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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. Assuming that the item in question is worth ~10 mil credits, then I would suggest undercut by 2.5-5% 9,750,000 is a 2.5% cut and saves the customer a fair amount (250k) without devaluing the original item too much. Now if 10 people do this then supply > demand so the item *is worth less than 10 mil*. Self adjusting market.
  2. EMP missiles are underrated, period. There are things you NEED to do to make them useful though, and most vets just stick with the tried and true clusters instead from either lack of patience or knowledge.


    Tip #1: Use them when attacking a satellite on the turrets, then the entire sat takes EMP missile hit... this can wipe all the mines and disable the drones in the area and disable shields or engines for a short time on all defenders. Note some patience is required when attacking without a more "conventional" ship build as a wingman. Do NOT destroy the turrets, as they always get hit by the EMP missile and always confer an auto hit to all enemies in the splash range. If attacking with friends, make sure that they know to leave the turrets alone. Last thing.. do not be afraid to peel off from your assault to set up a new run with an EMP missile on a turret again... Do not go "toe-to-toe" with a bomber. Power Dive can let you do attacking runs with a nice dodge to get away and set up again.


    Tip #2: Target bombers that do not have a missile evade option. They are dropping mines/drones anyway so you'll likely hit those with splash, which is the weapon's intended purpose. Also any scouts, GSs, etc in the area... suddenly cannot use their system ability and either engine or shield ability?? WOW amazing.


    Please note that there *are* better space superiority missiles. These are anti-bomber weapons, nothing more. Their use is quite limited when facing nothing but scouts and GSs, so they are a niche weapon. Use them for their purpose or be disappointed. I have 1 ship with them (T3 scout with Tensor, shield projectors is my choice) in my hangar for bomber heavy opponents.


    TL;DR - Fire them at things that *can't* missile break. Turrets, some bombers, drones, mines, etc. Particularly in tight groups.


    Also Nem: I would suggest 1 EMP missile to disable all 3 turrets, laser them all to under 30% then EMP the last for your 'attacking an undefended satellite' scenario. Faster and provides the same insta-destroy result and puts you in cap range at the moment of destruction.

  3. A few of us were talking and it would be nice to have the option of paying "out of pocket" to cover the 20k fee to use a Guild ship to summon a group. This would allow players to use it without risking loads and loads of guild funds to wasteful players within that guild.


    So... please add an option to use the ship summon while paying the 20k out of pocket. (zero affect on the guild)

  4. I believe that there is an option to turn it off.


    Some people complained about leveling too fast so they listened.


    To everyone else in this thread... did you not see that the 1st response answered his questions??

  5. Again... This times one billion. People also craft armor, color crystals and weapons and yet the CM versions unlock in collections. Holding back dyes is just arbitrary.


    People craft armor? Why??

  6. Shield damage counts, don't be silly.


    Ion railguns that splash sometimes show low numbers when the *kill* the target... When you kill a target you only see the exact damage required to kill it. This is why EMP missiles only hit mines for 150, but drones/turrets/ships for the full amount. Obviously this is not the case since he has never died and only took 68 total.

  7. Do stuff "at level". Colored yellow in the mission list is normal xp, orange/red is over your level and green is under... grey is so far under that you get basically nothing for doing it.
  8. And this is exactly why when my side is facing a lot of 2 shippers, that I ask them to "take it easy" on them. Some ******s insist on going full throttle regardless and this is the general result.


    To the OP:

    Find a pilot willing to help on your server and learn from them. That's the best advice I can give at the moment.

  9. You've spent real world cash to buy cartel coins to buy armour/weapons etc for your toons, so why should we have to spend more rw cash to buy cartel coins to unlock what you've already purchased for other members of your legacy to use.


    That's like saying:

    Man I bought this cool Corvette for myself, why no free ones for the rest of my friends and family?? What do you mean I have to buy all those individually? THAT'S BS!!!!!!

  10. Train?! Most people just want to enjoy themselves Pagy...this is a video game that requires no special "skills" to play...it's entertainment and Bioware is a business...If it's not entertaining to most players, they'll just quit, which hurts business.


    If you want a simple game that's entertaining, play Diablo II. Fun and exceedingly simple. This is not Diablo II.


    All DPS classes have an optimal rotation or priority list... learn your class and learn it well to perform well. It doesn't take a huge investment of time to get the basics, which will clear ANY storymode fairly easily.


    Just my $.02

  11. - Option to have friendlist/ignorelist accountbound. (can surely bind it to account, no?)


    Ignore list *should* be my whole account ignores his whole account.


    Friend list should have to be accepted by both sides to "friend whole account" to prevent unwanted stalking.

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