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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. So it cannot be used for "long term" storage.


    This is not really accurate as someone could post a bunch of items and when they fall off, merely not claim them from the GTN mail which returns the deposit and item. That email will sit for 30 days before deleting.

  2. You guys are wrong about focusing ritual being an RP ability. It is a regen ability. Mission review for chiss regenerates all forms of resource pools, there is no reason why focusing ritual shouldn't as well.


    Ok bud... you must be right. I mean I haven't played since release and earned over 1200 levels across all my toons. (note my sig)


    Or... the natural regen is what you are seeing. Test it out... drain your energy adn just stand there... then do it again and focus. Same time to regen.

  3. Bumping this up! I was just thinking this myself, we NEED a timer or something so we're not wasting time searching. Either that, or make it so that we can summon all World Bosses, and after you kill them, you get a debuff that won't let you kill them for a certain period of time so people can't farm them. That way, people can kill the World Bosses whenever they want, and they don't have to wait for a respawn timer.


    You make too much sense, stop that!


    We'll have none of that here.

  4. We stumbled upon a revelation last night, I'm not sure if others are aware of this but the accuracy stat at the end of games is your manual accuracy.


    In a really short game because it aborted my friend Stay'puft fired 3 heavy laser shots, 1 of which should have hit but did no damage because of evasion. However at the end of the match it showed he fired the 3 shots, hit 1 (33%) and did 0 damage.


    He was streaming at the time so we have video of it and here is the screenshot.




    I think this is great because up until now I thought the accuracy stat kept getting messed up because of evasion.


    I can confirm that missiles that "miss" due to breaks also count as a "hit" on that stat screen.


    100% accuracy

    This was a game where we obviously were totally over matching the opposition so I decided to only shoot when I was absolutely sure that it should have been a hit. I know for a fact that engine breaks were used on some of my missile launches and yet I got a 44 hits 0 misses tally in the end.

  5. At least it's not quite as bad as the uncountable:


    What's the best advanced class for..... (Something explained in various comprehensive ways on the numerous guides accessible via google)


    Where is the.... (something on fleet, which is obvious, if one checks the map.)


    What utilities for... (see the first example.)


    What crew-skill for...(see the first example....again...)


    ...questions in general chat...


    Noobie questions I can handle, it is the responses that matter both from the general chat users and the noobie. I mean it is better if they ask, "Hey guys what crew skill is the best?", versus not asking anything and getting frustrated/leaving the game.

  6. While I love the idea and would love to see this... it would take a massive amount of dev time to do. Even the cheap way of taking all the double saber animations and just transferring them to a new class so they could use a techstaff (or whatever) would be a *huge* project.


    And huge projects that won't pay dividends in the end, sadly will not happen.

  7. Ah yes.. expressing one's frustrations by spraying the forum with a machine gun loaded with insults certainly will get your frustrations addressed. :rolleyes:


    You want/need a mob... get more creative about it... like switch instances, or park and log until a low activity time on the server. It has worked wonders for me these last three years. ;)


    Frustration is a self-inflicted challenge.

    (Emphasis mine)


    Actually I think that's what he was doing, swapping instances to farm more in the same amount of respawn time... which ironically is what cost him the spawn.


    I bet he was irate at the people who took it too even though he wasn't even there.

  8. One problem is that we've had reps/devs assure us (without being asked) that far more info would be in our hands by now. Another problem is that the info we have gotten has been about things that we normally get in xpacs not being a part of this xpac (ops, fps, wzs, etc). And the other info we do have is very sketchy and points to things we are about to lose (companions, crafting shakeups, stat diversity loss, etc). And finally we have companies like Blizzard/Activision that have presented actual future xpac info with an order of magnitude more meat to it. People like you pointing out you don't care about being misled or given no info and that anyone not like you won't be happy with anything less than world peace are just a little full of yourselves and aren't helping anyone.


    I never said I felt like I was being misled. Maybe I am just a bit more patient than your average gamer, but I can wait till they are *done* making the expansion before I jump down their throats. If you think communication about what may or may not come with the expansion will change anything for you when it happens, you're mistaken. Knowing the companion system is changing is just causing you to stress out, but it isn't changing what they're doing. It's like asking god to let you know which of your real life relatives is going to die next so you can spend more time with them (or at least stop giving them gifts to raise their affection?) etc. - but in a game where you already have done all the conversations and such... there really is no benefit to knowing the future. Really are you going to run more flashpoints, heroics or whatever with your favorite companion if they are definitely going away in October?


    It's a MMORPG - they change over time. It is the nature of the genre. Sometimes they screw things up royally (I'm sure we all can think of examples) and sometimes you think to yourself "Why didn't they do this for release?" The rest of the time they are just adding content to keep us as customers.


    That's what they are doing this cycle. They know how the average *paying* customer spends their time, so they are catering to the majority since that is how they make their money. Since they are a business, making money is the goal. They are not here to do anything but turn a profit. It just so happens that you may (or may not) like the product that they produce.


    Now to come back to your world peace comment; most people on the internet only talk about negative stuff. I know that is normal human nature but that *has* to be a real drag on Mr Musco's desire to communicate "more" with the forum users. Let's face it, he could post exactly what you (the individual) wants, but there would still be a bunch of complainers. Forum users are loud complainers as a group, I mean you're not here to make real life friends you're here to try and modify this game the way you'd like to see it turn out. Mr Musco is definitely in a situation of damned if you do and damned if you don't and I would be completely shocked to hear (from a reliable source) that he doesn't have a *bunch* of restrictions (from BW or Disney) in what he specifically can and cannot say.


    I don't know how else to say it other than to quote Yoda, "I cannot teach him, he has no patience..."


    That also works for a TL;DR.

  9. First of all an Operative is a melee class. While you have a few abilities that hit at range, none do enough damage to do anything beyond get the mob's attention. So get used to being up close and personal and adopt a melee's mentality.


    Out of all 8 of the ACs, Op is probably the worst for AOE trash killing goodness, so you have your work cut out for you. I recommend stabby spec as it gives enough burst (even at lower levels) to help you manage your trash packs effectively (don't forget your CCs). Your grenade helps with more than 2 weak/normal enemies so don't ignore it. Carbine burst is an ability that requires skill/practice to set up properly (Kaliyo in tank spec can gather them up for you which helps a ton) and drains energy so use sparingly. Focus on generating TA as much as possible and never allow yourself to cap (If you can make more TA, do so, and if you cannot, use one - when everything is on CD and you are out of TA, *then* you can use another ability like the basic attack, DOT reapplication, etc.)

  10. The problem is that there are no real repercussions for acting like that in game. In real life if you were at the airport bar and acting like that, you'd be dealt with, and fairly swiftly. But in game, there simply aren't any moderators online to monitor chat, which is sad, but apparently not in the budget...


    Not much you can do other than to /ignore the player and hope he gets bored. :(

  11. Indeed, this sounds weird, level 60 without doing any quest? Thanks but no thanks.


    Yes and no. This is no different than any other beginning to a story (exception, Fallout 3 starts with your birth). There are aspects that you start with at level 1 in all 8 story lines, just think of this as the same idea.

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