care what the players of their content want. To implement such a ****** implementation, with no one internally saying players will most likely not enjoy this massive change to gearing. Just like we didnt like Battle Master RNG bags. Same mistake.


    Anyway unless they do a full stop and revert back to past methods, add pvp gear back to the game, highly unlikely I know, I cant support the game.

  18. I suspect this is one of the reasons why 8 v 8 ranked no longer exists. It didn't take too many matches for the devs to see how skewed the results are with teams that ran heavy healer.



    8v8 being removed, was because on most servers 1-4 teams were good and 1 or 2 was dominate the newer teams or teams not as good got smashed and went back to premading in Regs they didnt want to get better to challenge the better teams of course there were some groups that did but it was a small population.


    In addition the Dev's said they were concerned about splitting queues between Arenas and R8s so they dropped R8s. The issue would've been at least helped if the Devs releases solo queue R8s as they stated at the Guild Summit was the goal for 1.2 till they took a dump on everyone the night before 1.2, but that's here nor there.

  19. BioWARE heard all those dozens of posters that complained how it's been too long since we had to regear! About how stimulating it is to supply 14 Augments and 14 Kits for each alt! How absolutely starved we were for running up the crafting from 500 to WOW! 550!!!! How underpowered we've felt lately, and how desperately in need of higher level gear for the content!


    What's next?! Oh, I know! Going to level 70, by scaling back the power of each character to slightly below where they were at 65 with a Utility point... wait for it!!! Every TWELVE levels, not TEN!


    Way to go, BioWARE! That's the kind of new content we all were clamoring for here!


    Two regearing a year is not ENOUGH! IT gotta be 3 or better even - 5! With every new 30 min chapter!


    That takes the cake. Absolutely.


    Really this is such a minor thing to complain about in the scope of the issues at hand. Money is easy to come by and it's easy to craft. Heck I'll buy you a set of augs and MK kits just to quell the qq.

  20. I personally havent experienced any issues with my UI crapping out however when I hid my UI my skills still function. Do your's if you hide the UI? I dont recall any setting changed to allow this.


    I'd give it a try, hide your UI see if the your key binds still work, mine function fine for the mouse and keyboard. If they do then the crash is likely what needs to be addressed since this isnt an issue happening to everyone would seem on the surface to point to something local.

  21. If you think GW2 is cancer, youre going to hate TOR in its current state.

    I left TOR for GW2, best decision i made in a while, having fun again.

    The biggest things to me are the utterly excessive CC in TOR as well as a balance issues and class mechanics that are totally broken such as heals and guard, and facing premades in solo queue.

    GW2 isnt perfect, it like any games has some balance concerns as well, but they dont go unaddressed for a year like TOR did.


    Really? How long have you been playing GW2? How long was D/D Ele dominate pre-HoT?


    The thing you got right is both games have issues that are very similar.


    Anet dropped an xpac with balance in a terrible state and went on holiday vaca, sound familiar?


    Currently if you dont have the elite specs that you only get with HoT you cannot compete at the highest levels. And that is if you arent a thief or Warrior. It is a game where the meta is currently f'd up much like SWTOR except ANet pushes it's sPvP a an esport that's the games differentiating factor, as such they better make sPvP playable and more balanced.


    You mention CC continuely the games are built completely differently one is built on the trinity the other is not and it's built to have no healers until Druid that is. The objectives in sPvP are completely different you dont need CC to shutdown healers or cap nodes, you play decap builds and rotate ect completely different mechanics that are not comparable.


    You mention WvWvW which by all accounts is not populated like it was pre-HoT due to the changes. One look at the GW2 forums tells you how unhappy the PvP player base is there with some of the top teams leaving. I'm not trying to slam you or say SWTOR is the pinnacle of awesomeness because I like both games, just like I like things about WS*, WoW and Rift they all offer different options. I just dont think you are looking at both games objectively you have rose colored glasses on.

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