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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. The only skill you should uncheck is the 7 second stun they use (Carbonite ray for example) because they'll let you die instead of breaking the channel.


    Giving them a basic heal instead of a basic attack might be a good fix too. (something along a med shot or diagnostic scan)

  2. Make a sound slot for weapons similar to the dye slot for armors. The new weapons look fantastic, but only "Gallantry" and "Prowess" sound good. I mean REALLY nobody gets to see weapons much when they are fighting, but you HEAR them the whole time.


    I swear some of them are so bad I would prefer to hear a human voice saying, "Pew pew pew, pewpew, pew pew peeewww..."

  3. boxes like the gear that the star-fighter reward came in, where you can select which item out of it you want and leave the rest still packed up, that would be an excellent idea.


    This is the way it works now... You are just clicking "take all" and wondering why you can't get just one, when you could just take one (drag and drop the specific item or right click, can't remember for certain).

  4. <snip> but I have yet to hear a single suggestion from any of them on how to make GSF more fun and fair for new players in stock ships they are owning with ease.<snip>


    BS, and I really mean that... unless you haven't checked out the GSF forums, where vets are constantly debating ways to improve GSF to which I would say something worse.

  5. Ack! Why was I thinking the CD time was 1 min to start? :p


    Oh well, the point still stands, and is actually a little more in favor of TT than I was thinking it was. Good catch, though.


    Pretty sure that TT started at a 1 min CD and they changed it a while back.

  6. They're still spamming like crazy on Bastion. Logged in, and immediately reported 3 gold sellers within 10 seconds. While I appreciate the efforts in taking them down, you can't let up on these spammers for a second, otherwise all of this work will come undone.


    The Ebon Hawk too... in fact it is really worse today than any day last week... odd.

  7. Easily fixed you just give those particular decorations a 0 prestige value after the initial 100 for adding the first time.


    That doesn't earn BW any more money though... this suggestion cuts into their profit margin. A vast majority of decorations come from the market; either directly, in specific decoration packs and regular hypercrates. All of those decorations, if available on the collections screen for a small fee, would lessen the value to the people buying them.

  8. No the ops leader can turn it on in the middle of the boss fight. Sometimes referred to as "ninjaing" it.


    The only "ninjas" that I have met are the ones that Need on something that everyone else Greeded on so they guarantee a win. (and something that nobody needs like a crafting mat/pet/etc.)


    In fact I have never even heard of this in SWTOR until this post, so sounds like a fairly uncommon issue...

  9. Ramalina, this is a team game. While a great pilot with a mastered battlescout can sometimes carry a lesser team, it is still a team game. The EMP missile situationally helps your team win, where clusters only help you, really. The situation is frequent enough to warrant a single ship build with this missile in your hangar if you want one. If you don't then stick with the ships/builds you want, but don't compare EMP missiles to RFLs. RFLs have a bonafide purely better choice in LLCs which do the same thing as RFLs but better in every way that matters. EMP missiles do not. No other missile can clear a sat (albeit temporarily) from a heavy bomber defense, disable bombers system abilities and either engine or shield abilities too, let alone do it better.


    Some times all I need to do with my EMP missiles is to occupy 3 defenders at sat A, while the rest of my team enjoys a 7-5 advantage for the rest of the map. That is in no small part to the utility of EMP missiles (Power Dive helps) allowing me to survive and even threaten that sat.

  10. I've been having problem with group flashpoints in the fact that no one wants to play so how do I complete it without a group?


    What is your suggestion? (this is the suggestion forum) ;)


    Ok, here's one for you. Make some friends that are about your level and ask them to do a FP with you. Also try queuing as a different role in group-finder (most servers have more DPS than tanks and healers so DPS queue times are a lot longer)

  11. If you are talking about the rocket boost ability purchased in the legacy page, then mostly that animation comes out of your feet (one of the reasons that many players mistakenly call it rocket boots)... some armors will show an animation from your back instead, but that is only for a few armors (chest pieces only).
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