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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. What we really need is a weapon SOUND system. I can't count how many blasters look pretty good but sound like a kid's cheap toy. None of us see the weapons really well when actually fighting, but we HEAR it all the time. There are like 2 assault cannon sounds that are good/great, maybe 2-3 for blasters and rifles as well. The rest are garbage.


    Give us a "sound slot" like the dye slots for each category with sound mods available in the cartel market. Could even do visual effects with sabers and such.


    Oh and I do agree that a dye system would be nice too.

  2. Least is Corellia... I hate it when I see the quest marker "just to the west" but I need to travel east then north then west then north then south then west then south then east to get there. What ID10T architect/city planner designed this place?!? Belsavis gets an honorable mention, but the teleporter links getting all put together helped. Last honorable mention is Alderaan's taxi system.


    Favorites: Hoth and Tatooine feel just right (if they weren't big, then the vast expanses of nothing would not feel dangerous) Tython and Alderaan are beautiful. Voss has grown on me (especially since I spent so long there leveling as high as I could to avoid Corellia!) Dromund Kaas is awesome and not just a "copy from a movie".

  3. Make sure to buy the Legacy of Altruism III before you start gifting ... +30% goes a long way.


    Also the conversations can happen at any time after you reach certain milestones in affection AND storyline... you can max affection and only do some convos until chapter 2, etc.

  4. Yes, harassing. No matter how much you wrap it up in a package of sweet lies, in the end it's nothing but harassment: you interact with other players against their will and put a negative buff on them, having fun at their expenses. I'd say that clearly defines itself as harassment.


    You know that there is a DAILY mission to in fact, spread the plague to 3 other people, right? Being that the Devs PUT said mission into the game, you are going to have a tough time with your harassment claim. Now I *do* support some sort of "free clinic" for low levels (1-24?) where they can immunize for free, but not the credit spammers!

  5. The only reason to use K-turn is to break missiles without pulling yourself off of a SAT. I hardly think a GS player couldn't adjust to shooting a player after he does a tight 180 loop de loop.

    K-Turn is useful for getting a break from the pursuit if they are using something like Barrel Roll or Retro. Resetting the fight is sometimes useful.

    Snap turn is pretty cool but I can't really find a purpose for it.

    Snap Turn is K-Turn with zero vertical (based on your view) movement... much safer in tight quarters than K-Turn. Also, see above.

    Also I disagree with double volley on cluster. I always go for DoT with extra range and extra firing arc.

    While I agree that you can easily run out of ammo with double volley, the extra damage pretty much makes it superior in terms of damage output. Now I *do* use the plasma (DoT) version to delay shield regen for hunting things that have too much to go through in one pass, like bombers.

  6. I love how someone necrod this thread with over a year in between posts and Bioware doesn't do anything about it.


    Doesn't do anything about what? You think that old threads should just get deleted after a certain amount of time? I find it funny that people with ***** when someone makes a new thread of a subject that has been hashed out before... but then will also ***** when someone "necros" a thread.


    Not everyone has been here since day 1, and we *want* those new players to stay and enjoy themselves.. a healthy server population is a good thing for us all.



  7. thats an exploit. it is intended that you grind it out for every single character


    Not necessarily true. If they expected you to grind it out solo, then you would not unlock it for *everyone* on the planet. It would be in an instanced area, just open a convo option for you, etc... something to make it *yours* for doing the work.


    Don't forget that there are a couple of crons that need 2 people to get in the first place!

  8. Distortion Field has an option (that everyone takes) to break missile locks on activation... Most engines have a maneuver that breaks a lock as well (and prevents re-locking for the duration of the maneuver). Learn to see the buff on your target for DF and know what the engine maneuvers look like so you know where they are heading.


    LOS and range are the other two things that commonly (made worse by lag, and some cheaters force lag on their side to make missiles nearly impossible to lock) make locks hard.


    I might be forgetting something else (EMP Field?) that can stop them too. But that is a lot more rare of a choice anyway.

  9. Wait a second... you want to offer to sell an item for a fraction of its crafting material list? (yeah I know that it is the biggest portion value wise... but)


    You know that when you trade a droid part for four Doonium, you lose the other materials required to craft said droid part? They aren't like sub-parts (mods, enhancements, etc) where if you crit you get a second copy of the item for free and THAT is your profit. Your way you're essentially paying people for the privilege of crafting their droid parts for them.



  10. Just curious, is there a way to type the symbol for credit? As we all know US dollars are not used in the star wars universe, we also know Dell does not work in Galactic credits, so I only have a dollar sign on my keyboard. If there is a way around this that would be cool, since you're not the first person to make this anal retentive kind of post. :rolleyes:


    While in game the code is Alt + 0164

  11. After getting a lockout from harvesting on one character, I finish my crew skill orders and log onto the next toon... When I try to harvest the same node as the other character, I cannot click on it until I enter edit mode, pick the node up and put it back down again then exit edit mode. That's annoying for the nodes that I place in a specific location and angle.
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