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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. I don't think they can do sound, although I would love it. I'd settle for having a proper Gaffi stick and the threatening animation, even without the sound.


    Do you play your game without sound??


    Of course they can do sound with regen items. Listen to a character doing push-ups for example...


    Edit: Oh yeah love the regen idea!

  2. It is more of an observation and/or sarcasm than a suggestion. We are supposed to be in this futuristic space base universe and we don't even have basic social media functionality.


    Because they are *way* more advanced than we are.


    (And *way* less narcissistic as a society too)

  3. When trying to search realize that you are scanning with circles (spheres really, but circles is best to understand the concept. There will be overlap so you can be thorough (which you have to be, lest you will miss it and waste hours - or worse give up) and I suggest using landmarks and a systematic back and forth pattern. Think of what hex-graph paper looks like and use that pattern do a row about 20m apart per search then move over 15m and be offset about 10m from the last row...


    If you do this, it will always be where you *haven't* looked. Nothing worse than finding it where you have already looked...

  4. So you have plenty of time to save up some credits for the initial rush on new things on release. It always happens but since you know it is coming so you have plenty of time to run the Yavin weekly a few times for some spending money when it does.


    And I would assume that 5 new levels = new crafting stuff to keep up as well.

  5. A 2, 3 or 4 hour cycle gives you the feel of a day/night cycle in game and allows people to experience both, no matter when they play. Mimicing earth time would force a lot of people to always play day or night in game, since they play after work/school/etc, which is would get stale (like it is now, but worse since you *could* experience time-change if you played at different times IRL).


    Love the idea, but the realist in me says they won't do it (prohibitively time consuming/expensive vs small gain).

  6. There's a trooper mission (end of chapter 2 iirc) where you do this (sort of) and at the beginning your whole crew is assaulting the insertion location then you split off to do the mission. It truly has a squad feeling to it and I wish they would replicate this with heroics like you suggest here. (beats a GSI demigod robot any day)
  7. wow...a both friendly and helpful reply on SWTOR forums? not even trolling? well thats something I cant see

    everyday day lol


    thanks dude much appreciated, you gave me huge morale boost and I will continue to play my BH.




    Learning the BH rotation is well worth the effort.




    Here's a *great* guide that will get you all that "bad tank" aggro in no time. :cool:

  8. You forgot "and reported!", which I find comical because there is usually 10 seconds between the offending behavior and someone typing in "Reported..." in gen chat. I *wish* it was that easy to report anything other than spam.
  9. No, you're mistaken... there is a HUGE difference between those two items...


    One moves credits from one player and sends them to another, the other makes new credits out of thin air... Using the second option, you could, with a deep pocket, generate a billion credits in a day... Then buy up everything on the GTN and dominate the market...


    This would drive up prices and make it worse for everyone else.


    Horrible idea.


    So making credits "out of thin air is bad" but making items out of thin air to sell to players with credits is ok?


    The only difference between running a couple hours worth of dailies to earn a few hundred thousand credits and using some CCs to do it, is... time invested. Potential benefit is undermining credit sellers. :rak_01:

  10. It's simple, they don't have an imagination so they have to copy the movies... sarlacc pits, the whole Karaga's Palace scene is basically a redo of RotJ Jabba's Palace, smuggler gets a wookie companion to swear a life-debt, etc, etc. There are tons of times when I knew what was going to happen simply because I am an avid Star Wars fan... and they simply *must* follow precedent or they get thrown to the lions or something. I guess that's why the Imperial Agent's story line is so refreshing... while cliche' at times it is not overdone and was very well written.


    (seriously, how many "Evil Emperors" do we face over the millennia?? I'm looking at you, next expansion...)

  11. 1. Use interrupt on mobs' casting or channelled abilities that harm you a lot (the most dangerous ones are Terminate, Death Mark and Sweeping Slashes if I remember the names correctly).

    2. Use a healer companion if you are a dps/tank.

    3. Remember to start your fights from attacking the weakiest mobs. The fewer mobs hit you, the better. Leave Strong and Elites as the last.

    4. Remember about Heroic Moment when the fight gets nasty.


    1, 2 and 4 are spot on.


    I would disagree with your #3. Strongs hit *way* harder than the others. Elites are a little ways behind but also have a lot more health. Start with the strongs and use AOE as best you can, the weak ones die from AOE pretty quickly; once you are left with an elite, your healer comp should be able to keep up with it. Last thing is most classes have abilities that "pseudostun" as a side effect: Like plasma grenade, sticky grenade, mortar volley (examples for a commando). When they are not hitting you and you are doing damage via these abilities, then you are winning.


    I would add a 5. CC the elite or other highest health target if possible.


    And a 6. Turn off your healer companion's "7-second stun ability". It is usually the 9th ability on the list and it makes them stop healing for 7 seconds... usually during the worst 7 too.

  12. I definitely think that there are many older missions which could use a tweak to bypass the "must have 4 warm bodies to complete".


    Biggest on my list are the GSI Seeker Droid series and Macro-binoculars series, which are totally soloable for about 6 hours of planet searching (like EVERY planet and to all 'corners' of each planet) then you get to the culmination and *must have a balanced 4-player team to finish* /sigh. They are not possible to bypass with a max geared 60... oh no they require simultaneous button presses in separate areas, etc. (yeah teamwork, which I am *not* against - just not after 6 hours of a solo grind to 'qualify' for this quest) Worst still is once you complete these end missions you cannot repeat them to help another player that can't find a group (because of the horridly long prerequisite series). Ironically, those last few missions were challenging (at level), fun and different (especially the macro-binocular ones) which was refreshing...


    The heroic mission for Section X must have 4 warm bodies for separate clicks...


    There are more I just don't have the inclination to search for more examples (you all could add to the list!).

  13. The OP is correct that this is merely a suggestion, so everyone else should throttle back on the "advice" they are giving him.


    To the OP I would posit this:

    When the devs made the latest level of gear changes for 3.0, they made the purple stims last 4x as long to compensate for taking reusable stims off the table. For you OP, who gets 4 hours of usability (your 50% claim) and 4 hours "wasted" you are still 2x what they used to be that is not exactly "unfair". Also I think that they are trying to help maintain the market for biochemists trying to make a credit because there were complaints that selling stims which last 8 hours would kill the market.


    PS: I am not against the suggestion as I make all my own stims and rarely sell, so this would not affect me. Though I see how it would affect sellers.

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