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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. It used to be that when someone killed the Ziost WB the whole instance got the buff (needed for Ziost HM Boss kill) but now it is just the group that kills it. While it does have a 15 minute timer for respawning, if 4 Guilds set their raid time at the same time, then that's a 45-minute wait for 1 of those groups... seems kind of stupid to gate groups killing this guy because the WB is needed first.


    So I suggest returning to all players on Ziost when it dies get the buff. This makes it a maximum of a 15 minute wait.

  2. Also agree with this, it is bad that you have to re-log multiple times to get mission you want to run, specially when on 11 grade it can take more than 50 minutes to finish one. I think it would even a bit reduce load on the game. It sure cant be good if someone keep reloging one character.


    Don't log out and back in... just zone to another Stronghold (DK and Corucscant load quickest for me).


    For another trick... you can start all the missions that are in a category that you want the "good ones" to appear and that makes the list shorter. Slicing is a perfect example, with 1 zone change I can guarantee the missions I want since there are only 9 total at top tier. Then release the ones you do not want to run for a full refund and pick the ones you do want.

  3. How about a change to pulls and pushes that incorporate Boss Immunity in a more realistic manner? For example, if you use Force Push on any target with the Boss Immunity buff, you will instead get launched backwards. For Force Pull, you end up pulling yourself into the target. Basically, the target with the Boss Immunity buff becomes an anchor point for pushes and pulls, but still immune to knockback effects.


    That could be used to make some creative scenarios but not for every class...

  4. Not really.

    RP servers tend to be just as competitive as non RP servers but:

    1) The general population is more welcoming of those who choose to RP and

    2) There tends to be a lesser percentage of idiots on the server when compared to non-RP servers.


    Giving them a name like "Social/RP" implies that people just stand around talking to each other and never bother actually playing the game.

    If you want to change the name, change it to what it actually is: PvE-RP A PvE ruleset with an RP friendly community.


    SHHHHH!!!!! Don't let the idiots know where we're hiding!!

  5. I feel like that essentially everytime. As a person who isn't able to be a permanent member of an progression team, I am always low priority to get meaningful drops. I don't have my equal 1 in 8 shot of getting something because i'm "just a fill in".


    That sounds a lot like a problem with the 7 people you raid with more than a problem with the system.


    Any regular team that doesn't treat a substitute player as a full member for that particular raid will soon have trouble finding subs. Then they'll not get to raid at all when one 'regular' member has a real life issue preventing them from playing that week. Now don't get me wrong, if the group leader at the beginning of the raid says, "Freddy gets the gloves and Billy gets the offhand, but everything else is free roll with a 1 token limit per toon.", then you have the rules set out before you and calling dibs for specific people for 2 items is not unreasonable. Either way you get to choose to play with them or not.


    But making a system where the successful boss kills randomly reward people will make the gear grind go from 8 (or 16 if implants/relics are 1 a week) weeks to who-the-hell-knows-how-long. We have killed Monolith about a half dozen times a week since week 3 of it being out in my Guild on various teams and have gotten all of TWO strength based main-hand drops... Most players have at least 1 if not 2 cunning main-hands because of RNG. It has gotten so bad that we are constantly making jokes about who still has a cunning alt to gear out with a MH today... Let's avoid this crap for the future, shall we please?


    By the way, I hope your experience with raid teams improves in the future. :)

  6. well the third option you start with nothing..no credits, no comms, no gear, no companions, 0-0-0 on any crafting chosen.


    I don't think people realize that the instant lvl 60 is not going to be all that fun since you will have no credits, probably poor if any gear, no comms, no legacy unlocks (speeder piloting) no crafting skills/schematics, no crafting mats.


    Remember that speeder piloting is trained normally at your class trainer... so that'll be free. They are not going to make the new 60's completely devoid of everything, they just won't. While I agree that they may leave you with "crappy gear" (and they should) it will be functional at least. My guess is "green level 60 gear", about rating 186 or so. You'll replace it with story rewards from doing the new content... just like Ziost.

  7. Ok, so a lot is being said about the lack of new ops and the revamping of the old ones for level 65 with the next expansion. Here's a suggestion to keep things fresh (as possible) while recycling the old ops into level 65 ones. Pick an op to be the "focus op for the next 3 weeks" where that op is the one that yields the top tier gear, and all the other ops would yield gear a tier lower. Then after 3 weeks, change the ops that is a "focus op" to the next one. I suggest the actual historical order for the rotation. So we start in EV, then after 3 weeks it switches to KP... 3 weeks later we get to EC, etc.


    This would let groups relearn (if they ran them at level) or at least start to progress on them before swapping to a new one and yet swap the "focus op" soon enough to be quite a while before the rotation gets back to EV again. Gear awarded would be gated to one operation per week for the top tier gear, but would also not overly punish/reward players who fare poorly/well in a specific op. Also, this would allow groups to run the non-focused ops for practice and/or 1 tier gear lower.

  8. its for if you are on someones ship and they go into a space mission


    Quoted for being the correct answer.


    For clarification, the space missions he is referring to are the rail shooter PvE missions that nobody ever runs anyway.

  9. In the open, yes. If you're near cover, just a little is enough to get behind cover so you aren't gunship fodder while you regenerate and look for new lines of attack.


    Actually by definition you are following his advice... boost once for the entire distance needed to move, not several times. Just because the distance you need to move is smaller doesn't make this less true.

  10. the planet itself isn't that bad. doesn't require much traveling unlike hoth.


    You might be trying to make a sarcastic joke, but I am not seeing it that way, so...


    Are you high? Next mission waypoint is just "over there" on Corellia (for this example, we'll say west about 2 city blocks), BUT you have to go 1 block east, 2 north, 1 west, 1 north, 2 west, 2 south, 1 west, 2 south, 1 east, and finally 1 north to actually get there.


    Give me Hoth's basically straight lines any day.

  11. You cannot dodge anything (like twin saber throw's knockback) so just use a tank comp and be in a DPS spec to speed things up (about 10 minutes if you never attack him at all but run orbs and 5 minutes if you DPS well enough, which means your DPS is about = to all the NPC's DPS combined... *sigh*). Only interrupt those attacks that stun and are targeted at you. Stun break any that catch you while your interrupt is on CD, aggro drop on CD to help your tank and Marr keep aggro on them (I mean LET them get stunned, who cares?) and this helps a lot.


    Or have a player partner that helps you... DPS faster, run orbs faster, twice as many interrupts, and an extra tank comp to taunt Revan. Yeah you have to run it twice but it is still shorter than AFKing for one fight.


    And to all those that say "just AFK and grab a drink" the OP is complaining that this aspect of playing this game is not fun, and you are agreeing by your actions.

  12. Thanks for the warning. Raktrolls incoming, avoid fleet (and trolls saying "herpderp, use a vaccine if you don't want anything to do with it, herpderp").


    Edit: not directed at post directly above mine, where poster appears to be making genuine attempt to help.


    You know that there is a daily and achievements to infect other players, right? The trolls you are speaking of are the devs who made it this way.

  13. <snip> The flight speeds were also extremely slow. In GSF even bombers can hit about 6 times the speed of sound in air at sea level, which is rather fast for something notionally based on WWII fighter battles. Battlefront seems to be going in the other direction, and making sure that it's easy enough for someone flying a crop duster to down TIEs and X-wings by sliding back the canopy and throwing bricks at them (this is to make it easy for infantry and slower ground vehicles to hit the "space fighers" but it really prevents a space fighter type experience if you're piloting). <snip>


    You know that GSF's ratio of size and speed a WAY out of whack, right? Need some proof? Check out the visuals the next time you are "500 meters" from your target and try to imagine FIVE FOOTBALL FIELDS in between your ship and the target. Your ship is the size of a small NFL stadium... I think that BW bumped up the numbers by at least a factor of 10 (imagine that close range for your weapon is 50m, not 500m etc... and you are moving at 1/10th the speed listed) and to be honest I have no idea why they made the boost speed so much faster than the "normal" speed but they did. I think that they made the numbers bigger because of what I like to call the DBZ Syndrome .

  14. i know bioware is working hard for the upcoming knights of the fallen empire expansion but i was wondering if we were going to see any new races being added to the game in the future such as the nautolans, khaleesh, togruta, devaronians etc like races that are npc's in the game would be nice to see some other playable races other the ones we have now which i know there are a lot but still some of the races mentioned above would be awesome to play as


    Thank goodness you can at least use a space bar...

  15. I have always been a us citizen my whole family is to we were all born in the usa.


    We were all raised in the usa none of our family came from over seas or another country.


    Our language has always been english we don't speak other languages.


    That's why we have language translator's on our phone's so we can talk.


    To others in their languages by simply typing it in the translator app.



  16. A flat accuracy increase makes more shots hit, especially vs evasion builds which are certainly common enough to warrant a counter in the meta. The actual percentage increase could be debated/tweaked to achieve the desired amount of additional threat that strikes can generate when firing at anyone. This should be enough to get them in a good place overall with the exceptions of T2 strikes. I love the idea of reduced lock-on/reload times for missiles most as that also gives the strike a more credible threat, especially the T2.


    This also does not affect other ships in any way when not facing a strike, which is a goal of most of the population.


    I was thinking:

    T1 +25% (ish) primary weapons accuracy.

    T2 -25% lock-on and reload times for missiles.

    T3 10-12% to both

  17. I think folks are misunderstanding what I was saying; I wasn't talking about level 55, I was talking about planets after Makeb. The person I replied to seems to say that the planets added after Makeb do give 12XP if you aren't 55 but the yellow posts seem to indicate that the planets after Makeb do not give 12xp if you visit them (excluding Yavin, of course) before level 55.


    Pretty sure it is impossible to do the entire class + Makeb quest lines at x12 XP and NOT be 55+. Which is exactly why they chose the number 12...

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