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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. Why did bioware remove it in the first place?



    Now the dark side ending grants you the "Master" title even though satele dosen't grant you the rank of a jedi master, which imo is stupid since this is an rpg.




    I think that they realized that it was going to be a *very* unpopular ending to the knight's story.



    I mean really: saved every living thing in the entire galaxy =/= jedi master?!? If that isn't a case of the ends justify the means (how I played my DS knight) then I don't know what is.


    PS: It's a very childish story that cannot be "topped" by another.


  2. <snip> if I'm not going to use them, at least let me vendor them please (without having to trade them in and then wait for cool-down - although not that I know its possible, its probably what I'm going to do)?


    You are correct in just waiting for the timer to expire. Just trade them in and stash them in your cargo hold for a while... check again later and then sell them. (note: that is 2 hours of *playing time* not real time) So if you play very casually that may be a thing to watch out for.

  3. a custom chat channel my default channel?


    Ummm not sure what you are specifically trying to do. I assume that you have made/joined a custom channel already. You could right click the chat tab and manually uncheck the general/PVP/trade chat boxes so they do not show in your chat box, is that what you are looking for? (I'd recommend making a new tab and using that one so you still have quick access to general(etc) chat but you can customize a tab for this custom channel.


    If you are trying to make a custom channel your "/1" channel, I am pretty sure that is reserved for genchat.


    Anyway, if this helped then great! If not please clarify what you want to happen and I will see what I can do to help.

  4. I always help someone kill the boss in a quest or daily area if they engage it ahead of me. I consider it to be good manners rather than standing there and staring at the fight, to make it go faster.


    It never occurred to me that could be seen as rude til this thread... lol


    Also makes the respawn timer start faster.


    Thought I think that the OP was more referring to "lower than level 60 areas".

  5. There are bonus areas on Alderaan that are like level 40 ish mobs. Perhaps that is what you are encountering? One such area is remarkably close to the Imp side starting point too. Also there are areas designed for 4 player groups with all strongs and elites in every pack.
  6. Yeah, as much as I'd like this, they would have to create new animations for every ability that uses the saber(s). Outside of a new class, which is unlikely to happen in itself, they'll never do this.


    To be honest I am (pleasantly) shocked that the mirror classes (especially knight/warrior ones) have separate animations already.

  7. I know, it was a joke...


    But in all seriousness, I have actually sent a tell to a person and they were like, well I had to wait this long, now you can wait.... Some people....


    Oh I knew that you were not serious... at least no more than I was in reply, hehe.

  8. Don't waste your time reporting email spammers.

    They're long gone before CS can deal with them and it just blocks you from creating additional tickets.


    I miss the days when the spammers at least used to send me a credit for my trouble.


    The amount of time it takes me to make a single credit is literally measured in milliseconds. That 1 credit is not worth the time required to click the "collect all" button.

  9. I see. Makes sense. Thanks for the help! You just saved me from another 6 hr HK mission grind.


    Hey no problem. Though you can buy him for 1 million credits in your legacy if that is easier for you.


    6 hours though? Even with poor luck digging for parts the only "hard ones" to get are getting a buddy to help with False Emperor and/or Hardmode Maelstrom Prison/Foundry. I have done it probably 10-12 times total (and bought the rest with credits) and find that having that extra companion is very helpful for crew skill missions at least.


    Up to you of course.

  10. Well over 2 years, almost a quarter million views and over 5700 posts (as of this post) and *still* no dev posts... at all.


    Listen folks. It isn't going to happen. Not unless you are filthy rich in real life and offer them 50 million to make it happen, which means - it isn't going to happen.


    Drop it.


    Let this thread die.





  11. Why should DPS get a queue number. As soon as it pops, you just sit there and forget how to press the accept button anyways...


    To be fair I think that is because they:

    A) Fell asleep waiting for the pop

    B) Are tabbed out surfing You Tube, Reddit, FB, etc and missed the sound

    C) Got distracted in real life by something like a bio break, drink refill, family, etc

    D) Something else equally as likely to happen which takes their eyes from the screen for 2 minutes.


    At least with a queue number you could possibly predict when you might pop soon so you pay more attention, delay the bio break, etc...

  12. and if a kid i didnt know stood up in front of me at a movie and asked me to help him with his math homework and i told him "not right now", that makes me a jerk? i was slinging insults and hate?


    Terrible analogy. Fellow moviegoer expectations = be quiet and sit down (and turn off your cell phone!) : MMO grouping expectations = play nice, do your job (role) and strive toward the goal (completing the FP/whatever and get a cookie)


    While you weren't "slinging insults and hate" exactly, you supported kicking a player for under-performing. Then you said it isn't your job to teach them how to play. Do you act like this with people you talk to in real life?

  13. So perhaps instead of limiting solo mode, they could dangle a carrot for the people who run solo mode a lot?


    Say after 4 solo-mode FPs, if you run a GF FP then you get double the GF rewards? Just spit-balling here, but the point that the Op is trying to make is that GF is kinda slow, and offering more solo mode options is not going to help that at all. This IS an MMORPG, not an RPG. While it *does* have excellent solo-ability, the basic appeal of an MMO is to be playing with other people.


    Big fan of the carrot but not so much the stick, though.

  14. it's a multiplayer game. flashpoints are co-operative. a bad player's performance directly affects other players' experience.


    now it makes more sense to kick the bad player than antagonizing them but i digress.


    No... It makes more sense to *educate* them instead of kicking them. If you are actually a good player, then you likely have a good pointer or two to help the newer player be better at his role.


    For example... ABC

    Always Be Casting - you are helping only when you are activating your abilities (be it as a healer, tank or DPS that doesn't matter). Even a bad rotation is better with 100% (or close to it, yes you have to move sometimes for circles - activate a mobile friendly ability) up-time.

  15. I'd say very. I started doing it a few months ago, and I've netted probably close to 100K CCs. I had the mount and all the pet rewards in under a week.


    100k CCs from players clicking your link = 1000 (players*months) In other words, it would take 100 people who are all subs (for the duration) 10 months to get you 100k CCs from your referral link.


    While I might be wrong, the odds are definitely with me (since you started a "few months ago"), so I am going to go ahead and call shenanigans.

  16. Without a patch, a maintenance period is not going to fix a bug.


    2 work arounds which you already stated:

    1. Make a new toon (the log in works and you can then log in to your other characters), then you can immediately delete the new toon

    2. Close the game completely and start with a Harb character.


    They both work, so why pester for the lack of maintenance fixing it?

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