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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. No what's *really* going to kill GSF is the 5-ship pilots vs the 2-ship newbies not playing nice. I'm not suggesting that you let the newbies kill you or let them win the match, but if they cannot learn how to play they will not continue to play. And there goes the population down the drain.


    Handicap yourselves somehow meaningful but that won't affect the overall outcome of the game. Instead of using your mastered Flashfire/Quarrel/OtherFavShip, try a drone carrier bomber and ONLY USE LASERS! You'll still win vs noobs, but they will learn the basics of chasing someone (as a bomber you cannot out-maneuver them so fast that they won't know what's happening) and perhaps they'll come back for more. Once you have seen the same pilot's name in several matches, start throwing in some missile locks and make them learn how to evade.


    There are many ways to handicap yourselves without changing the outcome. I challenge you all to come up with your own ways and have little competitions in those matches to see how you can do. If you are one of "those pilots" who only brings one ship to the fight (I'm looking at you, Scrab), suck it up and bring the one you hate the most, and learn it - you'll become a better pilot for it.


    We, as a community, are the primary factor in new players having a fun (note I did not say successful, that will come as they learn the game) experience in the beginning. This is the only thing that will keep them coming back for more matches. Who knows maybe you'll make a new friend and become a new pilot's mentor.


    When you know the outcome of the match based on pilot names/ship count, don't fly like your life depends on destroying the opposition, because if you do... you will.

  2. I meant rarely see them on any ship that they can be on. Which ships do you find them best on? I just want to hear opinions on what they think is weak or strong individual components wise.


    Type 1 scouts (other options are light lasers and RFLs) and interdiction drone bomber builds (nice balance of range with better tracking penalty) come to mind immediately. Oh and trust me, I know I am going to be told that HLCs are better for an interdiction bomber, but I disagree! I use interdiction to drag you down to (under) my maneuverability and I beat you with experience.

  3. Are there any other components people think are weak? I rarely see people take Laser cannons. Do you think they to might be to weak or are they just not taken do to people prefrences more then anything else.


    Rarely see laser cannons on which ships? On some ships they are the best choice, imho.

  4. <snip> ... and/or don't queue.


    Really? REALLY?!?


    You are NOT HELPING keep this game around! My suggestion would at least encourage people to stay in queue for a while each day, what does yours do?


    I already fly on TEH, just sometimes I fly at lunch time. So I should be punished for not having enough people in queue with me in the middle of the day? (not to mention the other pilots who are queued)


    I'm not asking for a free "handout". I'm here WANTING to fly, but there are not enough in queue to get a single battle! I just want to get some credit for the daily/weekly after a reasonable amount of time waiting.


    Oh and I DO occupy myself with the GTN, crew skills, etc as well as opening these forums, checking the scores from last night's hockey games, etc. I am NOT going to jump into a group and run a FP then bail on them when a GSF pops as that would be quite rude.

  5. Regarding game balance and dead components, the most important thing I'd like to see addressed is the meta on armor and armor penetration. I've posted extensively about this before but I'll restate my proposed adjustments here:


    1. Reduce the following components from 100% armor pen to 50% armor pen:

      1. Heavy Laser Cannon
      2. Slug Railgun
      3. Concussion Missiles

    [*]Replace Burst Laser Cannon tier 4 armor pen with +10% range. If you don't want to make this big a revision, just reduce the armor pen to 50%.

    [*]Reduce the duration on charged plating to 6s, talented to 10s.


    I'm actually a little more of the mindset that different weapons should have different levels of armor pen. Slug Railguns -75% of the target's DR, Heavy Lasers and most missiles that get armor pen about -50%, maybe -25% for BLCs, though I never understood why they got it at all...


    Doing this (or what you suggested) would also have a side benefit of buffing plasma railguns and thermite torps as DR builds would be more viable.

  6. If we could "lock down" select inventory slots to not sort when the sorting option is selected, I would actually use it. Right now, sorting messes up everything with how I have the things organized. Maybe I would just want to sort the new stuff I got and not the stims, adrenals, etc I carry all the time?
  7. Actually, it's, 1.0 normal speed for 6 seconds IFF(if and only if) you were foolish and didn't keep a relatively full engine pool while a gunship was in range. If you do keep a healthy cushion in your engine pool, then it's not a problem because you have enough energy to boost even without regen. In other words, there's a flying strategy that is a reasonable counter to the ion rail's drain and debuff.


    I don't currently see a strategy that would offer similar ability to respond to the proposed slow, at least not for strikes. Aside from making your absolute first priority when flying to never be at ranges of 5-15km from a hostile type 1 gunship without a really big LOS obstacle to shield you. It changes your position from, "you can afford to get hit once by an ion railgun if you fly carefully to account for that hazard," to, " if you get hit by an ion railgun you're as good as dead, and there's nothing you can do about it." Outside of strikes, it might not be all that bad, as there are components that are not so unreasonably bad that no one ever takes them that can potentially either prevent the ion shot from hitting in the first place or increase survivability enough so that you might actually make it to cover despite the series of slug shots that should follow the ion shot.


    Ion railguns went from excessive CC power to strong CC power in the last patch, looks like they're reversing that now. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.


    I always shoot them twice with Ion. Who wouldn't? (even if they get to me they have zero weapon power)

  8. I fly on The Ebon Hawk. I have frequently flown with and against you Callem and we have gotten into arguments about how "worthless" EMP missiles, the new scout/strike chassis are, etc.


    Simple fact is some times you have to play around your real life schedule (sucks I know) and queuing at lunch time is not effective because the matches do not pop nearly as frequently.


    I just don't think it is fair to miss out on the dailies because I can only queue for a couple of hours at a non "peak" time. The real ironic thing is that it popped like 5 seconds after I hit "submit" on the original post.



    Oh one last thing, I have 19 level 55 toons and all adv classes are covered in there, so "rolling" a new alt (see my sig) is not gonna do it for me. And Jordinn is 54 atm, 95% leveled through GSF. And I HATE grinding dailies for creds. I enjoy flying in GSF (especially when things are close and not a blowout) so I scan the GTN while I wait for a pop.


    - Gerrik, Brèn, Jordinn

  9. The purpsoe of the dailies and weeklies is to offer incentive to queue to those who don't just for the sake of playing GSF. Right now, you don't get that reward until you actually have a match.


    If this system existed, then as soon as you got your daily satisfied by "waiting", you'd have no reason to queue further.


    Yes, this would give more reliable rewards for queuing, but I think you'd end up having less actual matches.


    People run dailies and weeklies to get better gear for playing GSF, so your argument is kinda invalid. And after 30 minutes of watching fleet chat.. I DESERVE something for my time.

  10. Why not, but if you wait 30 minutes for a pop, you are not playing on GSF friendly server and your req won't find much practical use...


    Well, unless you are trying to do your weekly around midnight.


    It would be an incentive to stay in the queue, which could GET you a pop.

  11. I can try to test this, but I've seen this kind of behavior:


    1- bandit (my target) at 14800 destroys scout between me and him

    2- can no longer see bandit

    3- boost closer, can see bandit at 14100


    I'll probably need a real test, where I go against a friend in a strike with Doctor Lokin or w/e, with known facing, and approach him way off to the side and see when he can see me.


    You know that it is not instant the moment you hit the magical range, right? The game checks every so often to update people (and throw lag into the equation) with what they see and where it all is.


    My guesstimate is that it updates about once per second.

  12. I'd have to say that I would rather see them have to stop manually before scoping (and not being able to hit a magic stop button).


    As compensation, when scoping their ship should automatically turn to face the selected target when in 15km range (to help minimize tracking from the aiming reticule being the steering reticule as well).

  13. So here I am, sitting in a long queue while trying to get the daily done when I had a thought:


    How about after 30 minutes of being in a queue without a match you get credit for 1 point toward the daily/weekly? No credits, experience, requisition (via this system) other than if you turn in a completed daily/weekly?

  14. I would agree, in fact I would make a few more suggestions.


    As you suggested, remove all of the "usable by" options that do not currently function


    Refine the current categories so popular items like dyes have their own category, and items like companion gifts do not get buried.


    Remove the quality choices that do not function


    I think this would put the finishing touches on what is a list of great improvements they have made IMO.


    Dye does have it's own category... Cartel Market items, subcategory Dyes.


    But yeah, would LOVE to see some fixes to the GTN.

  15. From a strike perspective that actually looks potentially worse than the current 6 sec of 0 regen. With proportional drain it's not too hard to handle that by keeping energy reserves high if you think gunships are around (and if you choose not to, that's the tradeoff for using your energy at a higher rate).


    This reduces even boost speed to 1.44 times normal.


    Ok but in live, zero engines and zero regen means you move at 1.00 normal speed for 6 seconds. The zero regen was over the top, though it would not be unreasonable to make it 50% regen loss for 8 seconds which only applies with a full charge shot that hits.


    Oh and for the record, I prefer the left option for Tier 5 ion railguns now, this is going to make it a no-brainer.

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