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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. <snip>... just "good ole george" went in and did the same thing with the original movies.. Greedo shooting first! young anakin ghost!! ewoks with eyelids!!


    Ah you poor kid, you think Greedo actually shot at all... No no, he just died when Han shot him under the table. (Original version)

  2. Eric you said dreadmaster gear is still available but they have been removed from oricon. Ive tried looking for them in other places but no joy.

    Also it seems that the NiM vendor from TfB/Scum at the gav are a gonner.


    Have they been relocated and if so to what spot?


    Dread Master (along with Kel Dragon) is on the Gav Daragon (or Empire equivalent).

  3. The following items will still be available from drops, vendors, and token exchange vendors:
    • Arkanian
    • Black Market
    • Underworld
    • Kell Dragon
    • Dread Forged
    • Dread Master

    The following are no longer available on vendors, but can still be found as drops:

    • Verpine
    • Oriconian

    The following were only available as drops, and will still be available only as drops:

    • Shadowed
    • Dread Touched

    Also as a reminder, all current PvP sets will be removed from the game and replaced with the new level 60 sets. You can still find their equivalent appearance in their PvE form though.


    Thanks everyone!




    You know that other tokens are *still* dropping today... and they are not on any vendors?


    Dread Guard specifically I *CANNOT* find.

  4. Strong mobs (silvers) have *always* hit harder than elites (golds), the elites just have more health, so they last a lot longer.


    The higher level cap is making the difference more obvious.


    CC one of the silvers, or use HK's assassinate ability to insta-gib one of them.

  5. Just got 5/8 of greens from another 500 Scavenging purple mission. No purples at all. Is it OK? :confused:


    Scavenging, Bio-analysis, and Archeology are all incapable of returning anything but green materials, since there are only green level materials that exist in those categories. Typically they would return a significant amount of greens compared to Moderate through rich level missions. So yes, they appear to be bugged in their returns (of 6-8 items total, instead of 30+) but you'll never get anything over green quality from them.

  6. Skadge (never would have taken him in the first place)

    C2-N2 (death by black hole is too kind)

    Ashara (seriously, SHUT UP about the jedi teachings)

    Quinn (I think it is mostly The Mole™, oh yeah and venting him into space would be appropriate after the "plot twist")

    Gault (never would have brought him along in the first place since I was playing my BH as a guy who NEVER quits on a contract, NEVER accepts a bribe to stop a contract, etc... and that choice was taken out of my hands... I was so pissed I nearly stopped playing the BH. Gault himself is pretty cool though.)


    Honorary mentions:

    Treek (but the choice to NOT bring an ewok onto my ship was thankfully left to me)

    Theran (why does someone who doesn't like the force and jedi follow a jedi around the galaxy?)

    Torian (Every time he says something in "mando", I get reminded of Dora the Explorer... *sigh*)



    Would never throw out: (in no particular order)

    Khem (he is MY monster, after all)

    Blizz (love the little guy)

    Kira (bringing sexy back to the jedi)

    Guss (no clue why, because his "WHEEE" *should* be annoying... but somehow it STILL makes me chuckle)

    M1-4X (edges out HK for best droid in the game, though the KOTOR 2 HK would still beat him)

  7. How do people find these threads to necro is what I dont get....:confused:


    I mean how bored to you have to be to scroll back that far on the thread count.


    If he searched for the thread, why? Why comment 2 years later? So many questions....:confused:


    Wow... at least he *did* search for the relevant topic, and not start "yet another thread about Xxxxxxx". Funny how some people are never happy.

  8. Slight issue there, my characters don't have the achievement as they completed chapter 3 before they where implemented.


    Are we supposed to reroll as many alts and grind them back to 50 again?


    That doesn't make sense... day 1 of achievements I got credit for all the toons that I had finished a crud-ton of stuff already. The achievement list went on for like 15 minutes...


    If you have an Agent/Jedi/Trooper/Sith/Etc that has finished their class story line... you *should* have the achievement for said person. Unless you deleted them before the achievement system was implemented. If that was the case... then your answer is yes.

  9. He is complaining that the game is trying to maintain security of his account... when you try to log back in after a DC, and your IP changed, you get prompted for the one time password (if I knew your screen name... oh wait I do - I can try to log in as you and "guess" your password.) This prevents that from happening without access to your email.
  10. The achievement lists conquering Alderaan as the way to earn that achievement. Not sure if this is basically a "tool tip" bug (clerical error) or winning Alderaan would award titles for both Alderaan and CZ-198.


    Also... any word on a retroactive award for those who won CZ-198 in week 3? We do appreciate updates!

  11. I've got max reputation with several factions, such as Section X, Makeb, BBA, as well as all of the cartel market ones. I also have many reputation tokens left over. Yeah, yeah, they are worth some "credits", but how about making them worth either decorations directly (10 Makeb Green Rep Tokens for a Makeb chair or something) or exchangeable for prefabs at a reasonable rate? Older commendations would work too! Think of the interest you could generate in the older content if Classic, Basic, Elite, or Planetary Commendations could be turned into decorations? Making these able to be traded/sold would also stimulate the economy even more.
  12. Reading comprehension to you as well. Who the **** said anything about week 1? Veritas had 3 mil on day 1 of THIS weeks invasion.


    Care to read the 3rd sentence of my post again?


    My response to your claim that "the big guilds on The Ebon Hawk usually have 3 mil before the first 24 hours is up..." was to clarify that has happened exactly ONCE so far in 3 weeks of conquest... Not sure what elementary teacher you need to go apologize to for being such a bad student, but there it is...


    Usually = customarily; at most times; in the ordinary course of events

    Once = ... what actually happened (out of 11 times - counting each planet as its own event)



    Quote: Originally Posted by Tavend

    Perhaps on your server, but the big guilds on Ebon Hawk usually have over 3 mil points before the first 24 hours has elapsed.

    My response:

    BS. I'm on the Ebon Hawk and in the 1st week my guild squeaked out a win by getting over 10 mil total. While we scored 3 mil the LAST day of that competition, it opened a lot slower. Ironically the ONLY guild to get 3 mil in the "1st 24 hrs" like you claim was the guild we beat trying to take that same planet again and getting some fairly stiff competition from another guild. Guess they don't want to take any chances this time around so they burned a load of crafting materials early.

  13. At the same time, just like in real life, putting up a large lead can many times ensure a victory as the opposition folds simply because they do not believe they can overcome the lead.


    This is SO true.


    The 1st week we got into a strong fight which had us neck and neck with another guild most of the week. I wouldn't even want to guess how many lead changes there were total. I heard at the start of the last day people in guild chat saying that we had no chance since the other guild poured it on early to extend a lead to 400k. Even though we were at about 7 mil total at this point, they saw 400k as "impossible" to overcome. Well we did, because we knew when/how to sprint at the end of a marathon and the other guild underestimated us.


    Since then we have had no real competition, because of the psychological advantage of scoring over 10 mil in that 1st week.

  14. Perhaps on your server, but the big guilds on Ebon Hawk usually have over 3 mil points before the first 24 hours has elapsed.


    BS. I'm on the Ebon Hawk and in the 1st week my guild squeaked out a win by getting over 10 mil total. While we scored 3 mil the LAST day of that competition, it opened a lot slower. Ironically the ONLY guild to get 3 mil in the "1st 24 hrs" like you claim was the guild we beat trying to take that same planet again and getting some fairly stiff competition from another guild. Guess they don't want to take any chances this time around so they burned a load of crafting materials early.

  15. So when Germany invaded Poland at the start of WW II, did Poland whine about the "bigger Guild" having an unfair advantage? No (well maybe they did, but the result was they still lost and quickly).


    Did Germany bemoan that Russia was being unfairly helpful to the opposing faction? No, they just "dealt with it".


    Could you imagine the horror of being placed in a WZ at 3:1 odds against? No, because the game forces a cap on the number of people per side. The thing is, you are allowed to bring 499 friends to conquest events... don't blame big guilds for coming close to that number. I'm sure you don't try to short-man other content and complain that you can't compete with full groups. This is the equivalent of saying that me and my 1 friend can't do 8 man operations but those "big groups" can do it cause they are more popular and we want our gear/titles/etc.


    For the last couple of years I would occasionally make fun of the ads on fleet to "help me start a guild... you can leave after". What's the point of a small guild? What's the point of a big guild? Note that they are NOT the same and should not be treated the same.

  16. I was up till 7:30 am trying to push everything we could, at midnight when we seen are 450k lead goto a negative 200k deficiate I was like crap guess I'm not getting any sleep tonight. We grinded all night long to catch up, which we watched you having a few people on as well but not enough to maintain the lead. When you guys had your best crafter login at 7:30 am and we watched out 80k lead goto a negative 411 loss I said screw it felt really disappointed that everything I did was for not (2,519,160 of our points where just me) and went to bed. I personally have taken this loss as my fault for not doing more then I could.


    So my hats to you for now, but we will meet again and next time I won't hold back. Only other consellation I walked out of this 1st week only spending 40% of my stored materials and only 10m on mats I didn't have. Leaving me with 300m for future events and alot more bank space then I had before 2.9.


    It was like an epic football game, back and forth with possession of the ball in the 4th quarter being the deciding factor. I also did a huge chunk myself (2,630,305, if the guild screen is accurate now...) so there are other people out there who know what you went through.


    Well fought! :)

  17. You realize that any player subbed before GSF get 4 free sets of legacy gear in the mail on every toon they crate?


    BtL armor is hardly a prize that encourages people to play the content. (BtL weapons is another story, however.)


    And how many toons do you see running around in Imperial Pilot Gear, or Republic Pilot Gear?


    Me neither...


    Good looking legacy armor is rare.

  18. Last time I was tanking and a healer demanded I slow down. It was because the healer spent more time dpsing than actually healing and expected everyone to heal themselves once the fights had ended.


    While healers that DPS are annoying (unless they are just "that good", but those healers won't complain about fast pulls) as a healer it is VERY annoying when people will stand around and not hit their class regen abilities while out of combat.


    As a healer it is my job to keep you from dying in combat, not to heal you out of combat. That takes longer anyway, since I will have to regen energy if I heal you (as a sage/sorc) after combat is over.

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