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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Zharik

  1. You're making too much sense these people came here for an argument! <snip>


    Oh! You wanted an argument? Sorry this is abuse... arguments are 3 forums down the hall. So sorry. (old Monty Python reference)


    As for the actual topic, I don't like it from a lore standpoint. Also the voice modulation effects for a Voss would probably need *extensive* work for all the PC lines. You're talking about hours and hours of voice acting that would need adjusted, so from a budget standpoint alone not likely.

  2. You really think that this would justify credit sellers?? Reread the ToS.


    The exchange rate currently fluctuates. If you spend $40 on 5500 CCs, then use those CCs to buy a hypercrate (for example) and sell that hypercrate on the GTN for 4 million credits, then the ratio you enjoyed was 10 bucks per million credits, right? Now that could fluctuate based on number of CC needed to buy a hypercrate, competition and what the buyers are willing to spend. A direct "my CCs for your credits" sale option merely makes the deal 100% safe for seller and buyer. And this in no way takes the fluctuation out of the transaction. A new hypercrate (or other desirable CM offer) would spur CC buyers and the price per CC would go way up, until the supply matches the demand, then it would drop. The changing credit prices of new hypercrates reflects this already.


    My suggestion merely takes the "you buy the hypercrate and sell it for credits" into "you sell your CCs and the buyer gets whatever he wants". The end result is the same... somebody spent $40 on 5500 CCs and someone else gave 4 million credits to that 1st person for those CCs (or whatever they bought).


    Edit: just realized that the suggestion I am referring to is in a different thread.


  3. <snip> so for instance lets say they do put up say 1million credits for 1000cc

    they release an item that costs 1200cc but only sells for 1million credits they will actually lose 200cc in sales because someone will knowingly buy the 1 million credits for 1000cc and then buy it in credits. <snip>


    This happens already with people selling (as an example) Universal Prefab Mk-3 kits for 100k credits, but also sell the Synthetic and Industrial ones for 60k each. Better to sell the parts and buy the complete kit than to build a complete kit yourself and sell it cheaper than you could sell the components for. (yeah I know that crits yield a spare Universal kit, but they are still taking a loss on average crit rolls.)


    I don't see a huge problem with allowing people who can't be bothered to treat this like business and track cost vs sales to lose credits to those who pay attention and understand the math behind things. That happens no matter what you do. I mean I regularly see people posting crafting mats for *less* than you can vendor them (and you lose 6% on top of that!), so I buy them and promptly vendor them for a quick profit.

  4. The only way I would support this is to have their inventory only allow stuff bound to them specifically. So if Corso Riggs opens his inventory, it only contains things that may only be put on Corso Riggs. Be it starter gear (for looks?), Corso customizations, the Yavin 4 weekly set that he can wear, etc. this would allow you to have his special gear on him at all times.
  5. Funny thing about these FPs is that they are actually a good bit different than most FPs, and I mean that in a positive way. The vehicle jumping part was really cool/different, but not so bad in that you only really need one player to succeed in the jumping to get there. The missions should be repeatable at least or maybe just doable for everyone (but questline is required to get the binocs and seeker droid abilities to be permanent).


    And the fact that most people haven't done this is a plus. It will be like "new content" for the majority.


    I vote tactical style and put into the GF rotation.

  6. Popular =/= feasible.


    All of his suggestions are perfectly feasible. They already had a convert ship requisition to fleet requisition for CCs in Galactic Starfighter, basic, elite and other comms are used to buy items from vendors, you could include the item types he suggested. Totally feasible, so not sure if that is what you really meant to say.


    A while back I suggested a similar thing regarding the extra reputation tokens (once you are capped on rep, they are worth precious few credits).

  7. Until you factor in all the complimentary CC's that players get for subscribing, security keys, refer a friend, etc.


    Those exist right now, so they are already IN the economy (CM economy). They buy things and those things get sold on the GTN too. And I think just the option of trading CCs for Credits would encourage people to buy some directly when they want some extra creds. Best part is this doesn't generate more credits, it merely moves them from player to player.

  8. Yes. This would make browsing for new armor/clothes a lot easier and faster. Also dye modules and the like where duplicates are making previewing back and forth a lot harder.


    This would have a side effect of only showing the cheapest crafting mats too, so those d-bags who try to mimic a cheaper price with the decimal confusion would not be shown.


    I say yes for a toggle to show only cheapest vs show all. Let *us* decide as individuals.

  9. Yeah or something like that, I meant for people to actually buy CC unlocks like account unlocks and stuff, to be able to sell 1 1/2 days later though


    Well with my suggestion there is no risk for either side... I've made trades with people before but they took a risk. I would tell them the exact item I wanted from the Cartel Market then we'd agree upon a price. They would buy it, then 36 hours later trade with me on the agreed upon amount. Now there is a big risk to the person who bought the CC item(s) since the other party could back out and leave them holding something that maybe someone else would not want at that price. My way, you trade the CC for the credits directly, then the CC purchaser can buy whatever he wants and the seller takes no risk (neither does the buyer).

  10. Wouldn't a simpler version of this just allow people to sell their CCs on the GTN directly? (forgive me if I misinterpreted and this is what you meant)


    Example you offer 100 CC on the GTN for 100k credits. This deducts the CC from your account and when I buy them adds them to mine. If they don't sell they go back in your account. Safe, secure and avoids credit spammers from making a profit because they are eliminated and replace by BW as the middleman.


    This would also allow F2P to have other people supply them with CC that they can afford with their credit cap, through consistent work and trading. This generates BW some more money and makes a viable F2P option for unlocking game mechanics, and appearance options.

  11. Well I am not so conceited that I will not admit when I was wrong, so someone pass the crow. I just tested Focusing ritual on my scoundrel and it did indeed regen health and energy. So you are correct. I cannot test it with a BH because none of my BH's are Mirialan. Now I have used all the racial social abilities and I *never* saw anything that would indicate they actually did regen anything (My first Mirialan was a guardian, so that did not help). Perhaps I was just oblivious or perhaps these were fixed after I had dismissed them as nothing more than RP actions, but regardless I was wrong.


    Please accept my apologies.

  12. There's just no satisfying some people.


    Yeah funny thing is according to his sig he has put in "a full-time job" amount of time into the game for over a year (napkin math says about 32-33 hours/week) and yet here he is... complaining.


    So yeah, you got this one right.

  13. Well for all crafting skills there are schematics that are found from places other than the trainer... some are on other crew skills and others are reputation rewards, comm rewards and such. I think that the slicing folks were expected to be able to make a few extra credits selling the schematics to crafters, but realistically they are just sold to vendors now since the demand is exactly capped at 1 per crafter and actually lower since not all crafters *want* them.


    Honestly I think that the three skills you listed need help in a more meaningful way. There are precious few ways to craft for profit and the things that character's/companions wear are NOT among them (nor will they ever be since that would compete with the Cartel Market). Cybertechs and Artificers make credits by learning top level mods, armorings, enhancements and such, and Biochemists can sell consumables to make credits, but the other 3 don't really get a sustainable market niche past augments and kits. (armstech sell too few barrels to really count those as enough)

  14. Well sounds like your priorities are a bit backwards. One mount and no pets are all I have on my bars. Yeah the heroic moment takes up 9 slots when you put them all on there, and 2 more for LS/DS abilities. That makes 11 which is basically 1 full bar all just for when you have your companion out (and are not used during group content).
  15. I and others tried to help you and you told us we were wrong. We were all polite and informative as well. So yeah I got sorta pissy when you did, especially when I know I am right. All the racial abilities Rally, Focusing Ritual, Inspire Loyalty, Shadow Boxing, etc are all RP actions. That's all they have ever been, at least up to this point.


    So you can do with this what you want, but what you posted as a bug on the bug forums is not actually a bug. Happened to me once too and once I realized what happened I edited the OP (didn't take long, maybe 20 minutes) to admit such.

  16. 5-7 days would be good. 30 daya just opens the door to people using it as a "list items i dont have room for for 999999999999cr storage" fiasco.


    There is an easy fix for the stupid prices listing too. Make the credit deposit relative to the price that the poster lists it at (heck 1% would work), not the arbitrary value assigned.


    Also I think 30 days is *way* too long. A week is the longest I would like to see and I think pretty fair to casual players, though any number up to 7 is ok with me (5 is probably what I would consider ideal).

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